Ovark.2514's Content - Page 17 (2024)

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      • Vote Elixir S

        in Player vs. Player

        Posted November 15, 2020

        Because having to try is for losers.

        Really though. Elixir S needs to not remove holo forge and should still cause holo forge to deal damage when overheated

        • Things that bother me when I play PvP

          in Player vs. Player

          Posted November 15, 2020

          I haven't even thought about those easy investment skills in so long OP because I am so focused on stuff that is far more noticeable like Elixir S, and Shocking aura and engi shield, and ports and stuff like that. You make a good point. I wish I could go back to playing the warrior the way I used to back in the day, but with spellbreaker and might makes right, my playstyle was hijacked and dumbed down so much it feels insulting to play now. I 2yo could now play it without having to invest in learnging enemy skills/animations. I can only hope that this extremely long hiatus that anet is on with respect to PvP is the result of MASSIVE CHANGES on the scale we have not seen since the trait system rework. If ever there was a golden opportunity to fix the mistakes of PoF (mainly) this is it.

          • Is it worth to start playing ranked PvP for legendary armor

            in Player vs. Player

            Posted November 14, 2020

            It's really hard to say. A lot of ppl who play PvP have done so for a long time and managed to get legendary armor easily because of it. If you don't play pvp for fun then this will feel like work and it may be better to go for legendary armor from other gamemodes.

            • CC needs a purge

              in Player vs. Player

              Posted November 14, 2020

              @Ario.8964 said:(I'd also be in favor of changing static shield on engi to no longer stun in return for 1 sec extra block time. CC a target on block or when they hit you is interesting and cool in theoy, but with the amount of hits and Aoe in the game currently it just creates way too much control)YES! Although, I think that your suggested change would make the engi shield too similar to other shield skills in the game. The engi shield has too much CC in general. Most offhand weapons (where skills are strongest +longest CD) have 1 CC. Engi has essentially a minimum of 3. Imagine then if the next elite spec the engi gets has a CC on the main hand weapon. . .

              • What to do with ranger in PvP?

                in Ranger

                Posted November 10, 2020

                Play the most obnoxious build in ranked atm: Bunker Druid. LB GS, Knockback+Immob spam. I wanna uninstall the game after fighting that crap.

                • Who is the End Screen For?

                  in Player vs. Player

                  Posted November 8, 2020

                  @Tharan.9085 said:Ah yes, the truly important PvP problems

                  It's important to me because it affects the over-all feeling of PvP and implies an unspoken philosophy anet has about the game mode.

                  • Who is the End Screen For?

                    in Player vs. Player

                    Posted November 8, 2020

                    https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/jqdywi/who_is_the_score_screen_for/?Lets go over why a player would want there to be a score screen at the end of a match: 1: To view the your numbers+top stats. 2: To see your team's top stat distribution. (top stats aren't a good way to judge how effective a player was but it's fun to see) 3: To see a character's name/profession in case you wish to speak to/about them, block, or report them.

                    What the Score Screen currently does for people: 1: lets you see you and your team's top stats IF YOU WON. 2: Requires you to open a separate window if you want to actually see your/your team's stats if you lost 3: lets the winning team rub it in your face by emoting/dancing while you lay on the ground unable to do anything.4: If another player logs off after the match is over, you are left with nothing but their account name. You don't even get to see the icon of the profession they were using. Good luck figuring out who it was if more than one person left the match at completion.

                    Instead of lingering around a bit to study the metrics at the end of a match and try to improve, the game encourages the losing team to leave as quickly as possible. The current end screen adds insult to injury and promotes the toxic reputation that sPvP suffers from in this game. What's also great is that if you leave the match too quickly after it's over, the game will PORT YOU BACK into the end screen half the time anyway. I just want an end screen that's helpful to all player whether they won or lost and doesn't go out of it's way to kick you while you're down. If the end screen has to stay the way it is then the losing team should just be instantly ported back to PvE instead of seeing it.

                    • Anyone else see how broken mirage is?

                      in Player vs. Player

                      Posted November 7, 2020

                      @phokus.8934 said:

                      @Ovark.2514 said:You need to be basically invuln and have perma stab in order to not die to their constant ridiculous burst (that never ends)Having trouble with that one dodge slow moving zombie elite spec?

                      Instead of making a fairly useless class why don’t you ask for help? What class you play, traits, utilities, and then you’ll get positive feedback on how to deal with Mirages.

                      The only possible positive feedback I could receive is that anet is reworking that spec which they admitted was a bad decision. Fighting shorts yesterday was the impetus for this post since the only way I could even touch him was by 1 shotting him from stealth. Otherwise I was perma-disabled while he dealt obscene damage while invulnerable. Idk why anet has allowed blurred frenzy to ramin as it is.

                      • Anyone else see how broken mirage is?

                        in Player vs. Player

                        Posted November 7, 2020

                        You need to be basically invuln and have perma stab in order to not die to their constant ridiculous burst (that never ends)

                        • Finish the job on CC cast times

                          in Player vs. Player

                          Posted November 1, 2020

                          @Leonidrex.5649 said:

                          @CutesySylveon.8290 said:Hard nope on Steal and Shield of Absorption. Steal is an interrupt tool, with the exception of condi and no one runs the other trait, and SoA is a Get Off Me tool. I don't know enough about druid to even remember what the glyphs do.

                          Wouldn't you think then, that adding a cast time on steal when taking Slight of Hand would make other options more competitive? SoH has been meta for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing since launch. Build diversity is important. Players will cry a lot but eventually they will adjust and the game will be healthier for it. Shield of absorption needs some kind of animation before the knockback happens so player can prepare for it. Even if the skill grants 1s of Resistance to compensate for blind, this is a necessary change for the health of the game.

                          1s daze for a cast time at that would make this trait unusableNever know until you tryentire point of steal is to start casting ->steal to teleport onto people.Did anet say that somewhere? Careful not to project your preconceived notions of how a skill was INTENDED to be usedit would just make steal unfun to play against AND useHad to imagine it being unfun to play against. . . Since there would now be actual counterplay, I think it would be more fun to play against. Unfun at to USE maybe, but only if you've been playing thief a long time and are used to how it's been. Players will adapt.

                          it doesnt matter what is the intent of something, only how its used, and steal is used to teleport skills onto people. what devs intended has no bearing on reality untill they change it

                          Well then how it's used will probably shift if a cast time is added to the trait. I don't see the issue.

                          no, it simply will stop being used

                          So your argument is: Because the playerbase uses a skill in a certain way, any changes to that skill which might hinder it's use in that way should not be added to the game. Is that right? If so, does that mean the devs can never change skills except damage numbers or cooldowns? That's basically what we've been getting for a LONG TIME and if my experiences and the forums opinions are to be believed, that is simply not good enough.

                          • Finish the job on CC cast times

                            in Player vs. Player

                            Posted November 1, 2020

                            Surge of the mists also deals damage

                            One time I landed a perfectly spaced Surge of the Mists and landed all the hits, and they all crit for like, 17 damage.

                            I was like "Woah! Hold on there Anet, that's a bit much ain't it? Any more and you might deal 1/10 of a regen tick.

                            Oh yeah woops forgot it doesnt anymore. Brb, removing that bit. Ppl on this platform never let you get away with any little mistake huh... makes me think of WP's recent vid on the subject

                            • Finish the job on CC cast times

                              in Player vs. Player

                              Posted November 1, 2020

                              @Leonidrex.5649 said:

                              @CutesySylveon.8290 said:Hard nope on Steal and Shield of Absorption. Steal is an interrupt tool, with the exception of condi and no one runs the other trait, and SoA is a Get Off Me tool. I don't know enough about druid to even remember what the glyphs do.

                              Wouldn't you think then, that adding a cast time on steal when taking Slight of Hand would make other options more competitive? SoH has been meta for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing since launch. Build diversity is important. Players will cry a lot but eventually they will adjust and the game will be healthier for it. Shield of absorption needs some kind of animation before the knockback happens so player can prepare for it. Even if the skill grants 1s of Resistance to compensate for blind, this is a necessary change for the health of the game.

                              1s daze for a cast time at that would make this trait unusableNever know until you tryentire point of steal is to start casting ->steal to teleport onto people.Did anet say that somewhere? Careful not to project your preconceived notions of how a skill was INTENDED to be usedit would just make steal unfun to play against AND useHad to imagine it being unfun to play against. . . Since there would now be actual counterplay, I think it would be more fun to play against. Unfun at to USE maybe, but only if you've been playing thief a long time and are used to how it's been. Players will adapt.

                              it doesnt matter what is the intent of something, only how its used, and steal is used to teleport skills onto people. what devs intended has no bearing on reality untill they change it

                              Well then how it's used will probably shift if a cast time is added to the trait. I don't see the issue.

                              • Finish the job on CC cast times

                                in Player vs. Player

                                Posted November 1, 2020

                                @Leonidrex.5649 said:

                                @CutesySylveon.8290 said:Hard nope on Steal and Shield of Absorption. Steal is an interrupt tool, with the exception of condi and no one runs the other trait, and SoA is a Get Off Me tool. I don't know enough about druid to even remember what the glyphs do.

                                Wouldn't you think then, that adding a cast time on steal when taking Slight of Hand would make other options more competitive? SoH has been meta for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing since launch. Build diversity is important. Players will cry a lot but eventually they will adjust and the game will be healthier for it. Shield of absorption needs some kind of animation before the knockback happens so player can prepare for it. Even if the skill grants 1s of Resistance to compensate for blind, this is a necessary change for the health of the game.

                                1s daze for a cast time at that would make this trait unusableNever know until you tryentire point of steal is to start casting ->steal to teleport onto people.Did anet say that somewhere? Actually, a change came into the game like a year or 2 ago that prevented Daredevils from being able to steal from a foe mid vault. Seems like anet believes that players shouldn't be able to precast a skill into steal. . . Careful not to project your preconceived notions of how a skill was INTENDED to be usedit would just make steal unfun to play against AND useHad to imagine it being unfun to play against. . . Since there would now be actual counterplay, I think it would be more fun to play against. Unfun at to USE maybe, but only if you've been playing thief a long time and are used to how it's been. Players will adapt.

                                • Finish the job on CC cast times

                                  in Player vs. Player

                                  Posted November 1, 2020

                                  @CutesySylveon.8290 said:

                                  @CutesySylveon.8290 said:Hard nope on Steal and Shield of Absorption. Steal is an interrupt tool, with the exception of condi and no one runs the other trait, and SoA is a Get Off Me tool. I don't know enough about druid to even remember what the glyphs do.

                                  Wouldn't you think then, that adding a cast time on steal when taking Slight of Hand would make other options more competitive? SoH has been meta for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing since launch. Build diversity is important. Players will cry a lot but eventually they will adjust and the game will be healthier for it. Shield of absorption needs some kind of animation before the knockback happens so player can prepare for it. Even if the skill grants 1s of Resistance to compensate for blind, this is a necessary change for the health of the game.

                                  Nope, because making traits worse to buff others when they're bad isn't how you actually make build diversity, you're just shifting the necessary trait to something you like better.

                                  Who said the other options are bad? Remember how grenade kit wasn't meta before the near-global nerf? Well now it's used because other options deal less damage. I don't have any strong opinions on what should or shouldn't be meta except that I believe every build should have a place.

                                  This is the exact same situation with Surge of the Mists and we all know how well that turned out.

                                  People still run staff on Rev. It FEELS clunky now but only because it was instant for 5 YEARS before the change and everyone was used to it. People adapt to changes.

                                  Putting a cast time on an interrupt tool is just making it bad at what it's supposed to do.Surge of the mists also moves the foes, and evades, so interrupting is only a bare slice of what it's actually doing.

                                  Also the CD reduction on steal from SoH is another reason it's always going to be picked, it's a GM trait.So if it's always going to be taken thanks to the CD reduction, why are you concerned about adding a cast time? It will ALWAYS be useful and good.

                                  Shield of Absorption needs to be left completely untouched. It does no damage and is SUPPOSED to yeet you away, it's a Get Off Me tool.It does no damage except that it can push players through Test of Faith and has consistently been used for that purpose ever since HoT. Also, it's not about whether it does damage or not; it's the principle of the thing and how it feels to fight against. It has always felt very cheesy.

                                  These aren't changes for the health of the game, they're changes because you don't like dealing with them.

                                  That's quite the assumption.

                                  • Stealth Ends on Opponent Evade

                                    in Player vs. Player

                                    Posted November 1, 2020

                                    @"Widmo.3186" said:Hahahaha, guess which class does OP play. Q_Q teef stealth bad, UwU mezmer stealth gut. Watch your clones when you go into stealth m8.Tbh its kinda funny, this game has 8 years, and stealth was NOT EVEN ONCE changed since the very beginning. There were tons and tons of threads crying about how bad mechanic it is, with plenty of suggestions, yet nothing has been changed. And here we go again.Ovark.2514's Content - Page 17 (1)

                                    That Einstein quote is a misquotation just FYI. People just circulated it around because it sounds intellectual.

                                    • Finish the job on CC cast times

                                      in Player vs. Player

                                      Posted November 1, 2020

                                      @CutesySylveon.8290 said:Hard nope on Steal and Shield of Absorption. Steal is an interrupt tool, with the exception of condi and no one runs the other trait, and SoA is a Get Off Me tool. I don't know enough about druid to even remember what the glyphs do.

                                      Wouldn't you think then, that adding a cast time on steal when taking Slight of Hand would make other options more competitive? SoH has been meta for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing since launch. Build diversity is important. Players will cry a lot but eventually they will adjust and the game will be healthier for it. Shield of absorption needs some kind of animation before the knockback happens so player can prepare for it. Even if the skill grants 1s of Resistance to compensate for blind, this is a necessary change for the health of the game.

                                      • Finish the job on CC cast times

                                        in Player vs. Player

                                        Posted November 1, 2020

                                        Outliers that still exist:Druid Glyph of Equality (0 cast time)Druid Glyph of the Tides (Hard to see and too fast cast time)Guardian Shield of Absorption: (0 cast time)Thief Slight of Hand: (Basically 0 cast time) This trait should add a cast time to steal.Replace CC with something else on shocking aura

                                        There are others I think but these stick out to me most since many are meta.

                                        • PvP Podcast feat. CMC!

                                          in Player vs. Player

                                          Posted October 31, 2020

                                          @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:CMC is a great person, i like him a lot and i think he genuinely cares about the game. My only hold up is that if they want diversity, They need to take a look into how diversity works in the real world. The position he is in, Nerfing things will not yield a more diverse game...neither will buffing unfortunately. The only way to achieve diversity is to look into complexity theory, and making changes that align with at least some of the underlying principles of complex systems. As an example, this is done, in general, by having things interact more profoundly with other things...or just basic synergistic.

                                          Just as an example. If Skill A synergizes with Skill B, that is a single, linear interaction.in the same token, if Skill A synergizes with Skill B and also independently synergizes with Skill C, that is 2 interactions, again a linear interaction.

                                          But if Skill A synergizes with Skill B, and Skill B synergizes with Skill C,D and E. this is an exponential, diverging interaction, where the number of interactions Skill A has with other skills is now 1^N. The relationship becomes more complex when Skill A effects Skill B, C and D, and when Skill B interacts with Skill A, C D and so on, where the number of relationships between these skills diverges from 1 to 1^N^N for each additional skill added into this web.

                                          So the more synergies exist between things, the more complex the interactions of agents, and the more diversity you will have. That's just one property of complex systems, and that's really all they need to do. All they really are doing or at least should be doing is replicate a complex system (ones that we see in reality) in a game...which isn't that difficult it's been done before and it actually happens regardless of what you do anyway (since we all exist in reality, all games that we play, so long as they have choices, will exhibit complex adaptive behavior in one form or another)

                                          Imo It's as simple as: Certain skills are potentially quite useful in 10%-20% of situations. Other skills are potentially useful in 90%-100% of all situations when used intelligently. What limits build diversity is when the game has BOTH of these types of skills on each class. The devs need to decide which way they want it and go all the way. The example I always think about is Throw Bolas vs something like Balanced Stance. Throw Bolas is a potentially very useful skill because it immobilizes the foe at range. Except it can ONLY be used in very specific circ*mstances, like: When attacking, when not using another skill, when not blind, while facing your opponent, When fighting only one enemy, etc. These circ*mstances are very few realistically. Balanced Stance however can be used: When attacking or defending or running away, Can be used in any orientation, effectiveness scales with the amount of foes, Assists in retreating or advancing, Can be used while using other skills. The devs simply need to make up their mind on if they want a player's success or failure in a fight be dependent on the choices made before the fight (the build they chose) OR for any build to have a chance against any other build if the player is skilled.

                                          • Conditions Vs Power Debate

                                            in Player vs. Player

                                            Posted October 28, 2020

                                            @"darren.1064" said:Did you just make a whole post about why conditions are better and then end it with "if youre complaining about condition builds, you just need to get good and deal with conditions better?"

                                            It doesn't bother him so it's not a problem.

                                            • Buff Eternal Champion

                                              in Player vs. Player

                                              Posted October 27, 2020

                                              @Avatar.3568 said:Change it back that it gives pulsing stab (and might) every 3 (but only 1 stack) seconds for 1-2 seconds , for the complete Berserker duration.

                                              The trait atm feels kinda useless and Berserker too

                                              It feels useless because it relies on the OPPONENT to acquire the sab (With the exception of Headbutt). This would be fine imo as long as Outrage was on a CD that actually matched or exceeded the duration of Stab acquired by the trait. This way, players can chain stab in a reliable and predictable way that is counter-playable. I am against changing it back to pulsing Stab. Pulsing buffs imo should never have entered this game (looking at you juggernaut, Lich form, Balanced Stance, etc..). It's too strong of a skill stack and when you're forced to attempted to break the stab you have to scrutinize the opponent's buff bar in order to get the timing just right OR you just spam tons of CC in a brief window. Neither of these options lends itself to fun or skillful gameplay.

                                              • Do you prefer 2v2 / 3v3 or conquest?

                                                in Player vs. Player

                                                Posted October 27, 2020

                                                It's not really about having more depth as much as it is easier to counter cheesy build with other cheesy builds since people are funneled onto objectives.

                                                • Warrior Buildcraft Issue

                                                  in Player vs. Player

                                                  Posted October 23, 2020

                                                  @felix.2386 said:Warrior has basically 0 build craftno matter how you build it it play the same and serve the same propose.there's only big category of it's dps or healer tank.evey single dps build since 2012 play the same and serve the samedoesn't matter core, berserker or spellbreaker, it's all on point, greatsword with shield and dodge and land burst skillwarrior's trait system might be non existent and you wouldn't notice.

                                                  and every single support tank since 2012 was healshout.

                                                  Sad but true. I always wished anet would make other weapons and choices more appealing but whatyagonnado

                                                  • Warrior Buildcraft Issue

                                                    in Player vs. Player

                                                    Posted October 22, 2020

                                                    @Swagg.9236 said:

                                                    @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:Warrior relies on CC much more than other classes, most burst setups rely on locking an opponent down because you're unlikely to do any meaningful damage without it, they're either too telegraphed or straight up root you into a long cast in the case of Hundred Blades. CCing an enemy as a warrior has absolutely no reward tied into it since you're lucky to hit double digit damage now, it's purely meant to setup the real reward; being able to do damage with other skills.

                                                    When I say "CC is it's own reward" What I mean is that CC interrupts an enemy's attack, impairs their ability to move, allows the player to get 1 or more free hits in, allows their team to get that many hits in, allows the player or the team to escape if necessary, allows the player or team to heal if necessary. There are more but I think you get it. I'm saying there is no need to have traits which encourage the use of CC. Players will build that into their build ANYWAY because of how useful they are. Edit: Typo

                                                    The problem with GW2 is that none of that is good enough anymore. Passive and instant abilities generally cushion so much of every PvP encounter, that players have to torrent skills onto a target in order to bring it down (not that facerolling is hard, but it's inherent in GW2's design: spam to win). Combine this with the fact that there are no resources to really lose (aside maybe from health, which can be regained or simulated very easily) whenever a target is interrupted, and you're really only left with the achievement of having, in most circ*mstances, denied a target of a fat 5% of their basic damage or bunker rotation. So then CC was slapped onto every other skill just to keep people still enough to kill them. However, after the damage nerf, CC chains became even more oppressive and necessary just because it took enough more to bring any given build down.

                                                    I'm not saying that ANY of these elements are foundations of good game design, but rather than they've all combined together in both continuity and coexistence in order to create basically just 1 or 2 types of builds for the entirety of GW2, regardless of which class you pick. Warrior just ended up as the CC-heavy, rushdown ungabunga guy compared to the other option of off-screen Mesmer/Thief burst.

                                                    Good point. I imagined that the reason CC became so incredibly prolific after the big nerf is that time-to-kill increased so much that players simply had more time to endure CC. What you said, however is far more accurate of a picture. Players don't get "worn down" like they did in vanilla because if you give them even a second they will heal themselves. CC spam seems to be the only way to kill stuff short of 1-shotting (which is kinda hard these days). So what do you think is a better solution: Reduce healing by a lot or reduce the tools players have access to?

                                                    Now, that's not Guild Wars 2, but then again, Guild Wars 2 doesn't feature a well-grounded game design. So, up to you: get a better game that resembles nothing like GW2 or get more GW2.

                                                    It's incredibly unfortunate. I wish they'd hire you. Heck, I'd do it for free. Though, kinda hard to justify that when I'm saving for a house. . . :P

                                                    • Warrior Buildcraft Issue

                                                      in Player vs. Player

                                                      Posted October 22, 2020

                                                      @Swagg.9236 said:

                                                      @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:Warrior relies on CC much more than other classes, most burst setups rely on locking an opponent down because you're unlikely to do any meaningful damage without it, they're either too telegraphed or straight up root you into a long cast in the case of Hundred Blades. CCing an enemy as a warrior has absolutely no reward tied into it since you're lucky to hit double digit damage now, it's purely meant to setup the real reward; being able to do damage with other skills.

                                                      When I say "CC is it's own reward" What I mean is that CC interrupts an enemy's attack, impairs their ability to move, allows the player to get 1 or more free hits in, allows their team to get that many hits in, allows the player or the team to escape if necessary, allows the player or team to heal if necessary. There are more but I think you get it. I'm saying there is no need to have traits which encourage the use of CC. Players will build that into their build ANYWAY because of how useful they are. Edit: Typo

                                                      The problem with GW2 is that none of that is good enough anymore. Passive and instant abilities generally cushion so much of every PvP encounter, that players have to torrent skills onto a target in order to bring it down (not that facerolling is hard, but it's inherent in GW2's design: spam to win). Combine this with the fact that there are no resources to really lose (aside maybe from health, which can be regained or simulated very easily) whenever a target is interrupted, and you're really only left with the achievement of having, in most circ*mstances, denied a target of a fat 5% of their basic damage or bunker rotation. So then CC was slapped onto every other skill just to keep people still enough to kill them. However, after the damage nerf, CC chains became even more oppressive and necessary just because it took enough more to bring any given build down.

                                                      I'm not saying that ANY of these elements are foundations of good game design, but rather than they've all combined together in both continuity and coexistence in order to create basically just 1 or 2 types of builds for the entirety of GW2, regardless of which class you pick. Warrior just ended up as the CC-heavy, rushdown ungabunga guy compared to the other option of off-screen Mesmer/Thief burst.

                                                      Good point. I imagined that the reason CC became so incredibly prolific after the big nerf is that time-to-kill increased so much that players simply had more time to endure CC. What you said, however is far more accurate of a picture. Players don't get "worn down" like they did in vanilla because if you give them even a second they will heal themselves. CC spam seems to be the only way to kill stuff short of 1-shotting (which is kinda hard these days). So what do you think is a better solution: Reduce healing by a lot or reduce the tools players have access to?

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                                                    Ovark.2514's Content - Page 17 (2024)


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