Top ten Colorado posts on Raw Confessions (2024)


The website Raw Confessions specializes in unsigned posts, because anonymity encourages honesty, whether it's unflinching, ugly or hilarious. We've collected and photo-illustrated the ten most notable rants with Colorado connections. Some of the items encourage sympathy. Others definitely don't -- but all of them are memorable. Count down the rawness...

By Michael Roberts

May 23, 2012



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The website Raw Confessions specializes in unsigned posts, because anonymity encourages honesty, whether it's unflinching, ugly or hilarious. We've collected and photo-illustrated the ten most notable rants with Colorado connections. Some of the items encourage sympathy. Others definitely don't -- but all of them are memorable. Count down the rawness below.Number 10: Agony echoes"I gave up everything to be with him. I put my life on hold for him and 3 years later with a son from him he leaves me for my sister-n-law, my brother's wife. I mean all this time wasted and nothing to show for it but a beautiful lil boy. I just packed us up and we're getting on the bus from Colorado to LA, my home, and want nothing to do with them again. I mean i was a good wife. I cooked, I cleaned. He had a dinner every evening waiting for him after work. I quit a PR firm, for what? To get divorced 3 years later for that bitch, a so-called friend. I'm sure there's a good man out there for me. Dammit....I just want to scream at the top of the mountain!"Number 9: Crime must wait"My car was broken into recently, so what do I do? I call the Colorado Springs Police Dept. The lady told me that a cop doesn't normally come out for this. Isn't $1,600 worth of stuff being stolen considered a felony in most states? After waiting for 3 hours, I was told that the car was contaminated and that they couldn't take any fingerprints. It is a shame that the people we pay to protect us can't peel their asses off of their seats to actually make an honest dollar. That's okay. I guess that I will have to take the law into my own hands, track my stuff down and God help the coward that took my stuff. I will make him suffer and the police won't even know what happened."Page to continue reading the top ten Colorado posts on Raw Confessions.Number 8: I swear it's tobacco!"Denver drivers are by far the worst in the world. I have lived here for 10 years and they still piss me off on a regular basis. Put the pipe down and drive your f*cking car!"Number 7: Waiting room"I am a 75-year-old woman whose knees don't work well -- consequently need to use a wheelchair at airports. This week I flew to Baltimore with a layover in Denver. The wheelchair 'pusher' (my daughter was not permitted to push, as she is in over airports) gave me a choice of being left in either the food court or a 'special room.' I could not keep the wheelchair. The first time I selected 'the room' -- the 'warden' in charge would not call for a wheelchair when I requested it, as it was too early to go to the gate in her opinion. I was required to stay in 'the room' for another 10 minutes. On the flight home, I opted for the food court -- after sitting in a very crowded McDonald's over two hours, my daughter went in search of a wheelchair and pusher to get me out of McDonald's and to the gate area, where I was again just deposited on a chair. At close to boarding time, we had the gate agent call for a wheelchair and pusher. It required two calls, and as a result I missed the 'preboarding,' so delayed a multitude of people as I was pushed down the ramp and then hobbled with my cane down the aisle. People were very nice, but I was totally embarrassed by delaying them. Don't have a layover in the Denver airport if you need to use a wheelchair. You are kept captive either in 'the room' or the food court -- and if you don't have someone traveling with you, you are really in trouble!!!!!!"Page to continue reading the top ten Colorado posts on Raw Confessions.Number 6: Staying at the Hilton"Me and my friend went on vaca. in Colorado and we watched 1 Night In Paris and that XXX movie sucked. Like, did u see Rick Saloman's dick? Like gross. I mean I seen some ugly dicks in my life, but if you got one, no matter how big, why videotape it?.... My rating on that video was a negative 100."Number 5: He seems like a keeper, doesn't he?"Females complain how guys and their attitudes are instead of what made them that way -- like the sh*t the female population has pulled on them. How about this one: Having a baby is like starting a guaranteed retirement account for 20 yrs. Is it worth supporting your x wife and not getting any for it? I do not think so. It was not worth it when i was with her and it sure ain't worth it now. If I knew back then, I would never have had kids. They never see any of the money but her retirement account does. Eat sh*t, Jennifer ____ of Colorado Springs."Page to continue reading the top ten Colorado posts on Raw Confessions.Number 4: What a waste"I live in a very small town in the middle of nowhere. The town is run by a bunch of old people who don't give a * about anything that causes them trouble. The sewage lagoon for our town is dry, nothing but weeds. The people in charge say that it's a good thing that the water is just sinking into the ground! We are only 2 miles at most from the Arkansas River. Anyone looking for a source of E. coli, look here. This town is run like the Mafia. I dare someone to publish their investigation. The Colorado Department of Corrections will have their say, come Hell or High Water."Number 3: Mother knows best"1997 April 12 I was beaten by Westminster PD, hog-tied by Westminster Fire Department and jailed by my mom. Just before my 19th birthday in solitary confinement [because another inmate attacked me, because I beat him in chess, therefore losing his juice]. I found out my charges...felony menacing 2nd degree (carries 10 yrs), criminal mischief and this BS 'resisting arrest.' Now, out of pure confusion and fear, not fully comprehensive of why I was arrested and why I was in jail and how come mom hasn't seen talked or even contacted me, I see her just after my birthday, and in the preliminary hearing, stands up in front of a courtroom full of people exclaiming she fears for her life and the lives of her other children, 'which by the way are my brothers and sister,' demands the judge lock me up and recycle the key. I'm shocked and weakness trembles into my knees. My heart shatters into mushy little pieces of love. The judge looks at me angrily, claiming me to be a meance to society and orders no bail and I'm to remain in jail untill my trial. That's right, trial, because whatever I'm being charged with, i DIDN'T DO IT, especially to my mom...."Page to continue reading the top ten Colorado posts on Raw Confessions.Number 2: Twelve dollars for your thoughts"I worked at a deli in Colorado and my boss decided to be a sellout and move the store to the burbs. She also thought it would be a good marketing strategy to change it from the unique European style to a Western style deli because it's in Colorado. She was a raging bitch, so all of us decided we didn't want to work there anyways. So we went to get our last paychecks and one of the girls had earned tips from the day before. She asked for her 12 dollars and the uptight, Republican business owner wouldn't give it to her. She said she forfeited it by quitting! It was 12 dollars! The little guy never wins. Sorry this is poorly written, but it's hard for me to write my rage."Number 1: Viva Italia!"Well, like I said last nite, I finally left my husband and got me a plane ticket here to MILAN and its so nice. I sold all four of my plasma 50 inch TVs at the pawn shop and got $4,000, PLUS I TOOK EVERYTHING OUT OUR BANK ACCOUNT, which came up to $49,678. Well, what started this is, over the weekend, my sister had a party at her house, so we went, and like 3 hours into the party, I saw my husband making out with my best friend, and he's a dude. So come yesterday morning, I made a plan to get even and not mad. My husband doesn't know where I am yet. I know he didn't get home from work till late like he always does. My husband doesn't know that I saw him kissing my best friend. I guess they'll both be happy. I am out the way having a good time. So goodbye Denver, Colorado. Never again will I be someone's fool. I just hope I can make out with some fine-ass Italiano dude. Wish me luck, baby."

Follow and like the Michael Roberts/Westword Facebook page.

More from our archive: "Photos: Top ten Passive-Aggressive Notes from Colorado."

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Top ten Colorado posts on Raw Confessions (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.