Pretty Little Pieces (2024)


4,043 reviews937 followers

December 3, 2022

Do you love HGTV? Especially Chip & Joanna Gaines? Then you will love this clean, Christian, contemporary romance featuring Georgina Havoc and her effort to score her own show on a fictional network called Upscale. Her former professional partner and boyfriend has put her on "Pause" after tragedy strikes. Georgina calls on her bestie Poppy to help her out. They go on location in Tarragon, Tennessee, where the locals charming and welcoming -- especially Cassidy Stokes. It is not all sunshine and roses. Both Cassidy and Georgina have been bruised and battered by love. By God's grace, Cassidy has the spiritual maturity to help Georgina return to the faith of her childhood. I loved the nuggets of theology, precious Bible verses, and the realistic church connections. This is an author I will be so happy to read over and over. Also thrilled to find out that she lives just a couple of hours to the west in Manhattan, Kansas -- that's the little Apple if you were wondering.

A big thank you to Bethany House and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


Joanne | wellreadcoffeeaddict

327 reviews122 followers

December 7, 2022

Where have I been and where did Carmen Schober come from??

There's a reason I don't usually pick up contemporary romances. I like depth, and I don't usually enjoy the Hallmark-cliche romance that encompasses the majority of contemporaries I do pick up in the Christian fiction genre.

But this book? It's genre-defying. It's a story that focuses on real, raw issues and tough faith questions in an honest, realistic way.

This book is the contemporary Christian novel I've been asking for, for years.

Pro-masculine men? Check!
Strong faith, without hiding from the tough questions? Check!
Absence of woke ideas and feminism? Check!
Pro-conservative values? Double check!

I loved this story, for the above alone, not to even mention the amazing plot line and characters that warmed my heart and strong Christian faith seeped into this drama-enticing story. It's a fixer-upper reality TV host meets country ex-sniper handyman in a powerful story of how to pick up the pieces of a broken life and spirit, and where to turn to in the lowest places of your life.

I loved the characters, especially Cassidy. He was so caring to literally everyone, and always trying to take care of somebody or another.

And y'all. The faith. The questions Georgina asked, and the way Cassidy answered them. I am here for it! I love the non-cookie cutter answers and how by Cassidy's answers this story encourages the tough questions and provides depth in the answers.

"Sadly, a lot of folks take pain as a sign that God is far away when it's really a sign that He's near. Pain tells us something has gone terribly wrong in this world, and Somebody's gotta make it right..."

I teared up at the end. . I would love a sequel. Something to dive a little deeper into the lives of the side characters that were so integral to the overall story and themes. And just more of Georgina and Cassidy.

I'll be posting a content review on my blog shortly, as this book does have mature themes and content. It's a steamier novel than I typically prefer, for one. An overview of the content: some swearing (crap, heck, and that sort), a traumatic event experienced (), pregnancy outside of marriage, recovering alcoholic, rehab, drug use, a mention of contemplating suicide (during rehab).

4.5 stars ✨ - the half star for the swearing and steamy romance, which is a personal preference but I prefer books without that content.

I received an e-arc of Pretty Little Pieces from Netgalley for review. All opinions expressed are purely my own. I will be purchasing this one when it comes out. 🤍



817 reviews36 followers

October 19, 2022

I stayed up late reading this novel, then I woke up early to finish it. At first, I was disenchanted by the way Carmen Schober dealt with her characters' characters. Lance was underhanded and manipulative, Georgianna was not the "good, Christian girl" found in most Christian novels. That was my bad for judging the characters before they were fully revealed through the plot. The characters have flaws, and I do too. It took something like this to shake up my stodginess. Thank you, Carmen.

After my sweet Mama passed away, I was going through her papers and things (she had thirty years worth of tax returns, plus a plethora of other papers to sort and sift) and I found a gem that I think was an enlistment form for World War II. That it was still in her possession tells me that she didn't follow through. (I promise this particular ramble is relevant). One of the questions on the form asked what her career aspirations were and she said, "secretary or interior designer." That surprised me. Mama wasn't one who chose form over function during the years I was growing up. Our house was decorated in early comfort eclectic. Daddy had a chair and ottoman or a recliner with a side table. Mama had a rocking chair and a footstool. The sofa was for company and we kids sat on the floor. The rugs on the floor were made by my grandmother who crocheted them from the scraps of fabric left over from Mama making our clothes. No matchy-matchy stuff for us--not even a theme in our décor!

The premise of the book is a behind-the-scenes look at how an interior design show is made. The players are the main characters of the book. When Georgianna miscarries, Lance leaves their apartment and ghosts her for the better part of three months. The producers want another show from Georgianna where she and her best friend, Poppy, join forces to renovate a cabin in the Tennessee woods, near the Bible camp Georgianna attended as a child. A Non-Disclosure Agreement binds Georgianna and Lance from discussing their relationship, or what was left of it, so when Georgianna meets Cassidy Stokes, she is not totally forthcoming with details about her life.

While working on the cabin, everything that can go wrong, does, in a way. First, Lance hijacks the producer who has worked with the two of them, so a substitute producer is brought in for the making of this what could be a pilot episode for Georgianna. The new producer can't find a contractor because Lance has hijacked him, as well. She finally finds an elderly gent who still has his license and his bond to be the contractor while Cassidy helps out. Georgianna's twin sister, Savannah, shows up. She is something of an emotional drain on Georgianna, but ends up giving Georgianna the masterpiece bedroom she needs for the show and for the owners of the cabin. Both Cassidy and Georgianna have pasts to overcome on the way to a relationship, and at one point, Georgianna can't see that they can even have a relationship.

The supporting cast of this book bring dimension and depth to the main characters and help to flesh them out a bit more. The setting in rural Tennessee reminds me so much of the area in Arkansas where I grew up and makes me just a bit homesick. Carmen has done a skillful job in depicting the real life conundrums in negotiating around relationships.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a bedroom mural to take your breath away.

Bethany House provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.


1,892 reviews121 followers

October 31, 2022

A new to me author that had me on the edge of my seat wanting more!
A book that has just about everything a reader could want in a novel!
I finished this book in one evening ( my favorite time to read). So very good!
I felt that I could relate to Georgina quite a bit especially about taking a step forward and then 2 steps backwards! Sometimes it's very discouraging!
But it's what life is all about. It's a journey and the choices we make.
I loved every minute of this book. I couldn't put Georgina's story down until I was finished and it had a very satisfying ending.
My heart is feeling full for such a wonderful story!
5 stars for a well written novel. I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Amanda (BookLoverAmanda)

507 reviews543 followers

February 4, 2023

Editing review- after sitting with this for a while — lowering to 2. Really more like 2-2.5 the more I think about it.

This book is all about Georgina and her boyfriend, Lance. They are what everyone calls the next, Chip and Joanna Gaines. They renovate homes for their TV show in Nashville and are the up and up in their relationship and show when things change right when the book starts. From the first chapter, we know the Georgina suffers a miscarriage and her boyfriend Lance says he needs to take a “pause” in their relationship. He didn’t know she was pregnant, and the miscarriage makes him basically “ghost her” after being together for 3 years. The show takes some suffrage, so she starts working to have her own show with Lance out of the picture. She leaves Nashville and finds a new project in a small town in Middle Tennessee when she meets ex-sniper, Cassidy. They start to really like each other and things take off from here.

There are things I liked in this book, but the romance is what ultimately fell flat for me. This book will be somewhat polarizing in the community, in my opinion. I do appreciate authors tackling some tough topics, especially in a Christian fiction. The topics she tackles here include substance abuse, miscarriage, drinking, gun discussions, wavering faith, etc. I agree that it’s important that we have these conversations and appreciate that she had this story very similar to many real life struggles that many people face. However, I do feel like some of the topics could have been handled a little better, (such as the drinking scenes), but appreciate what she was trying to do here. I think someone could be ministered to if they are going through these issues while reading this book because the ending did tie faith in.

I liked the setting in Tennessee, home improvement reality show vibes and the faith mentioned at the end. Cassidy was such a great guy too, I really liked him and his values showed through so well.

What makes this a lower rated book for me is that I didn’t love the romance between Cassidy and Georgina. I don't feel like they had much chemistry together. Honestly, thinking about this from a real-life perspective, since so many other topics were covered in that way, I didn’t love how quickly she was getting into a new relationship after she had so much baggage that I felt like she needed to work through first. On one side, I see how Cassidy could help her work through some of this baggage, especially since he was a Christian and helping her along the way, but on the other hand I felt like it was a very instalove-y lustful relationship more than a cute, sweet romance and that she really needed to go to therapy to work through her issues first, before jumping into this new relationship.

I know many have mentioned they didn’t care for the spice level in this book in some of the scenes between the characters. Looking at it from a Christian fiction perspective, I think she could have toned down some of the descriptions with the kisses and make out sessions.
Honestly, some of the descriptions were unnecessary.

Thank you to NetGalley and Baker Publishing for providing a copy to honestly read and review.

    arcs christian-fiction

Kristina Hall

Author19 books415 followers

December 11, 2022

Characters: Cassidy (the main guy) and Georgina (the main girl) were both well-developed characters. Georgina especially experienced a lot of character growth throughout the novel. Poppy was a fun side character, as was Cassidy's mom.

Language: Clean.

Plot: All of the problems with Georgina's show and the drama between her and Cassidy moved the plot along.

Romance: Clean-ish. Some sketchy comments and pretty intense kissing. I struggled with the romance. To me, it felt a lot more like lust than love for the majority of the time. I also don't want to read about tongues doing anything during a kissing scene or hands going beneath shirts. I wasn't a fan of Cassidy dating Georgina while Georgina wasn't a Christian.

Themes: This novel featured themes of forgiveness, salvation, and family. I appreciated Cassidy and Georgina's discussions about faith.

Writing: I haven't read many books written in a present tense, third person style, but it worked for this book most of the time. I did find a few places a little jarring, but that's just my personal taste.

Overall: Pretty Little Pieces was an entertaining read that I'd recommend to those who enjoy Christian fiction and more intense contemporary romance.

Disclosure: I received this book free from Bethany House through Interviews & Reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Amanda Auler

Author3 books190 followers

December 16, 2022

I haven't read Christian romance since high school, I'm about 11 years from that so it's been a minute. When Carmen asked if I would be an ARC reader I said yes, cautiously, since I've been struggling enjoying ARCs recently and always feel bad putting an honest review when I don't like something. (I'm kind of picky.)
Fantasy is my genre of choice...
but now so is whatever Schober is doing. Because, WOW. This is unlike any Christian romance I've ever encountered. From deep theme, to witty banter, to TENSION (Dang can she write tension) I was in love. I don't even like most books written in present tense--but this? I didn't even care! The writing is top notch, the story is beautiful, the characters are loveable. I just...there are no words to accurately depict my feelings for this book.
Please, go read this. Carmen knows what she's doing.

ps. my one warning is that if you're struggled with infertility or miscarriage, be warned there is some of that in here. It was honestly a bit jarring in the beginning not knowing anything about it.

Sue Garland

108 reviews11 followers

November 3, 2022

PRETTY LITTLE PIECES by CARMEN SCHOBER is a beautifully written romance novel with a strong Christian message of redemption and restoraion, unforgettable characters and a great love story. As Savannah says of her sister Georgina’s relationship with Cassidy, “Its like your feelings for each other take up actual physical space.”
When Georgina Havoc comes to Tarragon from Nashville with her best friend Poppy to try and build her own career after being let down by her partner and boyfriend Lance Broussard, she is broken but determined to succeed. I like the way the very pregnant Poppy stands by her through thick and thin as they have one delay and potential disaster after another, as Lance does his best to ruin things for Georgina. When Georgie’s twin sister leaves rehab and comes to Tarragon it seems like the last straw.
Cassidy Stokes had an illustrious army career as a sniper and wants to use his talents in order to make a difference in El Salvador. He turned to drink when his wife died and is a work in progress, having turned to the Lord for His help.
It is a story about two people coming from very different family backgrounds, with very different lives and dreams for the future…..
I am not going t tell you any more as I do not want to spoil the read for you.
I cannot recommend Pretty Little Pieces highly enough. It is a book that I will definitely read more than once.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

Saraina Whitney

Author4 books62 followers

February 4, 2023

3.5 stars

Okay, this is a hard one to review. (And I probably should go back and change my rating to 4 stars. I'm so torn. *sobs*) The short of it is that I genuinely enjoyed many elements of it, while also disliking some key aspects. I'll just go with a list of what I liked and didn't like to make it more simple!


-the faith content! There were a lot of tough topics brought up Christianity-wise, since Georgina wasn't a Christian and Cassidy was, and the conversations they had were good. At one point, Georgina couldn't reconcile the fact that God is good, yet hell is also real. I think a lot of authors don't want to go there, but Cassidy didn't sugarcoat it, and I so appreciate that. There's also a lot of prayer and just genuine, relatable spiritual growth.
-the characters! Cassidy, Georgina, POPPY! (I think Poppy was actually my favorite, haha.) I loved them and thought the character arc - especially Georgina's - was really good.
-my favorite scene was the one where Cassidy is teaching Georgina to shoot for the first time. Besides me considering that one of the most romantic scenes (

apparently I have a weird definition of romance), I could feel it was a kind of metaphor with a much deeper message ("You just have to stay steady") that actually made me cry. We're not gonna hit the target every time, we're not going to reach perfection. All we have to do is stay steady. Trust in God. And speaking of guns...
-Cassidy's pro 2nd Amendment perspective!!! Like, YES PLEASE. Georgina's hesitancy and dislike of guns was very realistic and written in a very balanced, fair way, yet I'm also glad Cassidy was given a chance to explain why he could use them in good conscience. I loved that. (Maybe I just cynically expect "everyone" these days to be against guns, so I was pleasantly surprised.) So props to the author for including that! (I'm kind of dying to give it 5 stars just because of this. XD)
-the plot was fire, as my brother would say! ;) Really, I couldn't put it down.
-I felt very disoriented when I realized it was in third person present tense...but it grew on me, as I knew it would. Very unique choice that worked well, overall!
-the small-Southern-town vibes, the good cooking, the scenery. 10/10.
-the funny/awkward romantic encounters and the unwanted chemistry! I melted a time or two. (But more on the romance in a minute...)


-the inconsistency. Y'all, the faith content EXISTED. It was there, and weirdly it was one of my favorite parts. Yet at the same time...Cassidy (sorry, man) behaved so immaturely with Georgina. He threw himself into a relationship with her, agreeing to have no expectations. He was a Christian, and prayed a lot, even sought guidance from people, and yet didn't seem to consider the fact that Georgina was off-limits because of her lack of faith. *???*
-What goes hand in hand with that is the edginess in the romance. Look, I've read romances that have more descriptive kisses, etc., but making out in a bathroom? Really, Cassidy? That's the kind of edginess I'm talking about, not how it's written but what the characters do. Now, I WOULD be okay with it if they expressed true regret for doing that and realized that they shouldn't have gone so far, but that doesn't really happen. (Again, I have to put the blame on Cassidy, because he was the Christian in this situation. Sorry, buddy.) He just continued going too far. I get the whole characters-can-be-woefully-imperfect-and-then-become-role-models-when-they-internally-transform thing. (Really. I'm a novelist too. My characters aren't always paragons of virtue. Nor should they be.) But there was no transformation in this element, no realization that maybe I should stop jumping into these dangerous situations. (Alright, I'm beating a dead horse here. *cringes at that phrase* You get the point: it wasn't taken SERIOUSLY.)

If it wasn't for that whole thing, I would probably give this a 4.5 star rating.


This was an enjoyable, captivating contemporary romance that even made me tear up with its poignant themes of trust in the Lord, yet it lacked moral consistency in the romance department. That said, some of the elements about this book really hooked me, and I'm interested to read more by Carmen Schober in the future!

Moriah Chavis

Author7 books171 followers

November 27, 2022

Another wonderful book by Carmen Schober! Full review to come!


Another wonderful book from Carmen Schober. To start, Carmen has a wonderful, distinctive voice. One thing I like in particular is that she writes in third person present. There aren't many books that use this POV, and I love how it sets the reader immediately in the story but from different angles.

The love interest in this book is just as swoony as Max in her debut, AFTER SHE FALLS. He is any cuteservative's dream man, and I loved watching as Georgina fell in love with him.

Georgina had a lot of growing to do from page one of this book up to the end. The book begins with her undergoing a very traumatic event, one that I have never seen expressed on the page in such a way. It isn't for the faint at heart, but it's a must-read for those who need answers to some of life's most complicated questions.

While this is a Christian romance, it has a fair amount of spice, but nothing unbiblical. As a result, there are many tough topics addressed, and I loved how Carmen didn't shy from hard truths!


291 reviews6 followers

December 3, 2022

The starting part of Pretty Little Pieces broke my heart and I wondered what if this book would be heart breaking. Instead, this romance turned out to be one of the best books I read this year. Schober wrote a romance that had all the best vibes that made it hard to stop reading-a reality show interior decorator, small town, and broken hearts needing mending.
Georgina Havic seems to have it all as a TV personality home flipper, but behind the scenes her life is a mess. Her costar is her boyfriend who is emotionally distant, her family is estranged, and she has high anxiety. She is given a chance to reunite with her best friend/former costar and do a special flipping a cabin small town Tennessee where she once attended Bible Camp. It's there that she meets Cassidy, a widowed ex-military sniper who is getting ready to do work in El Salvador. Oh, and to add to the mix of stress, her sister leaves psychiatric care to be with her.
I usually have two to three books that I am reading, but Pretty Little Pieces had me put all the other aside to read it. It's the perfect story of opposites attracting, best friends and the of God's redemption in lives. I loved all the characters and their development, especially the role best friend Poppy played in the story. This book is a little steamer than most Christian fiction books, but it also preaches the Gospel more than most. I hope there is a sequel with Georgina's sister finding her true love.
I received a complimentary copy of Pretty Little Pieces thanks to Net Galley and Thomas Nelson Publishing, but all opinions are my own.

Hannah Elisabeth

270 reviews24 followers


December 20, 2022

DNF on pg 204

This book more than anything just made me uncomfortable. As a huge Fixer Upper fan, when I read from the premise that Georgina was the next Joanna Gaines, I was sold. Unfortunately, the HGTV vibes, along with the southern charm, and the concept of the story were the only things I liked. I did not care for the main characters all that much; in fact, I liked Cassidy more than Georgina. The writing was fine, but it did take some getting used to since it was third person, present tense. But it only took me a couple chapters to get used to it, and once I did it flowed pretty well. The conversations were sometimes choppy feeling, and a lot of the characters used the word "like" in the middle of sentences a lot, which annoyed me a little. However, like I said initially, it made me uncomfortable. Mainly because of how quickly Cassidy and Georgina entered into a relationship that mainly involved just making out; they even said how they had no expectations. But then a few days after this development, we learn that basically every day since then they've been making out?? Call me old fashioned, but I don't think you should be making out with someone that intensely, number one, if you're not married, and number two if you have "no expectations" from this relationship. There was also a scene at the cottage she's renovating where she and Cassidy lock themselves in the bathroom and, while it does not go past kissing, we get a pretty detailed make out session....😳I did not sign up for this...
I also do not think that Georgina should be getting in a relationship right now considering all of the crap going on in her life. I won't get into it all, because of spoilers. But trust me, it's some serious stuff! And her best friend, who knows all of these details, still encourages her to be with this man!! What?! Not to mention he has his own issues that he shouldn't be dragging into a relationship right now, which, again, spoilers. I really wanted to like this book, because of the gorgeous cover, and the Fixer Upper-like plot, but unfortunately, there were just too many things I couldn't look over.


Dale Harcombe

Author14 books388 followers

October 7, 2023

Influencer Georgina Havoc and her designer boyfriend Lance have plans to merge their styles into a new home renovation show. But life has a way of throwing curve balls at times. When Lance hits pause on their relationship she is left to try and convince the network to take a chance on her as a solo star. Georgina takes on renovating a cottage in Tarragon, Tennessee, an area familiar from childhood.Then her sister Savannah pays a surprise visit. As if that doesn’t complicate Georgina’s life enough, then she meets good looking widower Cassidy Stokes and life suddenly becomes even more complicated. Can Georgina put the pieces of her life back together? Or does the future have something more in store for her?
Georgina is an easy character to empathise with, even though I am not into social media and home renovation shows. It is a story of figuring out what is most important in life and weighing up the cost. I loved Georgina’s sister Savannah and her good friend Poppy who puts aside her own needs to help Georgina. And Cassidy is a sweet man who has had hard times. As well as being about family it is about friendship, new starts and community,
It also is the second book I recently read that deals with alcoholism. Substance abuse also features.
When I picked up this book I had no idea that it was Christian fiction. That became apparent as I read. What was interesting was that much of the Christian content echoed what I had been reading in my bible and scripture union notes each morning. God works in mysterious ways indeed!
I thoroughly enjoyed it because the characters were believable. There were a couple of things I wasn't convinced about given the beliefs, but overall a delightful read that got me in. My first read by this author. Finding a new author to read is always fun. Interested to read more by her.

cate cannon

117 reviews24 followers

November 9, 2022

I absolutely adored Carmen Schober's Pretty Little Pieces.

The story in this novel is built so well and with such attention to the characters' needs in order to achieve growth. Georgina is phenomenal, not just as a character, but as a human being. Her ability to pursue her dreams in the wake of tragedy and heartbreak was so admirable, and her commitment to Poppy, Savannah, Cassidy, and the other people in her life was beautiful. Speaking of those three characters, I have such a special place in my heart for all of them. Poppy is such a fantastic best friend, mother, and wife. She brought so much joy to this story. I also really grew to enjoy Savannah. She faces many struggles, but she cares deeply for her sister, and I value that so deeply. Finally, Cassidy is an incredible character. I really loved reading about his journey from marriage to alcoholism to recovery and finding love again.

As a Christian myself, I thought this story was a testament to the power of God's love. Not only was Cassidy able to recover from intense grief and alcoholism, but he became such a strong man of God. He did not hesitate to trust God's plan and he always prayed. I also loved Georgina's journey to once again find Christ. Her questioning and denial of her faith ending with a desperate prayer and commitment to God was amazing. I think Poppy, Cassidy, and Savannah's encouragement was so beneficial in getting her back on that road, but her decision to fully reinvest herself in her faith and pursue God was heartwarming and all her.

This book is a stunning piece and I hope that many people can see the light it provides.


Anita Ojeda

414 reviews12 followers

November 17, 2022

Georgina Havoc stands on the cusp of success—a home renovation show with her boyfriend Lance Broussard, a good therapist who helps her overcome the stresses of growing up with uninvolved, distant parents, and an unexpected pregnancy.

In one evening, she loses two of the most important things—she miscarries. When she tells Lance, she loses him, too. He wants to put their relationship on pause. But because of their very public lives, Non-Disclosure Agreements, lawyers, publicists, and agents make the breakup of a relationship a minefield.

Her best friend, Poppy, and her agent develop a recovery plan. They pitch a new show to the network where Georgina and Lance worked together. In the new pilot, Georgina will go solo to rehab a cottage and rebuild her life after a devastating breakup.

Former military sniper Cassidy Stokes hasn’t had a drink in three years. After losing the love of his life, he spiraled out of control. But thanks to good friends, Cassidy has found his way back to God, and his life has settled into predictable routines. Now, if he can figure out how to tell his ailing mother he’s agreed to go to El Salvador and find a replacement for his job managing the farm at Harp House, he can tackle his next mission with a clear head.

After a beautiful woman almost kills him with her Lexus, he’s surprised to find her parked in front of Kit’s cottage. He doesn’t feel prepared for the sparks that fly between the two of them. After all, people don’t get a second chance at love, do they?

What I Loved About This Book

Schober pairs two unlikely people in this inspirational novel. How could a girly television star with a trunk load of emotional baggage who hates guns fall in love with a hunky widower who wants to use his sniping skills to help bring peace to a regional conflict? Even worse, Georgina has no use for a God who seems as distant and capricious as her earthly father.

Readers will relate to Georgina and Cassidy’s messed-up lives and their attempts to solve their problems independently. As they grow closer together, Georgina realizes she’s met a man who means to stay. And just maybe, he follows a God who also means to stay.

Schober creates relatable characters with real-life flaws who work through abandonment, faith, and family issues. Her use of humor adds just the right touch. I couldn’t put this book down. If you haven’t read Schober’s book After She Falls, I highly recommend that one, too.



382 reviews4 followers

December 7, 2022

I really enjoyed Carmen Schober’s debut novel After She Falls and when she announced she was releasing a new book this year I knew I had to read it. She has an amazing way of writing messy, imperfect and relatable characters. The characters in Pretty Little Pieces were exactly that.

The MC’s Georgina and Cassidy go through some really hard things before they meet. They’re in different places when it comes to faith and their social circles are nothing alike. The dialogue between them is probably what I enjoyed the most-I felt like a fly on the wall witnessing the two of them figure it all out. This is a story about rebuilding what’s broken and having hope in what’s to come.

4.5/5 ⭐️ - I really liked it! 👏🏼

Content ⚠️: miscarriage


279 reviews92 followers

January 25, 2023

Oh, how I wanted to love this book! I am a HUGE fan of Fixer Upper, Home Town, and all the other amazing DIY home shows that are on TV, so this book seemed to be a natural fit to my tastes. I have also met this author in person at a reader event, and just for that reason alone, wanted to support her and her books because she is the sweetest person.

While Pretty Little Pieces has all the HGTV feels (including a small TN town and a romance after heartbreak), I never connected with this story. It started off sad with a miscarriage that happened outside marriage, followed quickly by Georgina losing the tv show she'd had with the baby's father. His commitment issues really rubbed me the wrong way, but whether that's simply due to the fact that they weren't married or that neither of them were following the Lord, I did not like him at all. Technically, that would mean props to Carmen for writing a character that readers will loathe...kinda the point. *shrugs*

As some other reviewers have noted, there were some parts of Georgina and Cassidy's romance that were pretty intense. The early days of their relationship seemed to be built on infatuation more than anything else (ie. friends with (non-sexual) benefits). While I do appreciate a well written first kiss scene, their first kiss and the ones after were too much for what I'm used to finding in Christian romance. (Side note - the scene in the lake *really* pushed the boundaries. No spoilers, but it made me uncomfortable.)

If you're interested in something "different" in the Christian fiction market, this may be your book. Sadly, it wasn't mine, and I know I'm in the minority.


Lis K

456 reviews

December 1, 2022

This is my second book by Carmen Schober and she did not disappoint. It felt a little different from her first book--maybe less heavy?--but it was just as compelling and thought-provoking. I wasn't sure I would like Georgina very much but my preconceived notions were wrong. Her story arc kept my interest and was satisfying to read. Of course including Cassidy the sniper as her love interest didn't hurt either. There's so much to love about this story--the supporting characters, the small-town charm, the amazing chemistry between the MCs, the spiritual threads, the list goes on. The theme that resonated for me was how God can use suffering to draw people to him. I really enjoy this author's writing and I hope Christian publishers do not shy away from inspirational yet realistic stories. This story was so well-done!
* I received a copy free of charge from NetGalley.

Michelle Griep

Author37 books2,248 followers

April 22, 2023

If you like Joanna Gaines and fixer uppers, then this is the book for you. As for me? Well…I'm all about remodels but honestly this story didn't wow me. There is a hunky hero, though, so there's that. I just never really liked the heroine. Poppy was my favorite. So, if there's a sequel featuring her as the heroine, I'm all in ;)

Jen Good

269 reviews29 followers

December 2, 2022

Fixer Upper meets American Sniper in Pretty Little Pieces! It’s hard not to love this delightful cast of characters - they will tug on your heartstrings and make you wish you could be friends in real life! Georgina is very different from the heroine in Carmen Schober’s debut novel, After She Falls, but Carmen's willingness to tackle difficult issues remains the same. This is no fluffy romance novel; it’s full of grit, hard questions, and real faith.

Georgina faces the darkest days of her life right at the beginning of the story, leaving her to try to pick up the pieces. She grew in every area of life throughout the book, thanks in part to her sister Savannah and her friend Poppy. (I would love to see a sequel featuring Savannah!) While she deals with some hard questions, don't think this isn't a fun read! Witty banter, home renovation, and a handsome former Army sniper who is in the right place at the right time - what more could you ask for? I highly recommend this book, especially to fans of Susan May Warren and Becky Wade.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher viaNetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

    2022-new-releases read-for-review read-in-2022

Maureen Timerman

3,017 reviews486 followers

December 6, 2022

When I first turned the pages of this book, I found myself questioning the Christian aspect of this book, and yes, we are all sinners. We focus on Georgina, a woman whose boyfriend and TV partner leaves her under difficult circ*mstances. She is trying to move on and all through the book I didn't want her to go back to Lance! Will she?

We are also give a man, Cassidy who has lost his wife, and now has made a decision to go to another foreign country, and take a job as security! He is a former military sniper, and now he has met someone who might make him stay?

We are there as the renovation Georgina begins, and fate put Cassidy in her path, and we are there for a lot of family drama, but also a faith finding!

This quickly became a page turner for me, I loved the growth and caring that happens in this read! Enjoy!


Tasha (the_clean_read_book_club)

470 reviews

January 21, 2023

This is one of those books that you just can't look away from. It was dramatic and real and heavy at times, but also heartbreakingly beautiful.

I LOVED the God searching aspects of this book. I thought it was very true to life and highlighted real life struggles in such a poignant way. Subject matter in this book is not for the faint of heart (miscarriage, failed relationships, unmet expectations, strained family relationships and recovering alcoholism). BUT if you can read past those real life topics you will see such a beautiful story of faith, forgiveness and hope emerge.

The romance was brilliantly woven in. It was highs and lows and everything in between but felt so real and raw that I couldn't wait to see the final resolution. I am crossing my fingers that this will be a series or at least one more companion book. If there is, I will be here for it.

This is not my normal read, but the description captivated me and I'm so glad I picked it up.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.


473 reviews

November 9, 2022

Carmen Schober’s debut novel, After She Falls, was one of my top reads last year, so I have been really looking forward to reading Pretty Little Pieces. Then when I saw that our hero is an ex-sniper, my anticipation ramped up even more!

In fact, Cassidy ended up being my favorite character in this story. He was always kind, helpful and understanding. I liked him and Georgina together as a couple and I loved how he answered Georgina’s tough Biblical questions. His answers were straightforward and easy to follow for someone who, while she believed in God, wasn’t following Him. There were some great secondary characters in this story too. I also thought Georgina’s character growth was well done. I would’ve liked more completion on some of their stories.

From the premise of the story, you might be thinking that this is a fun, light romance, but it is not. It has several heavier themes including alcoholism, miscarriage, light drug use, and loss of a spouse. That being said, I never felt like this story got too heavy or weighed down. I would’ve liked a bit more focus on Georgina’s show and her renovations though.

I received a complementary copy of this book. All opinions are my own. The faith thread is medium.


1,575 reviews60 followers

October 13, 2022

First of all, what a gorgeous cover!

Now for my thoughts on the story itself...

This is definitely a romance (and a little steamier than your average Christian romance), and it featured my least-favorite Christian fiction trope of the romantic-interest-who-needs-to-get-converted-first, but I still enjoyed it. Also, it starts out with a traumatic experience that I feel like Georgina never really works through, and lots of past sadness that I feel could have been given a little more attention. I also loved the supporting characters but wanted more details/development of them as well. This almost felt like a sequel because I seemed to be missing some of the pieces (ha!). And I could have used more of the reality-show part -- more details of the filming, renovation, etc.

I guess my biggest criticism is that I wanted more! But four stars for the premise and the ending; I just wanted more of the in-between!

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

    adult christian netgalley

Nora St Laurent

1,545 reviews96 followers

November 15, 2022

I loved how this author gives readers a look behind the scenes of a DIY Show through Georgina Havoc ‘s eyes. She is the makeover queen, and people are saying she and her boyfriend are the next Chip and Joanna Gaines. Georgina Havoc and her beau Lance Broussard have been gaining in popularity until they hit a wall they could not get through, it’s personal.

Georgina Havoc’s world comes crashing down as her relationship falls apart. Problem, they've worked together on this show for years. The T.V. network wants to see what Georgina can do without Lance. Alas, Georgina is on a race to put something together for the executives that will show off her talents as a solo star.

This has both Georgina and Lance re-thinking their priorities in life. Can they do this solo? They sure are going to try and win the investors over to their way of thinking. Georgina goes to a close community of Tarragon, Tennessee to remodel a cottage that is close to where she went to summer camp as a child. It brings back good memories and uncovers a few surprises there.

In the middle of the stress, chaos, and fun of redesigning this cottage there is a splash of romance, and some helpful and insightful life lessons intertwined in a non-preachy, honest way, that asks some hard questions, with some raw responses. I love the authors’ insight into relationships, family and romance. She keeps the main thing the main thing.

‘People aren’t all good or all bad, Georgina,” Alvin said once, during her mom-centered session, “That would be simpler, but we’re all a mix of both. Adjust your expectations accordingly.”

I love this fresh voice in the Christian Fiction world, filled with heart-warming moments, showing and discussing what genuine love is, and taking readers on an adventure, all the while keeping the main thing the main thing. This I s a great escape and one that would work for our next book club pick.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsem*nts and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

(Katie) Paperbacks

677 reviews262 followers

December 12, 2022

"I think I like to read about home improvement shows more than watching them."

This is a hard hitting contemporary romance. Georgina and Lance are part of a home improvement show, when things go sour after Georgina's announcement. Georgina decides to try to make it on her own and start a new home improvement show. Heading out to a small town she almost runs down a hunky farm boy. What follows is sweet romance, a lovely redemption story of faith and God's love for us and how He fights for us.

I loved how Carmen Schober took the main character and had her on a rocky path of faith, because a lot of us have been there. I feel having characters like this is important and shows that when we go through the worst, God is there to pick us up and love us. And how the main character found her newfound love for the Lord.

I loved seeing the house get renovated, and the friendships that developed between the local townspeople and the TV show people.

The kissing scenes started getting a little heavy for my taste, but nothing past that.

*trigger warnings: miscarriage, and a character has been going to AA meeting to help his past addiction

Thank you to Baker Publishing and #netgalley for a copy of this book to read and review.


1,149 reviews153 followers

November 23, 2022

This is not your typical contemporary Christian fiction.

Georgianna is a reality show interior designer who is struggling with multiple issues and trying to put the broken pieces of her life back together.

She takes on a big project in hopes of moving her career forward and meets ex-sniper handyman Cassidy who has been through his own struggles but has made peace with the past, mostly due to his faith and the support of others.

The opposites-attract romance between Cassidy and Georgianna is very sweet and Cassidy is so supportive, not just of her but of everyone around him. I loved that Georgianna's discovery of her faith and her way forward was not a strait path but more of a zig-zag and two steps forward, one step back as that is how real life works. I really appreciated how the author didn't shy away or gloss over the tough issues from their pasts as well as their relationship - it made the story real and intriguing.

4.5 stars

TW: miscarriage, alcohol addiction, death of spouse (past event)

I received a complimentary copy but a positive review was not required.

Susan Snodgrass

2,002 reviews247 followers

December 6, 2022

I heard the buzz about this book before I decided to read it. I figured with all the good things that were being said about it would make it a great read. I was sadly disappointed. I’m in the minority, I guess. The writing was good, but I could not connect with the characters. I consider that the main point in reading a book if the characters are well fleshed out and believable. This did not ring true to me. I was also disappointed at the beginning when the two characters were living together and the female one drank so much alcohol that she didn’t even remember falling asleep one night. This was a Christian fiction story but that bothered me. I know God redeems and the book ends differently, but it was just a deal breaker for me. As was the swearing and steamy scenes later. I want something different, I guess, from a Christian story. Sadly, this wasn’t it.
My thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book. The opinion is my own.


106 reviews73 followers

December 17, 2022

I loved her debut book…but I think this one is my favorite😍

Once again, Carmen proves that Christian Romance doesn’t have to be cheesy or preachy or shallow. It’s relatable, gritty, and messy—just like normal, every day Christian life.

I loved Georgina and Cassidy as characters. They each had their own unique perspectives and it was so sweet seeing how Cassidy influenced Georgina in her faith journey with God.

Several things I learned from this book: God meets us where we are, even in the mess. Having Christian community is vital to faith. Southern hospitality is a treasure and should never be taken for granted. Hot military men will ALWAYS be amazing MCs.

I could go on, but I digress. 10/10. All the stars.

Drew Taylor

Author20 books171 followers

January 20, 2023

Let me start by saying I received a free ARC from the author and publisher for my honest review. Thank you both!

This was my first Schober read, and I was thrilled to receive the ARC after following her on Instagram for a while. She's a conservative woman who writes honest stories from a Christian perspective, though she does not hold back on the gritty and the swoony! This story had believable, real characters who were obviously flawed but the redemption was beautiful. Also, the "salvation scene" was written very well and not pushy or cheesy or unrealistic. If you love raw stories with a Christian tone, this is for you. Also, if you aren't a Christian, you can still very much appreciate this book and Schober's writing style and voice.

    arc christian contemporary-romance
Pretty Little Pieces (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.