Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 41-50 - NovelAQ.Com (2024)

-Gabby’s POV-
“Come on, f*ck her harder”:
F*ck, this a sweet new toy’
“The pack’s new whor*’
“Pound that p*ssy, Asher, I know I will”
He went harder and faster. Slamming against me and deepening every thrust.
“Look at these tit* My yelp was covered by a large hand as someone grabbed my breast and squeezed.
Everything was getting blurry from the tears that were building up in my eyes again and I was being groped from every si
I looked toward the door only to see a man standing there with his arms crossed over his chest seemingly enjoying watching what was happening, Asher started thrusting even harder, he grabbed a hold of my hair and bent down. My eyes shut closed and I was screaming under the hand.
The man by the door smirked as he stepped closer.
“Shh, this is just the beginning. You’re gonna take it. All of it’ Asher whispered and smiled.
I woke up in a panic and sat up in the bed with sweat dripping down my entire body. My eyes were darting around the room. I wasn’t in the club anymore, and I wasn’t there with them but it all felt too real
I swallowed the lump of anxiety that had built up in my throat and laid back down.
The hell I would never escape.
The words that one of the men had told Asher when we first entered the red room, ‘Break her, that he had. I didn’t feel any sliver of hope. I felt broken, shattered even.
This would never be my home again, I wouldn’t be able to move on from what had happened because it would haunt me forever.
I could still feel their hands on my body. Squeezing, slapping, pinching and their fingers sliding inside of me. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
“Gabby?” My head jerked to the side and I saw Casandra standing by the door.
Her eyes were hooded and she was watching me in confusion.
* Everything’s alright,” She said and slowly walked over to the bed.
“You’re awake now,” I slumped back down and stared up at the ceiling.
I don’t think anything would ever be alright again.
“I can’t imagine what you went through and the memories are surely haunting you but I just need you….I need you to not give in and not give up. I need you to fight it, Gabby. Please, just tell me what I can do to help you.” She had no idea about where I was right now. She was wondering what she could do to help me?
“Can you turn back the tinie?” I asked her.
Slowly I turned my head and looked into her eyes. I saw her eyes widen from my first w
words spoken since I got here.
“I…no,” I turned back my head and stared up at the ceiling.
you can do is leave me alone.”
*Then what you can
“I don’t want to do that,” I heard the tremble in her voice, the kind that would’ve broken my heart at any given point but not this time. This time I felt nothing.
“Gabby, please,” She breathed. I closed my eyes.
His hands were still on me. All of their hands were. I couldn’t not feel them. The tugs, the feeling of my scalp being set on fire from the pulling of my hair. The slaps to my body.
Whether my eyes were closed or open I couldn’t bring myself to find any peace. Their faces were in front of me all the time.
Why couldn’t I cry? Why couldn’t I feel a single thing besides the shiver that went down my body all the time?
The fear that he would come back. I did feel something I guess, fear. Constantly present.
I was asleep and heard somebody calling out to me. It was a female voice. Someone was in my room again. I continued sleeping, keeping my eyes closed and hoping for a peaceful drift.
‘Gabby, wake up
My eyes shot open. That wasn’t just a voice, it was a growl. I pushed off the bed and sat up, looking around the room.
Nobody was there. I was alone so then whose voice was that?
‘Gabby, hi’
What is this?
“It’s me”
Who the f*ck is me and what are you do
you doing in my head?
I’m your wolf, happy birthday
I drew in a sharp breath and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It also showed a calendar and today really was my birthday.
It was 00:15 at night.
I had completely forgotten about it..
I don’t need a wolf, you can leave
‘Being raised by werewolves in a pack you don’t really
lly have an excuse for not being familiar with how this works. I can’t just leave. We
are one’
I don’t want you
“It’s not really up to you’
I didn’t say anything else in hopes that she would leave me alone or at least stay quiet.
“Gabby, we share a mind, I’m sorry for what happened to you
Again, I stayed silent.
“You’re giving up
The ceiling had little dots on it. I began to count them. The shapes were different and in the darkness, they all came together to form one big lump.
Yes, I’m giving up
I silenced a loud scream that came from me as I pressed my hands against my ears.
What the hell
“You are
not giving….
giving up”
She growled loudly.
Stop it
“You are the daughter of an Alpha, albeit a sucky one but still. You have three brothers who love you to death and a mate…”
сап smell him”
I don’t give a f*ck who you can smell, I do not have a mate nor do I want one
“What do you want?”
I took a deep breath and slumped back on the bed and shook my head.
I want to leave, I want the pain to disappear. I want to be able to breathe without anxiety and to be able to close my eyes seeing them. I want to disappear. Not to another town but just…be gone
s without
wolf stayed quiet and eventually I drifted back to sleep. I woke up to the sound of growling and loud smacks. I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes.
What is that sound?
My wolf growled in the back of my mind and I felt her rage. It was weird. I had waited for this moment for so long. Finally getting my wolf and everything that comes with it.
Now that I had her, I just wanted her gone.
“Nice to meet you too’
I heard someone screaming and looked toward the window. It was open, not completely but enough for me to hear everything that
37 Wed, May
was going on outside.
I hadn’t opened it last night.
“Stop, you’re gonna kill him!” Someone yelled and I heard a bunch of other people down there as well.
“Aiden, stop it!”
I turned my head back. Wha
Whatever was happening, whoever was dying, I honestly didn’t give a da*n.
“Edmund, fight back!”
“Aiden, that’s enough, he’s done!” Edmund?
Something sharp penetrated the mattress and I looked down. My claws were extended. My canines were out as well. I shook my head and bit together.
Don’t listen…tune out.
“Let us go!” It was Nick who was growling. What was going on….
“He’s dying…” Someone breathed. 1 felt my eyes starting to glow and my wolf pushing forward. The rage inside of me grew to an explosive degree and I flew out of the bed.

-Aiden’s POV-
“That’s enough!” Everyone around me kept yelling. Three guards were holding back Nick and Noah, or at least so they thought. The guys could’ve broken free easily had they sensed a real threat. My pack members and the warriors were all trying to interfere, believing that I was actually killing Edmund which I could understand.
Blood was dripping down his chest from the claw marks. A big flesh wound went from his shoulder down to his elbow and he was limping. His nos
nose was facing the wrong way from being broken…two times. His eye was swollen and I wasn’t slowing down.
I threw a quick glance over at Noah who had gotten too quiet for my liking. He was looking between me and Edmund with a worried frown on his face.
We were all waiting for her to come to Edmund’s rescue. Cas*y had opened the window last night when Gabby was asleep. I thought she’d be here by now but I couldn’t stop.
I looked back at Edmund and narrowed my eyes.
Nick grew silent as well and cast me a warning gaze.
“That’s enough, Aiden.” Nick said and raised his head. His eyes darted between me and his brother and I saw the worry starting to grow in them. Good.
He was pulling his arms and the guards now had to start working for real. They were holding them back. We were strong, all of us and against most werewolves, we would be superior in strength. These guys, however, were Alphas, the blood that ran through their veins also enhanced their strength and agility along with everything else.
I saw as my warriors struggled to hold them back and Nick’s eyes started glowing. I did wonder how it would be to fight him. I’d have! to find out someday.
“ENOUGH!” He roared and everyone else stepped back. I smirked and ran towards Edmund. I jumped up, he was halfway down toward the ground and looked up as he saw my fist connecting with his face. He fell down completely.
Noah was starting to growl as well and my pack members were stepping further and further back.
“Alpha, is the plan to kill
Il him?” Bob asked and came up to me. He pushed at my shoulder making me step back and he positioned
himself between me and Edmund.
His brows furrowed and he searched my eyes.
“Is this how you plan on winning her trust back? By killing her brother?” I placed my hand on his shoulder and nodded my head. T saw Edmund behind him, spitting out blood.
“You’re in my way.” 1 I said and tossed him aside.
My canines extended. My wolf stepped to the
the front a
and I ran towards him.
I heard a lowl coming from behind me and everyone’s eyes were looking toward the sound.
Here we go
I was about to reach Edmund when she jumped in between, blocking my path. She growled and bared her teeth.
e was big and she sure as *uck was strong. I
I could sense it.
She bit in the air and stepped back, closer to Edmund who was now slumped down on the ground.
“Happy birthday,” I said and shifted. I knew she needed to blow off some steam and perhaps this wasn’t the best way to go about it but it was the only plan I had.
Edmund was dragged away from the field and I was standing eye to eye with his sister.
Her wolf was truly breathtaking. Just as beautiful as her human.
Her fur was pearl white and glistened under the sun. A sun she hadn’t seen for days.
The smell of raspberries and rainwater slid up my nostrils. It filled my entire body and mind, almost like a spell.
She slowly turned her head and watched as her brother was dragged to safety.
No, I couldn’t let her go back. Gabby was walking around me so I stepped to the side and blocked her. If she went back inside, she would never leave. And I’ve been so scared every day about what she might do. I had to keep her outside.
She growled at me but I stepped closer. Gabby’s wolf bit in the air but I could see it in her eyes. She was acknowledging me as her mate but Gabby was fighting her on it. Understandably so.
I jumped at her and nibbled on her back before backing away. She jumped around and stared at me.
I could see the two fighting for control in her mind and before I knew it she took off and ran toward the woods.
Jumping over the rocks and running between the trees, she looked like she was enjoying herself but I knew it was her wolf and her. Gabby just wanted to head back to the room but her wolf wanted to live.
We ran beside each other. We fought and played, allowing her wolf to be completely free in hopes that it would bring Gabby even the slightest bit of happiness.
There was a big hill behind the woods and we ran there. Up the hill and tumbled around.
She stopped and her eyes gazed up at the sun.
Suddenly Gabby was standing there, naked at the top of the hill. She sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest,
We walked around and laid down next to her, making
making sure that our fur was covering
ring her body and ke
keeping her warm.
She snuggled in and I saw past the tug of her lips because in her eyes was nothing but emptiness.
“I don’t know how to live anymore,” She whispered, looking out over the hilltop.
“Not alone, that’s number one- Ca*sy came out from behind the woods and slowly strutted over to us. She wrapped a blanket that she was holding in her hands, around Gabby’s body and sat down next to her.
-You’re lost and we are all here to help guide you back, however long it may take. When everything seems dark, we’ll be your light and your eyes.” She placed her hand on Gabby’s shoulder and Gabby leaned her head against it.
This was a start. It was a really good start.
The celebration had already started back at the pack house. We snuck Gabby up to her room so that she could get dressed. When I went up to check on her, she was sitting on the edge of her bed.
The drapes were drawn stin and the room was dark. Gabby hadn’t turned the lights on.
“It’s just easier to lie in that bed.” She said and looked back.
I nodded my head and put my hands in my pockets. All of my choices and mistakes
playing in front of me when I saw her.
“Yeah, but when has anything good ever been easy?” I asked her.
She drew in a deep breath and stood up. She was wearing a long-sleeved dress. The memory of when she showed me her scars came back to mind and I closed my eyes.
How could I have been so stupid? How could I have f*cked this up?
Not just this but everything, for so long, and now I paid the consequences.
She cupped her hands in her front and gazed into my eyes.
“I’m not ready to forgive you, I don’t know when I will ever be or if I ever will. I’m gonna go down there and smile and talk and hug but I need you to know that I’m not happy. The feeling is lost on me.”
I stepped
to her and made sure she was looking into my eyes
“You don’t have to smile. You don’t have to speak to anyone. You don’t have to hug a single person. You will do precisely what you feel is right to do. As long as it doesn’t include staying in here. And whether or not you forgive me…” I adverted my eyes and looked down at the floor. Shame washed over me.
I will spend the rest of
of my life proving to you how sorry I am for what I have done. If in the end, as I take my final breath you still cannot forgive me, I will accept that. There will be no pressure, no stress and I will never ask you for anything. Having you here, knowing you are safe, is already more than I had the right to ask for,” she lifted her head. Something flashed in her eyes and was gone just as fast. This would be a process and it would take as long as needed. Because this time, I was gonna do it the right way.
Chapter Comments

-Aiden’s POV-
I made sure to keep my distance from Gabby,
She was reacquainting herself with people and I could tell from her entire demeanor that she would rather be anywhere else right
“Hi, Luna,” She stiffened and her head shot up.
It was one of the girls that had been with Gabby and me at the fair a few months ago.
“Hi,” she said and nodded her head. Her brows hunched together and she looked past the girl.
My head turned and I searched for Ca*sy who was standing by the wall, her eyes were on Gabby. She too was watching from a distance and so were Gabby’s brothers.
None of us wanted her to feel watched or suffocated but still be close enough in case she’d need us.
“Honey, why don’t you go play.” The girl’s mother came up and her daughter ran to her friends. She looked at Gabby and grabbed her
“I heard about what Aiden and the others had done. And I don’t know what else happened while you were away but just know, you’re home now and nobody will let anything else happen to you.” She said and gazed into Gabby’s eyes,
She bowed her head and walked away.
Gabby was looking around the room frantically and I put down my glass.
Hui Gabby!”
“Luna!” A bunch of people started coming towards her. Gabriella stepped back and shook her head slowly.
She looked toward the door.
“I’m sorry, I just… I need some air,” She went for the door and left the house. I followed after her.
I stood there on the stairs and looked around for where she could be but I didn’t see any sign of her.
“Where is she?” Edmund asked me. He was completely healed now except for a little bruising around his eye.
“I don’t know,”
I sniffed her out and followed her around the house. She was sitting in the back where 1 and Edmund had fought earlier.
She was sitting
sitting on a bench and just staring into the abyss,
“Hey, there,” I said. She turned her head and looked down at the ground.
She drew in a deep breath before looking out over the forest line.
1 sat down on the bench next to her.
“Alpha!” Bob came running out of the house and toward us. I was about to stand when I felt a shoulder on my hand pushing me
“We’ll take care of it.” Nick said and he and his brothers walked back. Cas*y nodded her head and walked after them.
“Why can’t I feel anything, Aiden?” She asked me.
I looked down at her hand and decided to give it a try.
I gently stroked my fingers over the back of her hand.
“Do you feel this?” I asked softly and moved my fingers over her knuckles and up her arm.
“Or this?” Her eyes were falling on my movements.
The hairs on her arms stood.
“Or this…” I stroked up her arm and gently across the side of her neck.
“This is feeling. This electric pulse you feel running through your body. Your skin heating up under my touch. This is you feeling. It may not be the feelings you are used to because this one is brand new to both of us. But nevertheless, it is a feeling, your senses telling you that you are alive. After everything that you have been put through and endured, you, Gabriella Santos, are alive,” she looked up at me, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.
“I’m scared,” she whispered.
“I’m scared he’ll come back,” I looked into her eyes and saw the fear that swam in there. It was so deep and it broke my I didn’t know were possible. But I wouldn’t lie to her, I would never lie to her.
“He will,” I said and gently cupped her cheek. Her bottom lip started trembling.
heart in ways
“And when does, I will kill him and all of his followers and the only thing you will ever have to see in your dreams is his head being severed from his body. Unable to ever touch you again,” my anger was stirring up but I controlled it. I didn’t want her to fear me as well.
“Maybe one day
ay I’ll dr
dream of something better,” she said quietly and turned her head and looked toward the forest. I knew what she was fearing. She was seeing my brother walking out of the woods with the people who helped torture her. But the day they would come here would be their last.
“You’re back,” Ca*sy said quietly as she smiled at Gabby. She nodded her head.
“I’m trying,” She whispered and Ca*sy grabbed her hand.
“That’s all you’ll ever have to do. And one day, it’ll feel natural. Until then, and every day after, I’ll be right by your side.” She said and gently wrapped her arms around Gabby, I saw the hesitation in her movements. In both of them. It wasn’t organic like it had used to be
but soon.
The day continued and Gabby was present through all of it. She talked to people and even cracked a smile here and there. Whether or not it was genuine I had no idea but at least she was there and not in her bed,
This whole day had given me some hope and calmed my wolf.
Now, all we had to do, was give it time and take baby steps. Who knew what the next day would bring?
-Gabby’s POV-
I woke up and contemplated staying in bed but this time I didn’t want to. My body wanted to get up even though my
brain did not.
One step
tep after the other I took it slow and made it out of the room for the second day in a row. Yesterday felt like a blur. There was a smile on my face that I forced to stay up. I was thinking that maybe if I faked it long enough eventually it would stick and feel natural.
Good morning,” I said a little confused as I walked into the dining room. There was only one person present.
Where was everyone else?
“Hello, sweetheart, Please, have a seat,” Marie said and smiled lovingly.
“Where is everyone?” I asked and looked around.
*I asked to have breakfast with you alone.” She narrowed her eyes, lifted her brows, and tilted her head down.
“You can relax your face now, sweetie,” the smile fell and my head hung low.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. The food was served in front of me and she bowed her head to the Omega who walked out and the doors were closed.
“You were dealt a bad hand from the day you were born. You were neglected, beaten, controlled, and given away. Only to be betrayed, heartbroken, abused, and tortured” my eyes were widening and my breathing picked up speed. Why was she saying all the things that I already knew? Why was she vocalizing my nightmares?
“I’ve known people, Gabriella, who have been dealt the same hand that you have. Most times even less. None of them are here today. Some left the pack or other packs and lived as rogues until the day they were killed. Some took their
wn lives and others continued living as a shell, watching everyone they loved bend over backward to save them from demons they couldn’t see. But none of them, not a single one, stood back up after they had fallen.”
“What is your point?” I bit out.
She tilted her head to the side and searched my face.
“You’ve gone through more than anyone I’ve known and you’re still here. You might feel broken and beat, lifeless even, but you’re here. You got up and you got out of the room. But I don’t want you to ever fake your smile because if you do, it might never turn real. It better for you to frown, cry, or just stare than to fake a smile. Seeing your smile should be a gift.”
I was staring down at my plate with my hands resting on my lap.
“I don’t know how to move on,” I said and felt the crease on my forehead as 1 furrowed my brows.
“Who says you have to move on?” I looked up at Marie with a quizzical expression.
“All you have to do is not give up and eventually, in time, breathing gets easier. Living gets a little more fun and memories will be replaced. You will notice how the happy moments replace the bad ones and all that has happened will still be bad,
but you
will feel your lust for life returning. Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means you don’t let those things define you. It means you take back your power over your life.”
Alpha’s Betted Bride

-Gabby’s POV-
“Do you feel like doing anything special today?” Cassy asked me as I walked outside the house.
“I was thinking about shifting and going for a run,” Her eyes lit up and I knew she wanted to come along but I wanted to go alone.
“What’s her name?” She asked me.
“Whose name?” I asked her.
“Your wolf, what’s her name?”
That’s when I remembered that I hadn’t even asked my wolf what her name was.
What is your name?
“Her name
“The run, do you want to go alone?” She asked and looked a little unsure of herself. I parted my lips, about to say yes.
“Bring her along”
I don’t want anyone to tag along
‘It’ll be fun”
For who?
“Have you ever seen her wolf?”
I hadn’t. I had never seen Cassy’s wolf.
“Uhm, you can come,” I said and she smiled. Relief washed over her body and her shoulders relaxed.
“Ready?” Cassy asked me and I nodded my head. We shifted and took off running.
It had been a week since my birthday and I had been spending a lot of my time alone. A few of the days hours I was with Cassy, my brothers, and Aiden but then I stepped away.
I was running behind Cassy but I had to stop. Her wolf was beautiful. Brown with three black paws and the fourth was brown.
Her fur was matt but it shone under the sun and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
I started running and caught up to her. She was fast and we were facing as we ran there and jumped over everything in our way. The dirt was kicked up from the ground and suddenly Cassy was gone. I continued running and looked around when I felt someone running into my side and I was tossed to the ground.
My wolf growled but playfully and got back up. She jumped at Cassy’s wolf and they started playing around. Rolling on the ground and biting each other.
She jumped up and wagged her tail before lowering her head. Her eyes suddenly shifted and she took on a predatory stand.
I looked at her and stood up, pushing my chest out and Lela started sniffing around.
Something was wrong.
C*ssy’s wolf tossed her head toward the pack house and we took of running back.
What is happening?
‘Someone just crossed the border
I was starting to panic and Lela was running as fast as she could but making sure that Cassy was keeping up.
We ran up to the pack house and halted to a stop. A loud howl echoed over the whole territory and a wolf came running towards us from the house. He pushed off from the ground and jumped over us, landing in front of me.
He growled and watched as someone stepped out from behind the trees and over the forestline.
It was a man. He was smiling as he stepped out on a limping leg. His hair tussled and his clothes were torn. He looked to have rolled
around in the dirt.
“He’s coming,” the man said and laughed.
“He’s on his way and he’s coming for you,” he laughed even louder. A menacing look in his eyes and his hands were shaking-
He picked out a knife and the wolf in front of me stepped forth.
The man raised the knife and I gasped in horror.
“He’s coming, and he’s not alone,” He whispered.
He slit his throat in front of everyone.
Even as he fell to his knees, dying, his smile never faltered.
Only when he fell limp to the ground and his heart stopped beating did everyone take their eyes off him. The wolf in front of me, Aiden’s wolf, turned around and looked behind me. Lela turned her head and my brothers were standing behind us, having heard everything. As had Marie and Aidens father.
We all were in Aiden’s office looking uncomfortably at each other.
Aiden came barging in and slammed the door behind him. Bob followed inside and took a stand next to Aiden behind the desk.
“What is going on?” Marie asked. I saw her husband giving Aiden a knowing look. The two shared a silent message. Marie’s eyes started glowing and she narrowed them at her son.
“What is going on?” She growled. Aiden ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and hung his head. His father stepped up and walked over to the desk, leaning back against it, and nodded his head to his son
“So, me and dad have been looking for Asher and his men ever since Gabby came home. We found nothing and were beating our heads trying to find some sort of a trail that we could follow. And then, two days ago something came up. We had called around to different packs to see if they knew anything. One of them did. He said that a pack had formed, not too big but it was filled with the most
3:38 Wed, May
dangerous ones. Those who were shunned from their packs and kicked out for various reasons. They also have a few rogues among them.”
Marie-stood to her feet and straightened her back.
“Where are they?” Aiden and his dad looked at each other and Aidens father spoke.
“They live a few hours away in a town they overtook. A smaller pack had lived there before them, in peace and minding their own business-” he sighed and shook his head.
-Asher and his people slaughtered every last one of them and disposed of their bodies. They overtook the pack and have grown since then. Planning and plotting for the real price.”
“What price?” C*ssy asked.
“Overtaking Aiden and his position as Alpha of our pack. Another Alpha that lives in close proximity to their pack said he had heard more and more coming from them. They’re training and recruiting more werewolves to join them. These men are the sc*m of the earth and will do anything to get what they want. They crave power and success. They have slaughtered, overrun, tortured, and lied to get their way and all in preparation for coming here.” I gulped and fell back in the chair.
“When are they arriving?”
“We don’t know but the man outside, it was a message. They’re coming soon and we need to prepare.” He said in a dark and grave voice, sending shivers down my spine.
Orders were shouted left and right. The warriors piled out and started training. They enhanced the border patrol guards and covered, more ground. Guards were also placed in town and everything was suddenly getting more real.
I was looking around at everyone running and taking their stance. Aiden had caught everyone up on what was going on and the people had been encouraged to take precautions and at the first sign of battle, they had been told to stay inside.
“How are you feeling?” He asked me as he came walking up and sat down on the stairs next to me.
“Weird,” I said and nodded my head.
The warriors were fighting combat, really going at it as they threw punch after punch.
I was having a hard time keeping up
ng up with their speed as I tried to see and learn.
“I want you to stay close to me.” He said and I turned my head and looked at him.
“Excuse me?” His eyes bored into mine.
“I’m not saying you have to move back into the room or that we have to hang out. As I told you before, you will do precisely what you feel like. But I don’t trust anyone else to protect you. I want you close to me until this all is over,”
“And after that?” His lips parted and his eyes rounded.
“After that, we’ll resume as we have.” I looked down and then out the chaos occurring. These men and women were all so fierce and yet, worried about the outcome of the pending fight.
“I can’t lose
e you again,”
-Unknown PQV-
The sun was up and shining. The beams hit down and lit up our grounds. I saw the warriors training violently on the fields and everyone was running around preparing for the final battle against the Alphas brother.
The first message had been sent and now it would soon be time.
“Are you ready?”
“What do you mean soon? What if someone finds out, I’ll be dead!
“Not my problem. You chose this, remember?”
“Just get on with it.” He laughed menacingly and I gritted my teeth
“I don’t take orders, I give them. And you have yours.” He said and the line fell dead. I tightened my fingers around the phone. I walked closer to the window and saw Aiden and Gabby sitting on the stairs.
I listened in to hear what they were saying
I can’t lose you again’
again’ my head lifted and I placed my hands on the wall.
“You already have, Alpha.” I seethed.
Alpha’s Betted Bride
-Alden’s POV-
*Come on, get off your as*es The Warriors were up and fighting and they could rest when the sun went down
uting myself up thinking about how this could ve happened. I hadnt stopped to actually let everything sink in. My brother tried to kill me as a child and then tried to kill our father 15m being kicked out and the kidnapped my mate. And now he was coming
I was sure of myself and my pack but Asher was something else. He had no empathy, there wagnobody he loved more than himself and he had nothing to lose which made him even more dangerous
“Alpha,” Bob walked up to me. I noticed he had gotten a haircut. He usual thick hair that looked like a helmet was gone and instead,
he had a fade on the sides.
“Yes?” There was an ominous look in his eyes and he leaned his head back.
“It’s Cole, he wants to see you
“I’m busy,” I said and clenched my jaw. He bowed :
ead and looked at
“How are they doing?” He asked me
He clapped his hands behind his back and straightened his back.
“They could use a firm hand.” I said and looked at Bob. He smirked and bowed his head, walking out on the field.
was one of, if not the best warrior we had. He used to be their trainer until he took over as a step-in Beta when Cole was stripped of his title.
I might make him the official Beta but that was a decision for another day.
It was second nature for him to push the men and the women to train harder. He taught them new moves and perfected their technique and nobody dared rest until they were told that they could.
My brows furrowed and I turned and looked at the house. Cole wanted to talk to me and I knew he’d apologize, beg and hope to retake his position next to me.
I nodded my head and walked back.
The guard opened the door and I walked into the dungeon.
It was filthy, a pipe had leaked so there was water covering the concrete floors. The smell of wolfsbane was strong but mostly contained to the cells. It smelled of rotten flesh and sweat.
I walked up to his cell and stopped outside, watching him sit with his legs pulled up to his chest and his back pressed against the wall on the floor.
He looked up and I saw the bruising on his face. The scrapes and the cuts. The wolfsbane was slowing down his healing by a lot. Down here, a werewolf was basically a human as their powers were stripped from the toxins entering their bloodstream.
“You wanted to talk.” I said. He pressed his hands against the floor and stood up.
He limped over to the burs and wrapped his fingers around them.
“You came,” he said in a raspy voice.
“You better start speaking or I will leave and you won’t get a second chance.”
“Aiden, I’m sorry. I…I really do feel bad for what I did to her, to both of them. To everyone. I-we haven’t been good people and we’ve been feeding off each other’s hatred and pride. We’ve all done terrible things but I swear by the moon goddess that I can, have, and will continue to change for the better. As you have.” I was searching his eyes. All of his walls were down and he was exposing his truest
“I’ll have th
guard bring you food.” I turned around.
“Aiden please!” He screamed behind and started slamming against the bars.
The door closed behind me and I told the guard to bring him food.
I walked into my office and sat down behind my desk. The picture I had on my desk was of me, my parents, and Cole. I was thinking about changing it but I hadn’t gotten to that yet.
I held it in my hands and stared at it.
all of it.
With everything that happened when I was younger, Cole was there for all
I was a carefree kid and I remember playing around with others like children are meant to. As I grew up I changed and became more violent, I still remember the anger I felt on a daily basis. I woke up with it and went to bed with the same amount of anger regardless of
how the day had been..
Before Asher started stepping in, it was Cole who pulled me away from the fights.
“Come on, get off him!” He was pulling at my shoulders
rs but all I could see was the guy’s
face in front o
of me.
“Aiden, let go of
of him!” Cole’s voice rang in my cars. My hands were colored crimson from the guy’s blood that was spurting out.
“I’m not done yet!”
“Yes you are!” He grabbed a hold and pulled me back, slamming me down on the ground. He leaned down with his knee on my chest and told the others to take their friend and leave.
“What did he even do to deserve that?” I looked at the guy being held up by his friends.
1 talked to Tracey and he told me to back off,”
“What were you saying to her?” He asked me and grabbed my hand, pulling me back up.
For being thirteen and not an Alpha, Cole was strong.
“Lasked her to go to the light with me tonight,”
t.” His brows pulled together and he shook his head.
“You asked his girlfriend on a date?”
“You can’t do that,”
“I can do whatever the hell want.”
“Says who?”
“Asher,” he scoffed and stepped back.
“You have to stop letting him tell you things because that is not right.”
“What do you know,”
“You’ll see, one day. I think we all will,” Cole said and frowned.
I put the picture down and ran a hand over my face. He wanted ou but I couldn’t allow that. I couldn’t let him in the pack again, not after what he did to Cassy. He also betrayed me by telling Gabby about the bet.
Another thing that Cole had said popped up in my head.
“Hey baby, come over here,” the girl came over and sat down on my lap. Cole rose a b
a brow an
“Get one,” I said and smiled. He shook his head and Samantha was peething next to me.
and drank his soda.
“Come on, call one over. They’re like puppies, you whistle they come running,” I rolled my eyes and called over a girl for him. She came over and sat down next to him, batting her eyelashes.
Cole was looking her up and down and then placed some of her hair behind her neck. She leaned in closer and pressed his lips against hers.
When he pulled back he had a weird look on his face, He turned and looked at me.
“This is gonna bite us in the ss one day,” he said.
“What is?
good thing.” 1
“Playing god. This, the temptation, the power…it’s gonna backfire. You’re changing, we all are. And I don’t think it’s a good clenched my jaw and tightened my fingers around the girl’s waist.
“We’ll be fine,” I said.
Chapter Comments

-Gabby’s POV-
I had just come back from a run and was taking shower. I ran my hands through my wet hair and soaped up my body. The feeling o the warm water against my bones was amazing. They softened and the soreness disappeared.
Lela had been begging for another run ever since we came back. She had immense energy that I just couldn’t keep up with.
But feeling her emotions and her freedom when on a run put a smile on my face. She was fast, strong, and very much an Alphas wolf. She had this aura around her which demanded respect and without even trying people just knew her power.
I walked out into the room with the towel wrapped around my body, I looked around and saw the empty walls and then made the bed.. The curtains were pulled to the sides. I hadn’t been able to do that until today. The sun streamed in and filled the room with a bright light.
It was hard to believe that things were moving forward. In one way I was happy about it because it felt like my life was actually continuing. But in another way, I still felt like I was stuck on the path I was trying to leave.
I shook my head and tried to not think about it so much.
Nothing had been decided, nothing was happening right now and it worked myself up too much, I’d be back in that bed…or worse.
“Hey,” Cassy said coming down the stairs.
“Hi, where have you been?” I asked her. I had looked for her earlier to ask if she wanted to go on a run with me but I couldn’t find
“Just needed a moment to talk to my family,”
“Oh, sure. How are they?”
“They’re good, my brothers are causing hell and my parents are cussing them out,” She said and smirked. A pang of guilt hit me upon seeing her sad little frown.
“If you want to go back, you can,” She looked up hastily and shook her head.
“I don’t, I want to be here with you,” I smiled and walked out of the house. We took a stroll through the town.
“How are you feeling about everything?”
“You mean the messenger?” I asked. Cassy stiffened next to me and I shrugged my shoulders.
At first, I didn’t speak, I didn’t know what to say. Should I lie and pretend to be strong or tell her the truth?
A Luna should be strong, they were as much a pillar as the Alpha and everyone here kept calling me by that name. It felt weird every time. I didn’t feel like a Luna.
I wasn’t strong, I wasn’t a rock and I sure as hell wasn’t stable enough to take care of a pack. Besides, being a Luna of this pack would entail I am with the Alpha. And I didn’t know if I could d
do that.
“Gabby?” She asked and brought me back to the conversation.
“I’m terrified,” I answered truthfully.
She grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze.
“And that’s okay. When he comes, we’ll all be prepared.”
“What if I freeze? The other day when that messenger showed up, froze, Cassy. How am I supposed to help protect a pack if I can’t fight?”
“If you freeze on the field, you’ll have an entire pack backing you up. Nobody is expecting you to do this on your own.”
We walked around the corner to the cafe and I bumped my shoulder into someone else’s,
I looked up and stared right into Sam’s hollow eyes.
“You,” She seethed. Her friends stepped around her and all of them had the same look.
“You are the reason why he turned on us. You made him throw his own best friend into the dungeon!”
“Yeah, do you have any idea the punishment he could face?” Another said through gritted teeth.
“You’ve f*cked with his head and you-”
“Haven’t done sh*t. Your p*ssy attitude and obsessiveness are what drove him away. You’re a backstabbing, manipulative, nasty b*tch who got exactly what she deserved and as far as Cole is concerned, I couldn’t care less what happens to him.” I stepped closer, standing eye to eye and leaving little space between us.
“You won’t get away with this. How could someone actually be this dumb?
She was believing her own words. Thinking she had done no wrong and that she was in the right.
She honestly thought that she deserved better than what she had gotten.
I think you’re forgetting
ng that
it wasn’t her choice,” Cassy said from behind me.
“Aiden decided d to cut you out, and you-” She said and looked at the girls around Sam.
He was the one who decided that Cole deserved to be locked up for what he did. Knowing Aiden, which you all do, do you really think the Alpha would let anyone else affect his decisions?”
They looked dumbfounded at Cassy and then Sam’s eyes landed on me one last time. I could see the promise in them. She was planning something, she’d do anything to get Aiden back.
They left, and her shoulder slammed into mine on the way.
“You both should really watch your backs.” She said.
“God I hate that b*tch!” Cassy screamed as we walked into the cafe I was mortified. Everyone turned their heads and watched us.
“Okay, keep it down,” I said slowly and placed my hand on her arm.
“Seriously, who does she think she is?”
“Luna,” I said and smirked.
Cassy scoffed and we walked up the counter to order.
“Yeah, if she’s Luna then 1
Im the moon goddess,” I laughed and then stopped. That was a real laugh. When was the last tie I had
“Don’t overthink it’
Lela said softly.
We grabbed our coffees and went to sit but I couldn’t help the chill and eery feeling ti
that swept over me.
1 looked around the shop and saw everyone carrying on with their own conversations.
I looked out the window on the left and there was no one there.
“Are you okay?” Cassy asked.
I furrowed my brows and turned around, my eyes locked with an older woman who stood outside the coffee shop and watching me. She had a hood over her head and a long black dress with a mantle.
“Gabby?” Cassy asked but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. She had many wrinkles, her chapped lips pulled up revealing her
cracked and blacked teeth.
“Who is that?” I whispered. Cassy looked and gasped as she jumped in her chair. The lady raised her finger and beckoned me over.
“That’s the pack witch,” Cassy said.
She had told me about the witch a few days ago. So it was her that was responsible for Asher finding me.
“Gabby, don’t,” She grabbed a hold of my arm but I yanked it free.
I needed to talk to her.
“sh*t.” She cussed and I heard her chair being pushed out as she followed me outside.
“You’re the witch,” I said to the woman.
She didn’t speak a word, instead, she just turned around and started walking away.
I followed after her and heard Cassy’s whining. The clouds drew together and darkened. An ominous feeling seeped up my body as 1
watched the witch enter the old library.
Crows were sitting on the metal bars outside. They watched us as we entered. The witch looked over her shoulder before walking through the doors
“Are we really doing this?” Cassy asked.
“Hello?” I couldn’t see her. It was like she had disappeared. This library was big and layers of dust were everywhere.
There was spiderweb on the walls and across the bookshelves,
“She’s in there,” Cassy said and gestured her head to the two big doors in front of us that stood wide open. I looked down at Cassy’s hands.
“You brought the cups?” I asked her when I saw her holding the coffee in the ceramic cups.
“Hell yeah, we paid for these,” She handed mine over and took a sip of her own.
“Hello?” We stepped
ed into the big room and I looked around. There was no one there but the room had immense energy.
‘Behind you’
I turned around there she was. Inches away from my face.
“Come,” She walked over to a big desk and sat down.
“You were the one that sent Asher after me? I said.
“No, I made your paths cross, you then let him in,” my brows furrowed, and I tightened my fingers around the cup. Ca*sy winced.
“So you’re saying this is my
ny fault?” She smiled a wicked smile.
“No, I’m saying that faith is a mysterious thing,”
“It was faith that I would get raped?” She tensed her lips and snarled.
“Many years ago, a couple searched out a witch to brew for them a potion. One that would hem the abilities of a werewolf. This potion was made and the couple gave it to their daughter. She who would come to later be of use…” My brows were furrowed and I awaited more.
“Gabby-” Ca*sy whispered.
I turned and looked at her. Her eyes were sparkling and rounded.
“-You couldn’t sense other wolves,” she breathed.
My head jerked back to the witch.
“The potion was for me?” She bowed her head in answer.
“The plan of marriage had always been. You see, Alpha Aiden leads the strongest, most respected, and feared pack of them all. As his father did before him. And his father before him. Your parents asked for an ingredient to be mixed into the potion…” she shook her head.
“Greed is a dangerous thing. They asked for a poison that would enter the bloodstream and upon extraction cause a lethal outcome. As Asher King penetrated you, did you bleed?” She asked.
I didn’t feel comfortable answering that question but she narrowed her eyes and waited.
“Yes,” I breathed and cleared my throat to regain my composure.
She leaned back and smacked her lips.
“Then he had less than six months,”
“To what?” I asked.
“To live,”

-Gabby’s POV-
I was still in shock from the information the witch had given me. I couldn’t believe it but something didn’t make sense.
A lot of it didn’t make sense.
“I don’t understand,” I said and closed my eyes as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Your parents asked for a poison to be mixed into the blend. They have been feeding you u this tion since you were little.”
“How? I don’t remember eating or drinking-
“It had to enter the bloodstream,” she said and leaned forward.
My eyes widened and the realization hit me. If I had eaten it or drink it, it wouldn’t have entered my bloodstream. The only way for it to enter my bloodstream would be through my veins.
“The whipping,” I gasped.
She bowed her head but averted her eyes.
They y had faced the belt with the potion and whipped it into my bloodstream.
“The extraction,” I said and looked at her.
I was pushing down the tears, seriously fed up with the crying.
“The extraction would happen upon your blood entering his body. As he penetrated you, you bled, and it went up his urethral opening, entering his body.”
“And it’s lethal?”
“Very, your parents made certain of it,” she said.
“Why would they do that? And how could I not be affected?”
“It was made to not get activated until after extraction,”
“But I bled it
bled, it got extracted, activated and then I had it
ad it in me. How could I not be affected?”
“Because it wasn’t made to kill you.” She said sternly.
“I…I don’t…” I stammered and couldn’t find the
e words to describe my confusion.
“Gabby,” Cassandra looked like she had another epiphany but this time she looked upset.
“You were
married off to Aiden, knowing you would sooner or later sleep with him… they planned it.” No…no this couldn’t be right. They wouldn’t. They were terrible people, some of the worst I had ever known but they wouldn’t kill another pack’s Alpha.
I looked at the witch and though she e didn’t give me a verbal answer, I could see on her face that Cassy was right.
“Oh my god,” I gasped.
“Gabriella, your parents, once they realize their plan has failed will take on other tactics to ensure success,”
“Such as?”
“What leverage,”
“Oh come on! Hasn’t she been through enough? Now they’re gonna come pulling from that side too?” Cassy shouted distraughtly.
just tell
“Can you please
tell me what the f*ck is going on? What is going to happen?”
“They’re gonna take you away!” Cassy shouted. I narrowed my eyes and lifted my head. I cliched my hands and bit down on my jaw.
“They can try.” I said and looked at the witch.
“How long did you that Asher had left?”
“About six months,”
“They will come before that. He will find another source of strength.” I said and tried to think of a plan.
“Gabriella,” th
the witch said and looked at me. Her black teeth were chipped and she stood from the chair.
“You will be the center of every fight about to come. Pulled in different directions, used as leverage against the Alpha. You need to have a steady ground under your feet so you don’t trip when the time comes,”
We walked back to the pack house and walked inside.
“Well sh*t,” Cassy said and ran a hand through her hair.
My mind was still railing around the fact that my parents tried to loll Aiden.
They didn’t want me to be married off for power and money. They wanted the pack, all of it. They would kill the Alpha and I’m sure that they would later have a second part of the plan about how they would continue. But one thing was still nagging me.
“I have to find my brothers,” I said,
“You don’t have to look very far,” I turned around and saw Edmund standing there with a smirk. When he saw the serious look on my face his smirk disappeared and his brows hunched down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Where are the others?” I asked.
“Right here,” Nick and Noah stepped out.
“We have to talk.” I said and narrowed my eyes at them.
We were in Aidens office, Cassy stepped in with me, and not too long after, Aiden and Bob came inside as well.
This was a bad plan. I should’ve taken them to the library.
“Could I speak to my brothers alone for a minute?” I asked with a lating voice.
“No, what’s going on?” He asked and came up beside me.
“Fine, we’ll go somewhere else,” I said.
“Wait, Gabby, what is wrong?”
“Maybe he should stay,” Cassy said and winced when I looked at her.
“Or not, your decision,” she said and turned her head.
“Gabriella, tell us what it is.” Nick said sternly.
“sh*t…okay, uhm,” I squirmed a little and took a step to the side to create some space between me and Aiden.
“Before I say anything; did you know?” I asked my b
brothers, hoping they
they would understand. But each looked as confused as the other.
“Are you okay?” They asked and looked at me warily.
“I’m fine, but I talked to the witch,” I said and looked at Aiden who grew taller and pushed his chest out.
“And?” He asked.
“This is gonna sound really weird,” Cassy said.
“She told me about how my parents had a witch brew them a potion many years ago. A potion that would hem my abilities as a werewolf.”
“Continue,” Nick said and stepped closer. I felt like it was getting harder to breathe and having all these people around me was like having the walls closing in.
“The potion had another element in it, a poison that was activated when extracted from my bloodstream. When Asher raped me, It went into him,” I said.
Aiden’s chest was rapidly rising and falling from his rigid breathing
“Asher only has six months to live,” they all looked at me in disbelief. Cassy cleared her throat and looked at me, wanting to tell the other part as well.
I ran a hand through my hair and looked at Aiden but he had already connected the dots.
“They wanted to kill me.” He said.
He nodded his head and turned to my brothers.
“That’s what they meant,” Noah said and furrowed his brows. He clenched his jaw and raised his fist, slamming it into the bookcase.
Everything shook and some stuff fo
fell down on the floor. We all stood silently around him. He turned back around and looked at us. There was a fire in his eyes and his face was turning red.
“They told me to learn with Nick, to learn to be an Alpha. They said that a day would come when a pack would need me and I had to
be ready.”
Alpha’s Betted Bride

-Gabby’s POV-
The tension in the office was rising and we were all on edge. Noah was going over our parent’s words in his head and he couldn’t believe what they had planned.
Nick was standing there looking stoic and Aiden was staring at him with his arms crossed over his chest.
“No one knew what they were going to do but it’s done,” I said. I hoped that maybe I could ease the tension and soften everything up. They were getting agitated and I could see the battle of dominance happening between Nick and Ajen.
“Guys, stop,” I placed my hand on Aidens arm and pushed him back softly.
“You really had no idea?” Aiden asked my brothers.
“How could we?”
“Yeah, do we look like a happy-go-lucky family who shares everything? Cause if that’s the impression you’ve gotten then you’re f*cking blind.”
Cassy stood up when her phone rang and she went outside.
The door closed and I looked around at everyone.
“We need a plan.” Nick said and looked at me.
“For what?”
“When they find out that their plan didn’t work, unless they already have, they’re gonna find another way to finish what they
I left the boys to do their planning and walked outside to find Cassy. She was standing by the door to the house and nodding her head. When she saw me coming she quickly said goodbye and hung up.
“Hey, is everything alright?” I asked her and she smiled.
“Yeah, everything is good,”
“Was it your family?” She looked taken aback by my question but then nodded her head.
“They were wondering if I wanted to come home for dinner,”
*I think you should, they probably miss you,” I said and grabbed her hand.
“But I want to be here for you,”
“You’ll come back,” I said.
Cassy took off to her parent’s house to have dinner and spend some time with them.
Time had gone by awfully fast these past few days and I hadn’t really had any time to stop and think about everything. Perhaps that was a good thing.
Her car drove off and 1 werit for a walk.
The clouds were drawing together and the surroundings soon became darker. I looked up and saw the rain-filled clouds.
After about an hour I headed back to the house and saw that nearly no one was outside but the second I stepped in I heard the
chatter commence.
They were all scattered about in the house, hanging out and playing games. It started with a few raindrops falling and hitting the windows. And then, in just a few seconds, it was a full-on rainstorm. The winds became harder and grabbed chairs, lifting them up and tossing them away. I was sitting in the big room on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me. I wanted to go up to my room and just stay there but I couldn’t. I had to be here, to stay outside and be at least in the pretense of others.
Lightning hit and lit up the outside. The thunder roared loudly around us and the fire had been lit in the fireplace.
I could hear the soft sound of an engine driving up the road to the house.
Who is that?
I have no idea but who would be out in this weather?”
The doors opened up and a man came stomping in. He pushed the door shut and removed his raincoat. A puddle formued around his feet from the rain dropping off him.
was Cassy’s father.
I quickly went up to him and grabbed his coat. An Omega was going to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea.
Marie and Clark came out of the dining room and walked up to him. She wrapped an arm around his and guided him toward the dining hall but he shook his head and stopped.
“No. Thank you, but I’m just here to ask if you’ve seen Cassy?” He asked and looked at all of us.
“Gabby, have you seen her?”
my stomach
“Mr. Maler, She left hours ago, she was coming to see you,” I said and furrowed my brows. An unstoppable pit formed in my
and I was feeling nauseous.
“She hasn’t shown up. We waited for her,”
“You spoke to her on the phone earlier, after she hung up she left,” said.
“We did speak, yes but she hasn’t shown up.” We were all looking wordily around at each other. Aiden came out of his office with Bob
and walked up to Mr. Maler.
“I’m sure she’s fine but we will go out looking for her,” Aiden said and laid a hand on the worried man’s shoulder.
“I’ll come with you,” He said and nodded his head.
“Sir, with all due respect, the weather is harsh and we both know you’re in no condition to be out there in the woods,” He sighed and his eyes sunk.
Find h
came back
her, please,” He said. Marie guided him to the dining hall, telling him that they would wait there until Aiden and the warriors
He called on a dozen warriors and they all gathered.
“You two search the town. you guys take the south end of the border… you take the north and west and me, Daphne and Bob will take care of the rest.” After they had all been given their orders they took off.
Mr.Maler was sitting still in the chair holding his cup of tea. Marie was sitting near him. Her arms rested on the table and her fingers were wrapped around the cup.
It seemed that nobody knew what to say at this moment. All of us just prayed that Cassy had taken a detour or maybe gone on a run.
He looked up and saw me coming in. Clark was standing in the corner, watching over everyone.
“We will find her, Thomas,” He said and looked at him with determination. I had never known that his name was Thomas. I’d probably
stick to Mr.Maler.
“Where could she be? You said she left after we spoke on the phone” He said and looked at me.
All eyes turned on me suddenly and I felt scrutinized under their gazes.
Pull your sh*t together, Gabby….
“Yes, sir. She left right after she had talked to you.”
“Then it can’t be she took a run, she wouldn’t run for a whole day.”I furrowed my brows and walked up to him.
“Mr.Maler, when exactly did you speak with her?”
“This morning, we discussed dinner and what she wanted to eat and she said she’d be home around six,” my heart started beating erratically but I didn’t want to break in front of him
“Why…why do
ask?” He asked me and placed the cup down.
“Cassy was talking on the phone with someone around five o’clock. She said that you invited her to dinner and then she left,”
“No, no I talked to her this morning! Oh god….where is she?” His eyes held such pain and he rose to his feet.

Alpha’s Betted Bride.
-Aiden’s POV-
We had scoured the woods and the town. Everyone had gathered by the school and for every warrior fluit came without good news, I was starting to believe the worst.
“No, Alpha…sorry,”
“No a single f*cking sign? How w is this possible?” I ran a hand through my hair.
“There’s no scent, no nothing.” They said and looked around confusedly.
“Look again,”
“But, Alpha-”
“LOOK AGAIN!” I shifted and started running back into the woods. That’s when I tried the one thing I had been fearing to do.
*Cassy, can you hear me?
The only thing that would cause the mind link to not work would be if they’re not within the pack borders. She wasn’t here. She wasn’t in the pack.
Round it up and meet at the house. Cassy’s gone”:
Yes Alpha’
I shifted back and got dressed outside. The winds were coming in strong and the rain was pouring.
Where the f*ck was she? She wouldn’t be out there now in this weather. How could she just disappear like that?
Walking back into the house I had to remind myself to keep a straight face and my head high. Mr.Maler would be beyond himself with worry and we all needed to do what we could to find her.
They all rose to their feet as we walked into the dining room.
“Alpha, have you found her?” My mother saw the answer and placed a hand on his shoulder. His eyes began to water and he shook his
“I’m sorry, Thomas, we haven’t picked up a single trace from her. It would appear she’s no longer on pack grounds.”
my hand and
“That is not possible, she wouldn’t leave!” He said and stepped forward. My warriors were stepping closer but I raised my they stopped. Thomas was nothing but a worried father. He wasn’t dangerous, just concerned.
He walked up to me and raised his finger, pointing it at my face.
He parted his lips and was about to speak but then he broke down crying. His head hit my chest and I placed my hands on his shoulders.
“We’ll find her. I promise you that we will find her,”
I saw w’s worried face in the back. She was staring down at the ground and breathing rapidly.
I believe we both knew who was behind this.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” I walked after Gabby who was heading out of the house. I had noticed her sneaking off earlier as everyone else sat down to eat.
“I have to find her, Aiden.”
“No, you don’t. I’ll take care of it. As soon as the storm has settled Il send out the best warriors we have and I’ll lead the search myself but you’re not going anywhere.” Her eyes narrowed. I could tell that she didn’t actually want to go looking for the man who tortured her but she felt guilty. As though it was her fault that Cassy had been taken..
“She’s my best friend. She came looking for me, do you expect me to do nothing now that she’s the one in trouble?”
“Aiden, I can’t sit idly by and wait for you to find her. I’ll lose my sh*t if I don’t go,”
“And what do you plan on doing then, huh?”
“I don’t know, I’ll figure it out.”
“This is exactly what they want, they want to draw you out,” I stepped closer to her. Our bodies were brushing against each other and I had drawn to my fullest size. Gabby looked so small under me but she raised her head and those fragile eyes were looking into mine.
They widened and glistened from the tears that she didn’t want to fall.
“They’ve succeeded.” She said.
as still pouring.
She turned around and was about to walk out. She opened the door which flew up as the wind drew in and the rain was
I was standing back, watching and waiting for her to step back and close it up again but no, the stubborn girl walked outside and that’s when I jumped on it. I grabbed her arm, pulled her back, and closed the door.
Gabby was already wet from that half-second outside.
“You’re crazy.” I said and held on to her arm.
“I have to find her!”
“We don’t e
t even know who has her!” I said.
I knew that Gabby wouldn’t step down. I had to think quickly but there was nothing we could do until the storm had settled.
“Tpromise you, I will find her. The second that the storm is over, I will go out there and look for her. Going now will amount to nothing because we won’t be able to sniff anything out either way. Let me make some calls and in the morning we’ll head out.”
“And I’ll come with you.”
“No.” I growled.
“Gabby,” We tu
turned and watched her brothers coming out of the dining hall.
“We agree with Alpha Aiden. You should stay. They will take any and all opportunities to grab you. All of this is just a show, you’re the real price and we all know what they’re capable of. They have nothing to lose which means they’ll do anything they deem necessary for their cause.” Edmund said.
“We will go with Aiden in the morning but you need to stay here,” Nick said.
They were not leaving much room for argument but I saw the shift in her eyes.
“You better bring her back,” She said.
The storm only grew during the night and 1,was sitting in my office at three o’clock while everyone else had gone off to sleep. I had been calling around to different packs. One of them was the one who gave us information on Asher and his pack but they didn’t have much to say this time. Apparently, they hadn’t moved for a long time and nothing out of the ordinary had been seen.
They had been keeping close tabs on Asher’s pack and they hadn’t spotted anyone coming in or out.
“Son?” My father stood at the door.
“It’s late, what are
e you doing up?”
“Trying rack my head around this whole ordeal. No matter how I put everything up I can’t for the life of me figure out how they could take her. We should’ve noticed when they stepped onto our borders. I should’ve sensed it, the guards should’ve picked up on it. Someone should’ve been able to do something to stop this from happening.”
“Think about the circ*mstances, son. Most times it is the factors we don’t take into consideration that are most vital.” He sat down on the chair in front of the desk.
I did as he said, I started calculating all of the different external factors that could’ve added to the kidnapping.
“The guards were placed all around as usual. They had their posts. They would’ve sniffed out an intruder except…the storm, they couldn’t smell if anyone came onto our borders. The rain would’ve messed with their vision. Nobody else was out, everyone came in as soon as the clouds drew together.”
I looked up and looked eyes with my father.
“They planned it around the storm which means they would’ve waited and had to act fast. They’re close,”
Chapter Comments
Alpha’s Betted Bride

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 41-50 - NovelAQ.Com (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.