It’s About Discovery. It’s About Innovation. It’s About ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

It’s About Discovery. It’s About Innovation. It’s About the Future.

2 0 1 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T

Contents3 Funding Discovery, Innovation and the Future of Anesthesiology

Discovery & Innovation4 Anesthesia Research Grants

6 FAER Board of Directors approved 14 grants in 2010

8 Progress Report: ASA/FAER Partnership to Study Awareness Prevention

The Future10 Annual Meeting Resident Scholar Program

12 Practice Management Resident Scholar Program

13 Medical Student Anesthesia Research Program

Mentorship16 Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology

17 FAER Celebration of Research Events

Financial Highlights18 Financial Highlights for Fiscal Year 2010

Donors 20 How to Donate

21 Corporate Donors

21 Private PracticeGroup/Anesthesiology Department Donors

22 Component Society Donors

22 Subspecialty Society Donors

23 Individual Donors

25 Foundation and Trust Donors

26 Individual Donors

27 Society for Anesthesia Education and Research

FAER Board and Staff28 FAER Names New President

29 2009-2010 FAER Board of Directors

2010 Annual Report

January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2010

It’s About Discovery.It’s About Innovation.It’s About the Future.

Great effort was made to include all contributors in this report and to ensure the accuracy of names and titles. If we have erred, please accept our apologies and let us know so we may make corrections in the future.

Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD FAER Board Chair

Incoming FAER President

Alan D. Sessler, MD FAER President


To advance medicine through education and research in


Our Mission

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Funding Discovery, Innovation and the Future of Anesthesiology This past year was one of growth and renewal for FAER. As the Great Recession eased its grip on the economy, our investments continued to recover, and the generosity of many of our donors increased. We were particularly grateful to receive a donation of more than $450,000 from the estate of Gertie Marx, MD, a pioneer in obstetric anesthesiology. This was in addition to the more than $500,000 she had already contributed, making Dr. Marx FAER’s largest single individual donor.

As a result of these improvements in our financial outlook, the FAER Board of Directors began returning our programs to previous levels of funding and size. We awarded more than $1,825,000 in research grants to 14 investigators in 2010, a 62% increase over the $1,125,000 in grants awarded to nine investigators in 2009.

The Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program grew as well, serving 58 medical students in 2010, a 14% increase over the 51 students served in 2009. This was in large part due to the generosity of a number of host institutions.

We began new initiatives to help fulfill our mission to advance medicine through education and research in anesthesiology. We established an annual Gertie Marx/FAER Research and Education Grant to the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology to support educational sessions at the society’s annual meetings, including an annual Gertie Marx/FAER Educational Lecture. We began a similar partnership with the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, launching an annual FAER/ASRA lecture at the 2010 fall ASRA meeting.

FAER also committed to supporting geriatric anesthesia research in 2010. The American Geriatrics Society created the Jahnigen Career Development Award Program/GEMSSTAR, a companion grant program to the National Institute on Aging RO3 award: Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Subspecialists’ Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR Program). This award provides up to $100,000 in direct costs over two years for research on the geriatrics aspects of a physician’s specialty to help him or her establish a track record in the field. FAER is contributing $25,000 to a GEMSSTAR award as a participating subspecialty society.

We launched the Society for Anesthesia Education and Research, welcoming 39 charter members in 2010 and early 2011. Membership in SAER offers anesthesiology departments and practice groups who pay annual dues of $5,000 special recognition and the opportunity to support existing and new FAER research funding opportunities.

This past year was one of planning for two important milestones coming up in 2011: The retirement of our current president, and the 25th Anniversary of our founding. You can read more about the naming of our new president on page 28 of this report, and we will share news about our anniversary celebration as the year progresses.

This report highlights FAER’s work to ensure we produce the dedicated educators and physician scientists needed to make the discoveries and innovations that will secure our specialty’s future. It also recognizes the donors who make this important work possible. We thank all those who contribute time, talent and dollars to advancing FAER’s mission.

Sincerely, Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD, and Alan D. Sessler, MD


Anesthesia Research Grants

Discovery & Innovation

FAER offers three types of research grants geared toward residents, fellows and faculty members in anesthesiology:

Mentored Research Training Grant• For instructors or assistant professors, no

more than 10 years after completion of residency or fellowship

• Year 1: $75,000, Year 2: $100,000• 75% research time• Focused on developing the skills and

preliminary data anesthesiologists need to become competitive, independent investigators

Research in Education Grant• For junior or senior faculty• Year 1: $50,000, Year 2:

$50,000• 40% research time• Focused on developing

innovative techniques for educating anesthesiologists

Research Fellowship Grant• For anesthesiology residents

after CA-1 year• Year 1: $75,000• 80% research time• Awarded in conjunction

with clinical training in a residency or fellowship program

Applications are reviewed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Research (RFGs, MRTGs) or the FAER Education Study Section (REGs). Grants are awarded based on scores and available funding.

For more information on FAER grants and the application process, visit

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Discovery & Innovation

2010 Research in Education Grant recipient Julian S. Bick, MD, in the lab at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN.

2010 Research Fellowship Grant recipient Michael E. Nemergut, MD, PhD, in the lab at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.

ASA Committee on ResearchPaul R. Knight, III, MD, PhD, ChairMichael J. Avram, PhD, Adj.Keith A. Candiotti, MDMarcel E. Durieux, MD, PhD, Adj.Allan Gottschalk, MD, PhDJudith Hellman, MD, Adj.Hugh C. Hemmings, MD, PhD, Adj.Thomas K. Henthorn, MD, Adj. Judy R. Kersten, MD, Adj.Beverly K. Philip, MDY. S. Prakash, MD, PhD, Adj.Sadeq A. Quraishi, MD, Adj.Daniel I. Sessler, MDDavid O. Warner, MD

FAER Education Study SectionJohn R. Moyers, MD, Chair Joy L. Hawkins, MD Michael F. Roizen, MD Theodore J. Sanford, Jr., MD Armin Schubert, MD, MBA

2010 Grant RecipientsWe received research grant applications from 45 promising researchers and educators in 2010. Application numbers were up nearly 10 percent, from 41 applications in 2009. Applications included:

• Eighteen Mentored Research Training Grants focused on basic science research

• Fifteen Mentored Research Training Grants focused on clinical and translational research

• Seven Research in Education Grants • Five Research Fellowship Grants

2010 Mentored Research Training Grant recipient Astrid G. Stucke, MD, in the OR at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, WI.


Discovery & Innovation

FAER Board of Directors approved 14 grants in 2010:

Julian S. Bick, MD Vanderbilt University Medical Center

REG: “Incorporation of Basic Transesophageal Echocardiography Training into Anesthesiology Residency”

Mentor: Bernhard Riedel, MB, ChB, FCA, MMed, FAHA, PhD

Co-sponsor: Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Foundation

Zhonghui Guan, MDUniversity of California, San Francisco

MRTG: “Contribution of Histone Acetylation in Inflammatory Pain”

Mentor: Allan I. Basbaum, PhD, FRS

Christopher G. Hughes, MD Vanderbilt University Medical Center

MRTG: “The Role of Endothelial Dysfunction in Intensive Care Unit Delirium and Long-term Cognitive Impairment”

Mentor: Pratik P. Pandharipande, MD

Erik B. Kistler, MD, PhDUniversity of California, San Diego

MRTG: “A Novel Strategy for the Identification and Treatment of Gut-Derived Inflammatory Mediators Responsible for the Pathogenesis of Circulatory Shock”

Mentor: Piyush M. Patel, MD

Co-sponsor: ASCCA-FAER-Hospira Physician Scientist Award

Sapna R. Kudchadkar, MD Johns Hopkins University

RFG: “The Impact of Pain and Pain Management on the Quality and Duration of Sleep in Mechanically Ventilated Children

Mentor: Myron Yaster, MD

Jennifer K. Lee, MDJohns Hopkins University

MRTG: “The Effects of Pediatric Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Re-warming on Cerebrovascular Autoregulation”

Mentor: Raymond C. Koehler, PhD

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Discovery & Innovation

Michael E. Nemergut, MD, PhD Johns Hopkins University

RFG: “Pediatric Neurotoxicity of General Anesthetics”

Mentor: Raymond C. Koehler, PhD

Co-sponsor: Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology/FAER Gertie Marx Research and Education Fund

Jochen D. Muehlschlegel, MDBrigham and Women’s Hospital

MRTG: “Identification of Cardiac Specific ANRIL Splice Variants”

Mentor: Jonathan G. Seidman, PhD

p*rnswan Ngamprasertwong, MD Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

RFG: “Effect of Maternal Anesthesia on Fetal Outcomes in Sheep Model”

Mentor: Senthilkumar Sadhasivam, MD

Co-sponsor: Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology/FAER Gertie Marx Research and Education Fund

Ben Julian A. Palanca, MD, PhDWashington University School of Medicine

MRTG: “Neural Correlates of Anesthetic-induced Unconsciousness in fMRI and EEG Signals”

Mentor: Marcus E. Raichle, MD

Co-sponsor: Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Marjorie P. Stiegler, MD David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA Medical Center)

REG: “Reflective Practice in Action: Impact of a Self-guided Assessment Tool for Anesthesiologists’ Nontechnical and Cognitive Skills”

Mentor: LuAnn Wilkerson, EdD

Co-sponsor: Society for Education in Anesthesia

Alexander Proekt, MD, PhD Weill Medical College of Cornell University

MRTG: “Neurophysiological Basis of Emergence from General Anesthesia”

Mentor: Donald W. Pfaff, PhD

Astrid G. Stucke, MD Medical College of Wisconsin

MRTG: “Opioid-Sensitivity of the PreBötzinger Complex in Young and Adult Rabbits”

Mentor: Eckehard A. Stuth, MD

Jing Wang, MD, PhDNew York University Medical Center

MRTG: “Chronic Pain Increases Calcium Permeable AMPA Receptors, Which in Turn Regulate Anhedonia and Vulnerability to Addiction”

Mentor: Edward B. Ziff, PhD

Co-sponsor: American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine


Progress Report: ASA/FAER Partnership to Study Awareness PreventionIn 2007, the American Society of Anesthesiologists provided funding for FAER to award two research grants focused on helping us better understand the role of cerebral function monitoring in the prevention of intraoperative awareness. Two projects were selected from among seven proposals submitted in response to a request for research proposals:

• Michael S. Avidan, MBBCh, FCA, at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, received funding for his study titled “BAG-RECALL: BIS or Anesthesia Gas to Reduce Explicit Recall.” Dr. Avidan proposed testing the hypothesis that an anesthetic protocol based on bispectral index (BIS) monitoring decreases the incidence of intraoperative awareness among patients at high risk for this complication compared with an anesthetic protocol based on end-tidal anesthetic concentration (ETAC). The study was conducted as a three-center (Washington University, University of Manitoba and University of Chicago), prospective, randomized trial enrolling 6,000 patients at high risk for intraoperative awareness.

• George A. Mashour, MD, PhD, at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI, received funding for his study titled “A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing Bispectral Index Monitoring to Electronic Alerts for Prevention of Awareness During Anesthesia in the General Population.” Dr. Mashour’s project also focused on the BIS monitor. He proposed a prospective, randomized, controlled trial comparing the BIS monitor to electronic alerts based on non-electroencephalographic gauges of anesthetic depth in patients at all risk levels for awareness. The study was conducted in more than 20,000 patients at three hospitals within the University of Michigan Health System.

These two research teams developed a close collaboration to ensure complementary work, even pre-specifying in

2007 Cerebral Function Monitoring Grant recipient Michael Avidan, MBBCh, FCA, in the lab at Washington University in St. Louis, MO.

their Clinical Trials registrations that common outcomes between the studies would be analyzed through meta-analyses. In fact, Drs. Avidan and Mashour are co-Principal Investigators on both trials. They envisioned that their collaboration would allow them to answer with a degree of certainty whether BIS monitoring results in a clinically meaningful reduction in unintended intraoperative awareness in both high risk patients, and in patients undergoing general anesthesia regardless of risk profile.

An abstract describing one component of Dr. Mashour’s project, an alerting system for the detection of potentially insufficient anesthesia, won an award from the Society for Technology in Anesthesia at the 2008 ASA Annual Meeting for best clinical application of technology. A novel algorithm based on the total minimum alveolar

Discovery & Innovation

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2007 Cerebral Function Monitoring Grant recipient George Mashour, MD, PhD, in the lab at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.

concentration (MAC) for inhalational agents, as well as intravenous infusions and boluses, was constructed and implemented in his research team’s electronic perioperative information system.

The ASA has supported these projects with a total of $1,096,000 divided equally between the two grants, which FAER has administered. Together, the data gathered by Drs. Avidan and Mashour will make significant contributions to the scientific literature on the prevention of awareness, providing valuable information and guidance to anesthesiologists across the globe. Their collaboration has already resulted in the development of a novel

classification system for intraoperative awareness events, a book on awareness, and numerous joint publications. They most recently submitted manuscripts describing the outcome of their studies to high-profile medical journals.

Drs. Avidan and Mashour anticipate their collaborative research will achieve a number of secondary outcomes in the coming years, including:

• Multi-variate risk models for awareness based on patients recruited for both studies.

• The incidence and predictors of psychological sequelae attributable to awareness.

• The relationship between cumulative deep hypnotic time, anesthetic doses, and mortality.

• The clinical management and outcomes for patients who have a history of awareness.

In gratitude for the support they have received, Drs. Avidan and Mashour recently made a joint donation to FAER. “We recognize the important role that FAER has played in our research programs and our career development,” they said. “We are committed to giving back to help ensure the future of the foundation as well as the future of the academic anesthesiology mission it supports.”

Discovery & Innovation

...the data gathered by Drs. Avidan and Mashour will make significant contributions to the scientific literature on the prevention of awareness, providing valuable information and guidance to anesthesiologists across the globe.


Annual Meeting Resident Scholar Program

Resident Scholar Candra Rowell, MD, visits the FAER booth at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Resident Scholars Eleanor Vega, MD, and Matt Spond, MD, at the Farewell Reception for FAER program participants at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

The Future

The 2010 Annual Meeting Resident Scholar Program provided educational grants to anesthesia departments to help residents attend the ASA Annual Meeting. “The program is designed to encourage trainees to enter academic medicine and become the teachers of tomorrow,” said Joy L. Hawkins, MD, Program Chair. “We need our best and brightest to move the specialty forward through teaching and research. Today’s resident scholars will be producing our best science in the future and contributing to the continuation of the specialty.”

For more information on the Annual Meeting Resident Scholar Program, visit

Vivek Arora, MBBS Henry Ford Hospital

Douglas B. Atkinson, MD University of Washington

Nora Azzazy, MD Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College of Virginia

Robert B. Bolash, MD St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center

Joseph Deng, MD Loma Linda University

Linzy A. Doherty, MD David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA Medical Center)

Jeremy S. Dority, MD University of Kentucky

Rebecca L. Downey, MD Tufts Medical Center

Paul I. Eisenberg, MD Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine

Jonathan E. Ferns, MD University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine

Ryan N. Foresman, MD Maine Medical Center

Supriya P. Franklin, MD University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston

Kamrouz Ghadimi, MD Western Pennsylvania Hospital/Temple University School of Medicine

Leah E. Gross, MD University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio

Ihar Halai, MD State University of New York, Upstate Medical University

Lindsey C. Hansen, MD Indiana University School of Medicine

Timothy L. Heinke, MD Medical University of South Carolina

Anthony Isenalumhe, Jr., MD New York University Medical Center

Ryan Joyce, MD Baystate Medical Center

Patrick M. Klar, MD, BS University of Mississippi Medical Center

Benjamin W. Ladner, MD University of Louisville

Jennifer Mack, DO Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Prashanth S. Manjunath, MD University of Miami School of Medicine

Nicholas W. Markin, MD University of Nebraska Medical Center

Jill I. McCarty, MD Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Evelyn C. Monico, MD University of California, Davis

Rebecca L. Morrison, MD Scott and White Memorial Hospital - Texas A&M College of Medicine

Robert M. Nicholson, IV, MD University of Virginia

Silvia E. Perez-Protto, MD Cleveland Clinic

Saravanan Ramamoorthy, MD Pennsylvania State University - Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Janakiram Ravulapati, MD University of Florida Medical Center

Cody C. Rowan, MD University of Tennessee Medical Center at Knoxville

Candra E. Rowell, MD University of North Carolina Hospitals

Brian S. Schloss, MD Ohio State University

Eric S. Schwenk, MD Thomas Jefferson University-Jefferson Medical College

Alan Sim, MD Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York)

Daniel C. Sizemore, MD West Virginia University School of Medicine

Matthew Spond, MD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Bui T. Tran, MD Boston University Medical Center

Eleanor A. Vega, MD Oregon Health and Science University

Marisa M. Wynne, DO Metrohealth Medical Center

Sloan C. Youngblood, MD Baylor College of Medicine

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The Future

2010 Annual Meeting Resident Scholars

Resident Scholars Ihar Halai, MD, and Nicholas Markin, MD, at the Farewell Reception for FAER program participants at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.


The Future

Practice Management Resident Scholar ProgramThe 2010 Practice Management Resident Scholar Program provided $750 grants to 28 anesthesia departments to help residents attend the ASA Conference on Practice Management, where they received an introduction to basic practice management issues.

2010 Practice Management Resident Scholars

Andre Atoian, MD, MBA LAC & USC Medical Center

Richard Belle-Isle, MD Medical College of Georgia

Major K. Boateng, MD, MBA University of Iowa

Brandon Bowman, MD Emory University School of Medicine

Brad N. Brian, MD, MS, MBA University of Florida

Carl Buoy, MD Northwestern University

Matthew A. Caldwell, MD Kansas University Medical Center

Ayana G. Cannon, MD University of Maryland Medical Center

Johnny C. Chen, MD David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Allison G. Clark, MD Ochsner Clinic Foundation

Trevor B. Emory, MD, MBA Dartmouth-Hitchco*ck Medical Center

William Ennen, MD Stanford University

Mark Ettinger, MD Johns Hopkins University

Amy B. Halliburton, MD University of Alabama School of Medicine

Sayeh Hamzehzadeh, MD Johns Hopkins Hospital

Adam Kline, MD Medical College of Wisconsin

David Cameron May, MD University of Mississippi Medical Center

Scott T. McCardle, MD University of Michigan

Jaideep Mehta, MD, MBA The George Washington University Medical Center

Fleurise Montecillo, MD New York University

Jaffer Odeh, MD Anesthesiology Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Matthew E. Patterson, MD Emory University School of Medicine

Darren Raphael, MD, MBA University of California, Irvine

Deborah Rohner, MD University of Cincinnati

Jessica Scarfe, MD VCU Health System

Jeremy Schirmer, MD LSUHSC Shreveport

Robert Schuster, MD, MBA Saint Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center

Mark Slomovits, MD UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

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Medical Student Anesthesia Research ProgramThe 2010 MSARF program provided 58 medical students with eight-week summer research experiences at 40 host institutions. Aimed at encouraging careers in anesthesiology and perioperative medicine research, the program includes participation in research and training activities in the anesthesia department, a dedicated mentor, 15% exposure to clinical anesthesia and an opportunity to make a scientific presentation at the MSARF Symposium at the ASA Annual Meeting.

“Interest in the MSARF Program has grown steadily over the past six years,” said Program Chair Donn M. Dennis, MD, FAHA. “FAER received a record-breaking 192 applications in 2010—nearly 25% more than we received in 2009, and 12 times more than we received in 2005 when the program was launched. Clearly, past participants and anesthesia departments are spreading the word about the program’s value.”

For more information on the MSARF program, visit

2010 MSARF Participants and Host Institutions

Benjamin Aakre Host: Mayo Clinic Rochester* Medical School: University of Minnesota

Anuj Aggarwal Host/Medical School: University of California, San Francisco*

Andrew Benjamin Host: Mount Sinai School of Medicine* Medical School: Loyola Stritch School of Medicine

Scott Bluth Host: University of Colorado, Denver* Medical School: University of Texas, Houston

Kevin Boegel Host: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Medical School: University of Minnesota

Vaughn Braxton Host: Vanderbilt University Medical School: University of South Carolina School of Medicine

Meghan Brennan Host: University of Florida Medical Center* Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Morgan Brgoch Host: University of Utah Medical Center Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Marissa Brown Host: Emory University School of Medicine* Medical School: University of North Dakota School of Medicine

Elizabeth Cedars Host/Medical School: University of California, San Francisco*

Sucie Chang Host: New York-Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia University)* Medical School: Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons

Benazir Chhotani Host: University of Wisconsin, Madison Medical School: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Medicine

Ann Chuang Host: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (Newark)* Medical School: UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Manuel Cortes Host: University of California, Irvine* Medical School: University of California, Irvine School of Medicine

MSARF Program participant Jon Sol Oh presents his poster to FAER Board Member and ASA Vice President of Scientific Affairs Arnold J. Berry, MD, MPH, at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.


Richard Dekoltz Host/Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin*

Linda Demma Host/Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine*

Dina Diskina Host/Medical School: University of Pennsylvania Medical Center*

Stanley Eosakul Host: Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine* Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine

William Gao Host: University of Pennsylvania Medical Center* Medical School: Thomas Jefferson University

Julee Hong Host/Medical School: University of Colorado, Denver*

Elizabeth Hong Host: University of Michigan Medical Center* Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School

Steven Immen Host: University of Iowa Medical School: University of Illinois Chicago

York Jiao Host: Washington University School of Medicine Medical School: University of Connecticut

Carolyn Kezar Host/Medical School: University of Alabama, Birmingham

Daniel Kim Host: University of Cincinnati Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Mitchell Kim Host: University of Washington Medical School: New York University School of Medicine

Ashley Lawler Host: Dartmouth-Hitchco*ck Medical Center Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Angela Lin Host: Cleveland Clinic Foundation* Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Derek Lomas Host: Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine* Medical School: Chicago Medical School, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Yue Ma Host: Stanford University Medical Center* Medical School: University of Arizona College of Medicine

Janna Merte Host: University of Michigan Medical Center* Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School

Neil Mori Host: Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York)* Medical School: Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Jerry Moulton Host: University of Chicago* Medical School: University of Arizona College of Medicine

Jin Sol Oh Host/Medical School: Medical College of Georgia

Alopi Patel Host: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (Newark)* Medical School: UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Richard Philipp Host/Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina*

Soumya Rangarajan Host: Vanderbilt University Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine

MSARF Program participant Ashley Lawler presents her poster at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

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Aaron Reposar Host: Oregon Health and Science University Medical School: George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Stefanie Robinson Host/Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina

Christine Ryan Host: Thomas Jefferson University-Jefferson Medical College Medical School: UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

David Salek Host: University of Chicago* Medical School: Loyola University of Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine

Qasim Salimi Host: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia* Medical School: UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Amandeep Sandhu Host: University of California, Irvine* Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Brian Savoie Host: Massachusetts General Hospital Medical School: New York Medical College

Danielle Schlosser Host: Mayo Clinic Rochester* Medical School: University of Minnesota

Garrett Simmons Host: University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Medical School: Paul L. Foster School of Medicine

Christopher Southwood Host: Medical College of Wisconsin* Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine

Michael Spertus Host/Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine*

Lauren Taylor Host: Children’s Memorial Hospital-Chicago Medical School: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Eric Teplicki Host: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine* Medical School: New York University School of Medicine

Mitesh Thakkar Host: Cleveland Clinic Foundation* Medical School: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine

Nam Phuong Tran Host/Medical School: University of California, Irvine*

Tiffany Tsang Host: Stanford University Medical Center* Medical School: Texas Tech, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine

Robb Wasserman Host: University of Rochester-Strong Memorial Hospital Medical School: University at Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Kevin Wong Host: New York-Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia)* Medical School: New York College of Osteopathic Medicine

Kevin Wong Host: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia* Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Patrick Wu Host: University of Florida Medical Center* Medical School: University of Virginia

Adham Zayed Host: SUNY Downstate Medical Center – Brooklyn Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine

Richard Zhu Host: Yale University Medical School: University of Maryland

*Institution sponsored at least one student’s participation in the MSARF Program.MSARF Program participant Jerry Moulton presents his poster

at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.


Academy of Research Mentors in AnesthesiologyThe FAER Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology promotes the development of new mentors and role models in academic anesthesia, facilitating the development of educational and research programs for junior faculty and encouraging all faculty to mentor.

The Academy meets annually and conducts a workshop at the ASA Annual Meeting. The 2010 workshop, “Enhancing Departmental Research Through Mentorship,” explored how departments can develop both traditional and nontraditional research opportunities, including how to assemble the multidisciplinary teams to prepare trainees and how to form strategic partnerships with the wide variety of disciplines necessary for success in these areas. The workshop was moderated by Keith A. Jones, MD, and David O. Warner, MD. Presenters included Margaret Wood, MB, ChB; Mark F Newman, MD; and Sadis Matalon, PhD.

To highlight the value of outstanding mentors, in 2009 the Academy launched the annual FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award, which recognizes the successful development of mentees. The recipient of the 2010 award was Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD. He is Vice Chancellor for Research, the Russell D. and Mary B. Shelden Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Division of Clinical and Translational Research at the Department of Anesthesiology and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University in St. Louis, MO.

For more information on the Academy, visit


Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD, recipient of the 2010 FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award.

FAER Celebration of Research EventsIn partnership with Anesthesiology, the journal of the ASA, FAER sponsors special scientific activities at the ASA Annual Meeting that promote the important role anesthesia education and research plays in keeping the specialty healthy: the FAER Honorary Research Lecture and the FAER Panel.

Tenth Annual FAER Honorary Research LectureThe Annual Honorary Research Lecture recognizes outstanding scholarship by an anesthesiologist and encourages other anesthesiologists to undertake careers in research and teaching. The Tenth Annual Honorary Research Lecturer was Roger A. Johns, MD, MHS. He is Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD.

Dr. Johns’ lecture explored “A FAER-fueled Career as a Clinician-scientist,” providing an appreciation of the value of FAER in launching the career of a clinician-scientist in anesthesiology, providing an understanding of the importance of mentorship and department support in developing clinician scientists, and providing novel insights into cellular mechanisms of pulmonary vascular disease and anesthesia.

Dr. Johns, a 1987 FAER grant recipient, is a clinician-scientist who specializes in cardio-thoracic anesthesia. Funded continuously by the National Institutes of Health for more than 20 years, Dr. Johns directs three NIH-funded basic science research programs, one in vascular biology of the pulmonary

circulation and two in molecular neurobiology related to mechanisms of analgesia and anesthesia. He is also co-director and primary investigator on a Specialized Centers of Clinically Oriented Research grant focused on genomic and proteomic approaches to the diagnosis and etiology of pulmonary hypertension.

FAER PanelThe 2010 FAER Panel explored the question, “Do the Competing Missions of Education, Research and Clinical Care Allow for Quality Excellence?” The panel was moderated by George T. Blike, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Dartmouth College of Medicine and Dartmouth Hitchco*ck Medical Center in Lebanon, NH.

Panel participants discussed how quality excellence is a lifelong quest for all practicing anesthesiologists. However, the goals to perform research, education and clinical care can appear to be competing for the same limited resources. This panel surveyed the latest concepts in how research, education and clinical care are explicitly linked to quality and patient safety. They also provided differing perspectives on the question, “Do the goals of research, education and clinical care compete with or complement each other in the pursuit of quality excellence?” Panelists included:

• Charles Dean Kurth, MD, Anesthesiologist-In-Chief and Professor of Anesthesia and Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, OH.

• Brian Sites, MD, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of Orthopedic and Regional Anesthesia, Dartmouth-Hitchco*ck Medical Center, Lebanon, NH.

• Warren Sandberg, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.

• Matt Weinger, MD, Norman Ty Smith Chair in Patient Safety and Medical Simulation and a Professor of Anesthesiology, Biomedical Informatics, and Medical Education and the Vice Chairman for Academic Affairs, Department of Anesthesiology; Director, Simulation Technologies Program, Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment; Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN.

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Roger A. Johns, MD, MHS, the Tenth Annual FAER Honorary Research Lecturer.

George T. Blike, MD, FAER Panel Moderator.


LiabiLities and net assets2010 2009

Total Liabilities $110,107 $95,888

Undesignated Net Assets $17,935,686 $15,350,992

Net Income $2,671,581 $2,584,694

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $20,717,375 $18,031,572

assets2010 2009

Cash $662,077 $1,441,473

Investments $19,886,243 $16,502,772

Accounts Receivable $167,745 $82,881

Fixed Assets $107,941 $107,941

Depreciation (107,008) (105,762)

Prepaid Expense $352 1,544

Accrued Interest Income $25 723

Total Assets $20,717,375 $18,031,572

Financial Highlights for Fiscal Year 2010

These highlights are based on unaudited financials for the year ended December 31, 2010. For a copy of the complete audited financials, please contact FAER at 507-266-6866 or [emailprotected].

Financial Highlights

FAER Annua l Repor t | 19

Financial Highlights

income2010 2009


ASA - Unrestricted $1,500,000 $1,750,000

ASA - Cerebral Function Monitoring Grants

$96,000 $0

Corporate $84,557 $131,287

State Component Society $80,800 $80,200

Other Society $125,000 $135,500

Individual $839,119* $170,544

Private Practice Group/Anesthesiology Department

$123,085 $9,250

Foundation/Trust $44,191 $8,750

Other $0 $179,216

Total Donations $2,892,752 $2,476,447

Other Income – Returned Grant Monies

$206,871 $31,669

Total Income $3,099,623 $2,508,116

expenses2010 2009


Research Grants $1,518,898 $1,939,458

Cerebral Function Monitoring Research Grants

$96,000 $250,000

Annual Meeting Resident Scholar Program

$36,050 $40,680

Practice Management Resident Scholar Program

$20,476 $14,701

Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program

$163,757 $166,190

Subspecialty Education Programs $10,000 $0

Total Grants/Programs $1,845,181 $2,411,029

General Operating Expenses $718,164 $803,201

Total Expenses $2,563,345 $3,214,230

2010 Income Donations: 93%

Other Income: 7% 2009 Income Donations: 99%

Other Income: 1%

2010 Expenses General Operating Expenses: 28%

Research Grants: 59%

Cerebral Function Monitoring Research Grants: 4%

Resident Scholar Programs: 2%

Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program: 6%

Subspecialty Education Programs: 0.4%

2009 Expenses General Operating Expenses: 25%

Research Grants: 60%

Cerebral Function Monitoring Research Grants: 8%

Resident Scholar Programs: 2%

Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program: 5%

*Individual donations increased dramatically in 2010 due to a donation of more than $450,000 from the estate of Gertie Marx, MD. Read more about Dr. Marx on page 25 of this report.



How to DonatePartner with FAER to encourage discovery and innovation and secure our specialty’s future! Your charitable investment will ensure the continuation of research grants and career development opportunities discussed in this report. You can give in many ways:

OnlineGo to and click the Donate Now button to make a one-time or sustaining cash donation with your American Express, Visa, or MasterCard.

MailMail a check to:

Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research PO Box 157 Rochester, MN 55903

You can also use the attached envelope and donation form.

PhoneFor more information on donating to FAER, including how to make a bequest, please contact:

David C. Wolfson, CFRE Chief Development Officer 414-218-1135

“The quality of medical students who choose to enter anesthesiology has never been higher, and their enthusiasm for an academic career is exciting. FAER and AUA hope that supporting these talented people through the critical stages of their careers will expand research in anesthesiology, benefiting our specialty, our medical centers, and, most importantly, our patients.” – Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Associate Director of Critical Care, Department of Anesthesiology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA; FAER Board Member; Past President, Association of University Anesthesiologists.

FAER Annua l Repor t | 21


2010 Corporate DonorsBronze Sponsors ($5,000-$9,999)

Draeger Medical, Inc.Frank Moya Continuing Education ProgramsLippincott Williams & WilkinsMinrad International, Inc.Philips Medical SystemsSmiths Medical

Sponsors ($1,000-$4,999)

Auditing for Compliance & Education, Inc.King Systems Corp.Mainline Medical, Inc.Sierra Health Services, LLCSomanetics Corp.

Contributors (Up to $999)

Judith Jurin Semo, PLLCHaglund, Kelley, Horngren, Jones & Wilder, LLPProSTAT Anesthesia Advisors

Gold Sponsors ($25,000-$49,999)

Silver Sponsors ($10,000-$24,999)

2010 Private Practice Group/Anesthesiology Department Donors$10,000 or More

Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York)University of Florida Medical CenterUniversity of Rochester-Strong Memorial


$5,000 to $9,999Anesthesia Medical GroupChildren’s Hospital of BostonFlorida Clinical Practice Association, Inc.Massachusetts General HospitalNorth American Partners in Anesthesia, LLPUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison

$2,000-$4,999Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterUniversity of Alabama, Birmingham

$1,000-$1,999Affiliated Anesthesiologists, Inc.Anesthesia Management Services, PCAnesthesiology Consultants of Virginia, IncCAP Anesthesia, PCPark Slope AnesthesiaProvidence Anchorage Anesthesia Medical

Group, PCSpectrum Medical GroupState University of New York, Buffalo

United Anesthesia Group, PCUniversity at Buffalo Anesthesiology, Inc.University of Oklahoma Health Science CenterUniversity Physicians HealthcareWeill Medical College of Cornell University

Up to $999Alabama Anesthesia of Huntsville, LLCAnesthesia Associates of Columbus, PAGeorgetown University HospitalOzarks Anesthesia Associates, LLCSouthern Tier Anesthesiologists, PCUniversity of Cincinnati Medical Center

“When I wrote my check to FAER this year, I thought about the incredible opportunities we have to address important questions of public health, if only we would step outside a purely service mindset.” – James C. Eisenach, MD, Francis

M. James III Professor of Anesthesiology and Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC;

Editor-in-Chief, Anesthesiology; FAER Board Member.



2010 Subspecialty Society DonorsSustaining Sponsors ($10,000-$24,999)

Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists

Sponsors (Up to $4,999)

Academy of AnesthesiologySociety for Education in AnesthesiaSociety for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical CareSociety for the Advancement of Geriatric AnesthesiaSociety of Academic Anesthesiology AssociationsSociety of Critical Care Anesthesiologists

Founding Sponsor ($1,596,000)

Grand Sponsors ($25,000-$50,000)

2010 Component Society Donors$10,000 or More

Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists

$5,000-$9,999Pennsylvania Society of AnesthesiologistsTennessee Society of AnesthesiologistsTexas Society of Anesthesiologists

$2,000-$4,999Arizona Society of AnesthesiologistsCalifornia Society of AnesthesiologistsGeorgia Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.Massachusetts Society of AnesthesiologistsNew York State Society of AnesthesiologistsNorth Carolina Society of AnesthesiologistsOklahoma Society of Anesthesiologists

Oregon Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.Virginia Society of AnesthesiologistsWashington State Society of Anesthesiologists

$1,000-$1,999Alabama State Society of AnesthesiologistsColorado Society of AnesthesiologistsDC Society of AnesthesiologistsFlorida Society of AnesthesiologistsIllinois Society of AnesthesiologistsIowa Society of AnesthesiologistsKansas State Society of AnesthesiologistsKentucky Society of AnesthesiologistsMaine Society of AnesthesiologistsMaryland Society of AnesthesiologistsMichigan Society of AnesthesiologistsMissouri Society of AnesthesiologistsNebraska Society of Anesthesiologists

New Jersey State Society of AnesthesiologistsOhio Society of AnesthesiologistsSouth Carolina Society of AnesthesiologistsSouth Dakota Society of AnesthesiologistsWisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists

Up to $999Indiana Society of AnesthesiologistsKansas City Society of AnesthesiologistsMississippi Society of AnesthesiologistsNew Hampshire Society of AnesthesiologistsNew Mexico Society of AnesthesiologistsRhode Island Society of AnesthesiologistsVermont Society of AnesthesiologistsWest Virginia Society of AnesthesiologistsWyoming Society of Anesthesiologists

2010 Mentored Research Training Grant recipient Ben Julian A. Palanca, MD, PhD, in the lab at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO.

FAER Annua l Repor t | 23


2010 Individual Donors$25,000 or More

Alan D. Sessler, MD*James R. Zaidan, MD,


$15,000-$24,999Kathryn E. McGoldrick,

MD*Charles A. Vacanti, MD*Denham S. Ward, MD,


$10,000-$14,999David L. Brown, MD*Ronald L. Katz, MD*Francis X. McGowan, MD*Ronald D. Miller, MD*

$5,000-$9,999Joseph P. Annis, MD*Joseph F. Antognini, MD*Alexander A. Hannenberg,

MD*Catherine K. Kuhn, MDMark J. Lema, MD, PhD*Frank Moya, MD*Srikanth S. Patankar, MD,

MBBS*Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD*Drs. Ximena and Daniel

Sessler*Paloma Toledo, MDMark and Mary Ellen

Warner*Karen S. Williams, MD

$2,000-$4,999Julien F. Biebuyck, MD,

PhDStephen M. Breneman,

MD, PhDJerry Cohen, MDLee A. Fleisher, MDSimon Gelman, MD, PhD*D. David Glass, MD*

Joanne Jene, MD*Robert E. Johnstone, MDCharles D. Kurth, MDMaureen T. Luby, MDCharles W. Otto, MD*Warren S. and Elisabeth H.

SandbergArmin Schubert, MD,

MBA*John A. Ulatowski, MD,

PhD, MBAJeanine P. Wiener-Kronish,

MDJohn M. Zerwas, MD

$1,000-$1,999Michael S. Avidan,

MBBCh, FCAKeith H. Baker, MD, PhDArnold J. Berry, MD, MPHJulian S. Bick, MDGeorge T. Blike, MDAzmy Boutros, MDPhilip F. Boyle, MDRandall P. Brewer, MDJohn F. Butterworth, IV,

MDIan Carroll, MDNorman A. Cohen, MDDr. and Mrs. Robert A.

CordesDr. and Mrs. Bruce F.

CullenDeborah J. Culley, MDDonn M. Dennis, MD,

FAHAJames C. Eisenach, MDAlex S. Evers, MD*Jay S. Ellis, MDWilliam L. Greer, MDOrin F. Guidry, MD*Dr. and Mrs. Steven C.

Hall*Bradley J. Hindman, MDPhilippe R. Housmans,

MD, PhDCarl C. Hug, Jr, MD, PhDSean K. Kennedy, MD*

Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD

Jeffrey R. Kirsch, MDTom C. Krejcie, MDDr. Philip and Christine

LumbCatherine Marcucci, MDM. Jane Matjasko, MD*James F. Mayhew, MDDavid G. Metro, MDCarlos L. Moreno, MDDr. John and Mrs.

Katherine MoyersSathyendra Mysore, MDMary J. Njoku, MDChristina M. Pabelick, MDJerome Parness, MD, PhDDr. Duane and Mrs.

Carolyn Rorie*Franklin L. Scamman, MDEugene P. Sinclair, MD*Michael M. Todd, MD*John P. Williams, MD, DOCynthia A. Wong, MDMargaret Wood, MB, ChBShu-Ming Wang, MDPaul F. White, MD, PhDThomas K. Yue, MDPhilip J. Zitello, MD

$500-$999Kristy Z. Baker, MDEdwin E. Batte, MDVerna L. Baughman, MDVictor C. Baum, MDHelene Benveniste, MD,

PhDHonorio T. Benzon, MDE. Jane Brock, DOJoseph J. Buckley, MDDebra Bulter, CPA, MBAJason A. Campagna, MD,

PhDFrederick W. Campbell,

III, MDLillian K. Chen, MDFrederick W. Cheney, MDMelvin A. Cohen, MD

Joseph F. Cotten, MD, PhDDonald G. Crino, MDMarilyn K. Dearmond, MDRichard P. Dutton, MDMichael Eaton, MDRoderic G. Eckenhoff, MDSteven B. Edelstein, MDMs. Christin L. EngelhardtJames C. Erickson, III, MDJames J. Fehr, MDJohn F. Geiser, MDMark A. Gerhardt, MD, PhDLaurent G. Glance, MDPeter A. Goldstein, MDJerry M. Gonzales, MDJames D. Grant, MDJoel G. Greenspan, MDGerald A. Gronert, MDCarin A. Hagberg, MDC. Alvin Head, MDThomas K. Henthorn, MDWilliam D. Hetrick, MDThomas R. Hill, MDHarriet W. Hopf, MDDr. Jay C. Horrow and Mrs.

Mindy M. HorrowRobert P. Introna, MDFrancis M. James, III, MD*Lajwanti Jhaveri, MDJoel Kaplan, MDPatricia A. Kapur, MDSuzanne B. Karan, MDIra M. Kupferberg, MDWilliam A. Kofke, MD,

MBA, FCCMGeorge Lederhaas, MDLorri A. Lee, MDPanayota Liopyris, MDRonald S. Litman, DORichard C. Lodise, MDSean Mackey, MD, PhDStephen Markowitz, MD,

PhDGeorge A. Mashour, MD,

PhDGregory B. McComas, MDE. Kay McDivitt, MDEmerson A. Moffitt, MDMark C. Norris, MD

Fredrick K. Orkin, MDRobert A. Pearce, MD, PhDMary D. Peterson, MDSusan Polk, MDJulia E. Pollock, MDYupadi Prasertwanitch,

MDKai Rehder, MD*G. A. Rooke, MD, PhDAndrew D. Rosenberg, MDJames C. Scott, MDJohn W. Severinghaus, MDSam R. Sharar, MDChetan R. Shukla, MDJeffrey H. Silverstein, MDRobert N. Sladen, MDFrank J. Szarko, MD and

Carol Szarko, MDJoseph W. Szokol, MDMargaret M. Tarpey, MDRobert W. Vaughan, MDMargaret R. Weglinski, MDMatthew Weinger, MD, MSDavid M. Wheeler, MD,

PhDDavid J. Wilkinson, MB,

BSCourtney G. Williams, MDChristopher L. Wu, MDMyron Yaster, MDSi-Ju L. Zimmerman, MD

$200-$499Richard P. Albertson, MDRaed Abdullah, MDGregory C. Allen, MDJames A. Allinger, MDMaria C. Alvarado, MDCorrie T. M. Anderson, MDMs. Suzanne T. AndersonJ. J. Andrews, MDDavid R. Andrews, MDChristian C. Apfel, MDValerie E. Armstead, MDDonald E. Arnold, MDMichael J. Avram, PhDJared C. Barlow, MDRichard R. Bartkowski, MD

*Donor status as of 2010. List may reflect gifts and/or pledge commitments. Please let us know where listing may differ from your records.

“The Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program is just one of many reasons to support FAER and the work it does to strengthen and grow our specialty. I strongly encourage you to visit today to learn more about FAER and to make a donation.” – Donn M. Dennis, MD, FAHA, Joachim S. Gravenstein, MD, Professor in Anesthesiology, Director of Nanomedicine, University of Florida; Chief Science Officer, Xhale, Inc., Gainesville, FL; FAER Board Member; Chair, FAER MSARF Program.



George E. Battit, MDLoren A. Bauman, MDJames L. Becker, MDDavid S. Beebe, MDAlex Y. Bekker, MD, PhDGeorge C. Bell, MDJoseph C. Belshe, MDAudree A. Bendo, MDRichard A. Berkowitz, MDPaul C. Bicket, MDSimon C. Body, MB, ChB,

MPHJeffry Brand, MDCaridad Bravo-Fernandez,

MDGene Brenowitz, MDBruce R. Brookens, MD,

PCMatthew W. Caldwell, MDDaniel B. Carr, MDJames W. Chapin, MDMarlene V. Chua, MDDavid J. Clark, MD, PhDHarriet A. Clarke, MDNeal H. Cohen, MDDominic J. Cottrell, MDJon P. Cowan, MDAlan E. Curle, MDMark L. D’Agostino, MDMr. Flynn J. DelaneyJayant K. Deshpande, MDLena E. Dohlman, MDKaren B. Domino, MDMichelle A. Douglass, MD,

BSN, CRNABurdett S. Dunbar, MDMarcel E. Durieux, MD,

PhDJan Ehrenwerth, MDJohn E. Ellis, MDF. Kayser Enneking, MDRamon D. Espinal, MDCynthia A. Ferris, MDIsabelle I. Fertey, MDEugene E. Fibuch, MDJane C. K. Fitch, MDPamela Flood, MDStuart A. Forman, MD, PhDAmanda A. Fox, MDMark P. Fritz, MDPrasad D. Gadiraju, MDJames B. Gagnon, MD

Jeanne S. GarnettSteven J. Gerschultz, MDJames S. Gessner, MDRona G. Giffard, MD, PhDHugh C. Gilbert, MDIan J. Gilmour, MDPeter S. A. Glass, MB, ChBGina M. Glick, MDAllan Goldstein, MDJohn L. Gordon, MDLawrence Gorfine, MDDrs. Shirley Graves and

Jerome Modell*Andrew A. Greenberg, MDMerel H. Harmel, MDTara M. Hata, MDJohn S. Hattox, MDStephen O. Heard, MDJohn Hedley-Whyte, MDTessa Hedley-Whyte, MDSally H. Helton, MDMichael W. Hoger, DOGlen E. Holley, MDAndrew J. Houlton, MDFrancis P. Hughes, PhDEric M. Humphreys, MDJacob Israel, MDThomas G. Johans, MDMr. Glenn JohnsonHenry C. Johnston, MBJames D. Kindscher, MDR. Ben King, Jr, MDJerome M. Klafta, MDMichael G. Kral, MDIlya Z. Kreynin, MDIra S. Kass, PhDBettyLou Koffel, MDForrest J. Krause, MDGopal Krishna, MDPatrick J. Lawler, MDJeffrey S. Lee, MDMirjana Lovrincevic, MDJames G. Mathis, MDJohn E. McCall, MDLeRoy Misuraca, MDConstance L. Monitto, MDDavid M. Polaner, MDWilliam Schultz, MDGeorge P. Sessions, MDJohn E. Steinhaus, MDFrancis S. Stellaccio, MDRichard J. Traystman, PhD

Harry K. Wallfisch, MDDavid C. Warltier, MD, PhDJ. L. Lichtor, MDRenyu Liu, MD, PhDLisabeth L. Maloney, MDSimeon P. Manalili, MDWayne K. Marshall, MDDesmond F. McLaughlin,

MDKeith W. Miller, PhDp*rnswan

Ngamprasertwong, MDCarmelita S. Pablo, MDPratik P. Pandharipande,

MDMukesh Patel, MDLee S. Perrin, MDMichael R. Pierson, MDLinda S. Polley, MDJames A. Prentice, MDPeter G. Pryde, MDMichael A. Ramsay, MB,

BSFrederic M. Ramsey, MDMarc T. Reichel, MDCarl Rosow, MDJohn C. Rowlingson, MDSenthilkumar Sadhasivam,

MDNilda Salaman, MDJames A. Salvatore, MDDr. Howard Schapiro and

Mrs. Jan CarrollMark S. Scheller, MDRobert E. Shangraw, MDNorman J. Starr, MDDr. Eckehard Stuth and

Ms. Janellen Becker-Stuth

Claude R. Swayze, MDBrian Tobias, MDJimmie P. Watkins, MD,

PhD, DDSWoodrow W. Wendling,

MD, PhDJames H. Williams, MD,

PhDLee C. Woodson, MDLawrence I. Young, MDMichael P. Zygmunt, MDC. P. Larson, Jr, MDErwin Lear, MD

Susan R. Lisman, MDAnne M. Lynn, MDBruce M. MacIver, PhDJonathan B. Mark, MDRobert G. Merin, MDJoseph M. Neal, MDHoward S. Nearman, MD,

MBAHuong L. Nguyen, MDSusan K. Palmer, MDRobert A. Peterfreund, MD,

PhDTheodore A. Peterson, MDDebra D. Pulley, MDJeanne A. Rea, MDSteven R. Rettke, MDRichard S. Richards, MDMarc A. Rozner, PhD, MDStephen M. Rupp, MDRichard M. Schlobohm,

MDDebra A. Schwinn, MDLiberacion L. Soriano, MDGustav E. Staahl, MDMack A. Thomas, MDNorbert Topf, MDThomas L. Warren, MDBarbara Waud, MDJacques T. Ya Deau, MD,

PhDLawrence I. Young, MDJohn A. Youngberg, MD

$100-$199Maurice S. Albin, MDJohn Allyn, MDTimothy Angelotti, MD,

PhDStephen P. Bailey, MDR. D. Bastron, MDRobert F. Bedford, MDRichard A. Beers, MDElliott Bennett-Guerrero,

MDMitchell F. Berman, MDRamachandra J. Bhat, MDPaul E. Bigeleisen, MDTimothy J. Brennan, MD,

PhDCharles M. Brohm, MDDr. Morris and Rhonda


William P. Bundschuh, MDEwan M. Cameron, MB,

ChB, FRCAPeter J. Cannon, MDJames G. Carter, MDMay L. Chin, MDChristopher D. Chinn, MD,

MPHRichard B. Clark, MDDaniel J. Cole, MDStephen C. Cotton, MDHarry J. Cozen, MDEric C. Crabtree, MDJoseph P. Cravero, MDDavid J. Cullen, MD, MSEric R. Davies, MDTalmage D. Egan, MDEdmond I. Eger, II, MDJohn H. Eisenach, MDRobert M. Epstein, MDNeil E. Farber, MD, PhDJames H. Fitzpatrick, Jr,

MDSteven T. Fogel, MDElizabeth A. Frost, MDLynn D. George, MDCharles P. Gibbs, MDTimothy B. Gilbert, MDRichard J. Gnaedinger, MDMichael E. Goldberg, MDGlenn S. Gollobin, MDCharles D. Gregorius, MDAlina M. Grigore, MDJonathan Griswold, MD,

MSMr. and Mrs. Nathan D.

GrunewaldJohn A. Hamel, V, MDBrian E. Harrington, MDHenri S. Havdala, MDRobert Helton, MDHugh C. Hemmings, Jr,

MDPeter L. Hendricks, MDAndrew Herlich, MDEric J. Heyer, MDJames S. Hicks, MDGary E. Hirshberg, MDEric P. Ho, MDDavid P. Holder, MDBarbel Holtmann, MDKiyoaky Hori, MD

“Many of us find our calling at the patient bedside, holding hands and assuring our patients that we will do everything possible to keep them safe and comfortable for their surgery. Yet continued research is what enables us to keep this promise to our patients. Even if we are not actively involved in research, it behooves all practicing anesthesiologists to help those who are doing the research that will benefit every one of our patients in years to come.” – Mary B. Weber, MD, Staff Anesthesiologist and Medical Director of the Operating Room, Wyoming Medical Center; Adjunct Faculty for University of Wyoming Family Practice Residency Program, Casper, WY; Past President, Wyoming Society of Anesthesiologists.

FaeR Annual Report | 25


2010 Foundation and Trust Donors$500,000 or More

Gertie F. Marx Private Foundation

$5,000-$10,000Gladys Sessler Charitable Trust Ronald L. Katz Family FoundationValley Anesthesiology Foundation

Up to $4,999Associated Anesthesiologists Fund of the St. Paul FoundationEl Dorado Community FoundationFBO Harriet A. Clarke Living TrustLeRoy Misuraca Living Trust Matjasko-Chiu Foundation, Inc.Survivor’s Trust Estate Under the Clarke Family Trust

Nancy S. Horie, MDMichael L. James, MDClyde W. Jones, MDScott D. Kelley, MDMax Kelz, MD, PhDJohn E. Kemp, MDNancy B. Kenepp, MDScott E. Kercheville, MDEugene J. Kim, MDLuke M. Kitahata, MDSanford L. Klein, MDScott E. Kolesky, MD, PhDSteven M. Koppel, MDAlice L. Landrum, MDWilliam L. Lanier, Jr, MDTerry W. Latson, MDDemetria C. Leong, MDGeorge I. Lee, MDColin F. Mackenzie, MDAlan P. Marco, MDDavid P. Martin, MD, PhDPeter L. McDermott, MD,

PhDBrian P. McGlinch, MDRoger A. Moore, MDJeff T. Mueller, MDThomas R. Murray, MD,

PhDTrevor P. Myers, MDL. C. Novak, MDMansukhlal G. Padalia, MD

Gail I. Randel, MDRichard M. Smiley, MDLaird G. YockSteven L. Outly, MDBarbara A. Page, MDBen Julian A. Palanca,

MD, PhDMadhu J. Patel, MDMs. Sarah PenderPatricia H. Petrozza, MDBeverly K. Philip, MDJames H. Philip, MDP. Gail Pirie, MDRanga V. Reddy, MDWallace A. Reed, MDHenry Rosenberg, MDJoseph V. Ryckman, MDPaul J. Savaryn, MDPatrick J. Scanlan, MDMark Schreiner, MDLarry M. Segers, MDJoseph L. Seltzer, MDJay H. Shapiro, MDZhanqing Shen, MDGeorge J. Sheplock, MDMarina Shindell, DOCarmen Simion, MDHarinder P. Singh, MDAndrew O. Smith, MDGautam M. Sreeram, MDShepard B. Stone, PA

Erin A. Sullivan, MDGary E. Takahashi, DOLaurence Torsher, MDTakeko M. Toyama, MDChristiane C. Tsakis, MDGerald F. Tuohy, MDPaul A. Vadnais, MDSusan A. Vassallo, MDAnupama N. Wadhwa, MDRussell T. Wall, III, MDMr. David C. WolfsonEdward A. Yaghmour, MDMark P. Yeager, MDMarie L. Young, MDGerald L. Zeitlin, MD

Up to $99Melanie J. Alo, MDDouglas B. Borromeo, MDPeter A. Boulukos, MDRuth E. Burstrom, MDMark D. Brady, MDRobert W. Brandt, MDLouise E. BrockmanD. R. Buechel, Sr, MDWilbur F. Cant, MDStephen D. Carlson, MDDonn A. Chambers, MDJohn C. Chatelain, MD

Sampath K. Chennamaneni, MD

Jonathan T. Clarke, MDDavid M. Clement, MDHarry Cohen, MDOrlando E. Cruz, MDJohn Desmarteau, MDLawrence D. Egbert, MD,

MPHPaul G. Epler, MDThomas W. Fawell, MDAdolph H. Giesecke Jr. MDB. A. Gillen, MDHarriet A. Hamer, MDBradley G. Hanebrink, DOPreston P. Hawkins, MDJoseph Himes, MDYumiko Ishizawa, MD,

PhD, MPHEric S. Johnson, MDDr. and Mrs. Joannes

KarisDr. Samia KhalilPramod S. Kulkarni, MBDanuta O. Larson, MDPaul F. Lennon, MDJerry Levitt, MDManfred W. Lichtmann,

MDRoger D. Lillemoen, MD

Angelita U. Luz-Tobias, MD

Joseph L. Manley, MDNathan A. Marengi, MDHector Martinez, MDThomas T. McGranahan,

MDPearl G. McNall, MDMary P. Mehrez, MDJaideep Mehta, MD, MBAAbshalom Meiri, MDWade R. Porterfield, MDSreelatha Panthayi, MDMichael G. Parisi, DORobert Pascucci, MDRoger J. Pede, MDRichard L. Pokorny, MDPeter Roodhouse, MDLaurence S. Reisner, MDMary M. Schrandt, MAOMCharles E. Smith, MDRobin B. Stedman, MD,

MPHFrederick and Catherine

SteffenKenneth Sugioka, MDCarlos E. Villalobos, MDE. Lynne Williams, MDGene Wu, MDIan Y. Yang, MD

Gertie Marx, MD, was a pioneer in anesthesiology, helping to establish obstetric anesthesiology as a subspecialty. Dr. Marx’s contributions to the practice of OB anesthesia include acute hydration for prevention of postspinal hypotension, studies of aorto-caval compression, and the use of regional anesthesia for emergency cesarean sections. She was honored with the ASA’s Distinguished Service Award in 1988. Often called “the Mother of Obstetric Anesthesia,” she passed away on January 25, 2004.

Dr. Marx’s passion for obstetric anesthesiology lives on through the Gertie Marx Research and Education Fund, which she established at FAER several years before her death. In 2005, this fund was the beneficiary of $320,000 from her estate, with contributions of roughly $30,000 to follow yearly thereafter. In 2010, FAER received an additional annuity from the estate of Dr. Marx worth more than $450,000.

Gertie Marx, MD, obstetric anesthesia pioneer and generous FAER benefactor.



2010 Individual DonorsGifts in Kind

Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPHRichard D. Urman, MD, MBA

In HonorGregory C. Allen, MD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD Timothy Angelotti, MD, PhD, in honor of Nicholas Angelotti Drs. Michael Avidan and George Mashour, in appreciation of FAER’s

contribution to their research endeavorsPaul E. Bigeleisen, MD, in honor of Denham Ward, MD, PhD Charles M. Brohm, MD, in honor of Drs. Louise and Donald Smith Bruce R. Brookens, MD, PC, in honor of Thomas Hornbein, MD Dr. Morris and Rhonda Brown, in honor of Dmitriy Urman, MD Debra Bulter, CPA, MBA, in honor of Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD Jason A. Campagna, MD, PhD, in honor of Keith Baker, MD, PhD Ian Carroll, MD, in honor of Joseph and Roberta Carroll Harry Cohen, MD, in honor of Martin Helrich, MD Alan E. Curle, MD, in honor of Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD Mark L. D’Agostino, MD, in honor of J. Pat O’Gara, MD Michael Eaton, MD, in honor of Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD John H. Eisenach, MD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD Ms. Christin L. Engelhardt, in honor of Douglas G. Merrill, MD,

and Eugene R. Viscusi, MDJeanne S. Garnett, in honor of Gordon M. Garnett, MD Charles P. Gibbs, MD, in honor of Milton H. Alper, MD Laurent G. Glance, MD, in honor of Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD Glenn S. Gollobin, MD, in honor of Dr. Jeffry Gross Jonathan Griswold, MD, MS, in honor of Morton Rosenberg, DMD Mr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Grunewald, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD,

and the FAER Staff Alexander A. Hannenberg, MD, in honor of Lauren Cornella, MD,

and the Rhode Island Society of Anesthesiologists Brian E. Harrington, MD, in honor of Gale Thompson, MD Joseph Himes, MD, in honor of John P. Kampine, MD, PhD Andrew J. Houlton, MD, in honor of William H. Houlton, MD Francis M. James, III, MD, in honor of David Longnecker, MD Suzanne B. Karan, MD, in honor of Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD John E. Kemp, MD, in honor of D. Robert Buechel, MD Susan R. Lisman, MD, in honor of Alexander A. Hannenberg, MD Anne M. Lynn, MD, in honor of Thomas Hornbein, MD Brian P. McGlinch, MD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD Fredrick K. Orkin, MD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MDPatricia H. Petrozza, MD, in honor of M. Jane Matjasko, MD David M. Polaner, MD, in honor of Warren M. Zapol, MD James A. Prentice, MD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD Jerome Parness, MD, PhD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD Mary D. Peterson, MD, in honor of James F. Arens, MD Yupadi Prasertwanitch, MD, in honor of Dr. Alan Sessler John C. Rowlingson, MD, in honor of Frederic A. Berry, MD Joseph V. Ryckman, MD, in honor of Cleveland Clinic Medical Staff Paul J. Savaryn, MD, in honor of James Chapin, MD Sam R. Sharar, MD, in honor of Tom Hornbein, MD,

and Bruce F. Cullen, MD Liberacion L. Soriano, MD, in honor of Rex Soriano Laurence Torsher, MD, in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MD Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, anonymous

in honor of Alan D. Sessler, MDSusan A. Vassallo, MD, in honor of Jeevendra Martyn, MD Anupama N. Wadhwa, MD, in honor of Carol Lake, MD Christopher L. Wu, MD, in honor of Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD Lawrence I. Young, MD, in honor of Helen Misenheimer, PhD

HonorariaGeorgia Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., honorarium for

Jerry A. Cohen, MDHaglund, Kelley, Horngren, Jones & Wilder, LLP, honorarium for

Jeffrey R. Kirsch, MDIowa Society of Anesthesiologists, honorarium for John Zerwas, MDLippincott Williams & Wilkins, honorarium for the authors and editors of

“Avoiding Common Anesthesia Errors” University of Cincinnati Medical Center, honorarium for Jerry Cohen, MD

In MemoryCorrie T. M. Anderson, MD, in memory of Lewis I. Williams, III Robert F. Bedford, MD, in memory of Donald Clark, MD George C. Bell, MD, in memory of Leroy D Vandam, MD Philip F. Boyle, MD, in memory of Eugene H. Boyle, MD Louise E. Brockman, in memory of Gordon M. Garnett, MD John F. Butterworth, IV, MD, in memory of Leroy Vandam, MD and

Benjamin Covino, MD Marlene V. Chua, MD, in memory of Lolita Lennox CAP Anesthesia, PC, in memory of Paul Levesque, MD James G. Carter, MD, in memory of Jack Moyers, MD Harry J. Cozen, MD, in memory of Mr. Monte Monfore El Dorado Community Foundation, in memory of John William Pender, MDJames C. Erickson, III, MD, in memory of Patrick Sim, MLS Elizabeth A. Frost, MD, in memory of Louis R. Orkin, MD Prasad D. Gadiraju, MD, in memory of Michael Jackson Jeanne S. Garnett, in memory of Gorden M. Garnett, MD Ian J. Gilmour, MD, in memory of Jon F. Berlauk, MD William L. Greer, MD, in memory of Leonard D. Fenninger, MD Andrew Herlich, MD, in memory of Alvin S. Herlich and Betty

and Irving Luftman Robert P. Introna, MD, in memory of Zachariah Gramling, MD Jacob Israel, MD, in memory of Charles Beattie, MD, and

LeRoy Vandam, MD Scott E. Kercheville, MD, in memory of Betty P. Stephenson, MD C. P. Larson, Jr., MD, in memory of S. Craighead Alexander, MD,

Peter J. Cohen, Joel D. Fine, MD, and Gilbert E. Kinyon, MDJoel Kaplan, MD, in memory of Stephen Prevoznik, MD Thomas T. McGranahan, MD, in memory of Genevieve S. Buck, MD Pearl G. McNall, MD, in memory of Michael Pappas, MD Robert G. Merin, MD, in memory of Burnell R. Brown, MD, PhD, and

Joseph C. Gabel, MD Mississippi Society of Anesthesiologists, in memory of Mrs. Lynn Caine Mark C. Norris, MD, in memory of Samuel C. Hughes, MD Fredrick K. Orkin, MD, in memory of Louis Orkin, MD, Garfield Russell,

MD, and Leroy D. Vandam, MD Mary D. Peterson, MD, in memory of Betty Stephenson, MD David M. Polaner, MD, in memory of I. David Todres, MBChB Gustav E. Staahl, MD, in memory of Richard Noble, MD Frederick and Catherine Steffen, in memory of Gordon Garnett, MD Francis S. Stellaccio, MD, in memory of Salvatore Stellaccio Texas Society of Anesthesiologists, in memory of Julius H. Spence, MD,

and Thomas H. Almond, MD Takeko M. Toyama, MD, in memory of Leroy D. Vandam, MD Thomas L. Warren, MD, in memory of Stan Antosh, MD John P. Williams, MD, DO, in memory of Joseph C. Gabel, MD Gerald L. Zeitlin, MD, in memory of Leroy D. Vandam, MD

FAER Annua l Repor t | 27


Introducing the Society for Anesthesia Education and ResearchIn 2010 FAER launched a new mechanism for academic departments and practice groups to support FAER’s mission. Membership in the Society for Anesthesiology Education and Research (SAER) provides recognition for anesthesia departments and practice groups that support FAER’s existing research programs and the development of new opportunities. Yearly dues are $5,000.

SAER Charter MembersAlbany Medical Center, Department of AnesthesiologyAnesthesiology Institute, Cleveland ClinicBrigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology,

Perioperative and Pain MedicineChildren’s Hospital Boston, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative

and Pain MedicineColumbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Department of

AnesthesiologyDartmouth-Hitchco*ck Medical Center, Department of AnesthesiologyGeorgia Health Sciences University, Department of Anesthesiology and

Perioperative MedicineJohn H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, Department of Anesthesiology

and Pain ManagementJohns Hopkins University, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care

MedicineLoma Linda University, Department of AnesthesiologyMassachusetts General Hospital, Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care

and Pain Medicine.Mayo Clinic, Department of AnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin, Department of AnesthesiologyMount Sinai School of Medicine (New York), Department of AnesthesiologyNew York University Medical Center, Department of AnesthesiologyOhio State University, Department of AnesthesiologyPark Slope Anesthesia Associates of New York Methodist HospitalProvidence Anchorage Anesthesia Medical Group, P.C.

Department of AnesthesiologySchool of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis,

Department of AnesthesiologyStanford University Medical Center, Department of AnesthesiologyState University of New York, Brooklyn (Downstate),

Department of Anesthesiology

State University of New York, Stony Brook, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Alabama, Birmingham, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity at Buffalo, Department of Anesthesiology,

State University of New YorkUniversity of California, Irvine, Department of Anesthesiology

and Perioperative CareUniversity of California, San Francisco, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Cincinnati, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Florida College of Medicine, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Illinois, Department of Anesthesiology at ChicagoUniversity of Louisville, Department of Anesthesiology

and Perioperative MedicineUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School,

Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Michigan, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center,

Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,

Department of Anesthesiology and Critical CareUniversity of Pittsburgh, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Rochester Medical Center, Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, Department of

AnesthesiologyUniversity of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston,

Department of AnesthesiologyUniversity of Washington, Department of Anesthesiology

and Pain MedicineUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of AnesthesiologyVanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of AnesthesiologyWeill Cornell Medical College, Department of AnesthesiologyYale University, Department of Anesthesiology

2010 Mentored Research Training Grant recipient Jennifer K. Lee, MD, in the lab at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.


FAER Board and Staff

Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD, has been named to succeed Alan D. Sessler, MD, as FAER President.

FAER Names New PresidentThe FAER Board of Directors is pleased to announce that they have appointed Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD, as successor for longtime FAER President Alan D. Sessler, MD. Dr. Ward will begin as FAER President in July 2011. He is currently FAER Board Chair and Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and Associate Dean for Faculty Development-Medical Education at the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY.

FAER StaffAlan D. Sessler, MD, PresidentDavid Wolfson, CFRE, Chief Development OfficerNicole Brudos Ferrara, Associate DirectorCarol L. Demulling, Associate DirectorMary M. Schrandt, Associate DirectorJan Headley, Administrative Assistant

FAER Annua l Repor t | 29

FAER Board and Staff

2009-2010 FAER Board of DirectorsCHAIR Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

VICE CHAIR James R. Zaidan, MD, MBA Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

TREASURER Francis P. Hughes, PhD Cary, NC

SECRETARY Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD Stanford University Hospital, Stanford, CA

Joseph P. Annis, MD Austin, TX

Arnold J. Berry, MD, MPH (VP Scientific Affairs) Emory University, Atlanta, GA

George T. Blike, MD Dartmouth Hitchco*ck Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

David L. Brown, MD Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

Donn M. Dennis, MD, FAHA University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL

James C. Eisenach, MD Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC

Lee A. Fleisher, MD University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

D. David Glass, MD Dartmouth Hitchco*ck Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

Orin F. Guidry, MD Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

Alexander A. Hannenberg, MD Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton, MA

Joy L. Hawkins, MD University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO

Keith A. Jones, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

John P. Kampine, MD, PhD Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Sean K. Kennedy, MD University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD Washington University, St. Louis, MO

Jeffrey R. Kirsch, MD Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR

Mark J. Lema, MD, PhD University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY

Kathryn E. McGoldrick, MD New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY

Francis X. McGowan, MD Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA

Charles W. Otto, MD University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Armin Schubert, MD, MBA Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, LA

M. Christine Stock, MD Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Paloma Toledo, MD Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Rebecca S. Twersky, MD, MPH SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

Charles A. Vacanti, MD Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Mark A. Warner, MD Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, MD Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Karen S. Williams, MD George Washington University, Washington, DC

Margaret Wood, MB, ChB Columbia Presbyterian, New York, NY

John M. Zerwas, MD Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Houston, TX

Left to right: FAER Board member and Chair of the Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program, Donn M. Dennis, MD, FAHA; FAER Associate Director Mary M Schrandt, MAOM; MSARF Program sponsor Ronald L. Katz, MD; and FAER Board Member and ASA Immediate Past President Alexander A. Hannenberg, MD.

200 First Street SW, WF6-674 Rochester, MN 55905

Phone: (507) 266-6866

Email: [emailprotected]


It’s About Discovery. It’s About Innovation. It’s About ... - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the discovery of PDF? ›

PDF was developed to share documents, including text formatting and inline images, among computer users of disparate platforms who may not have access to mutually-compatible application software. It was created by a research and development team called Camelot, which was personally led by Warnock himself.

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How to Fix Adobe Acrobat Out of Memory Error in Windows 10?
  1. Method 1: Relaunch Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Method 2: Disable Fast Web View.
  3. Method 3: Reduce the File Size.
  4. Method 4: Allow Maximum Memory.
  5. Method 5: Empty the Temp Folder.
  6. Method 6: Open the File from an Internal Hard Drive.
Jan 2, 2024

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You may not have Adobe Reader installed on your viewing environment may not be properly configured to use adobe reader. The form you are attempting to open is a dynamic XFA form. These forms can only be opened in an XFA aware reader, which basically means Adobe Acrobat.

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PDF stands for "portable document format". Essentially, the format is used when you need to save files that cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed. Today most devices have a version of Adobe Reader or can open a PDF in an Internet Browser.

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Here are a few potential spots where you'll likely find your downloaded PDFs: My Files app (sometimes called File Manager) Google Drive or One Drive. Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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PDFs are a portable document format. This means they can be used to maintain important information from the file, such as text formatting, images, hyperlinks and comments. Share and view files effortlessly.

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Clear Browser Cache and Cookies. If you are still getting the “out of memory” error code in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox, you can try clearing the browser cache and cookies. This will remove tons of cache data from your browser and will freshly load pages without any resource overhead.

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How to Fix Character Encoding in PDF [5 Solutions]
  1. Solution 1. Check for Updates of PDF Viewers.
  2. Solution 2. Repair Character Encoding in PDF with Software.
  3. Solution 3. Repair Damaged PDF Files Online.
  4. Solution 4. Reinstall PDF Readers.
  5. Solution 5. Restore the Previous PDF File Version.
May 20, 2024

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This error code often happens when your browser has run out of available system resources and when you are browsing content-heavy content, a blank page will appear with the error code out of memory Chrome.

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You can open PDFs with Microsoft Edge (which is the default app), but it will offer only limited functionality. The best way to view PDFs is with a PDF-specific reader. Many PDF readers, such as Adobe Acrobat, can be downloaded for free online.

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Clear the browser cache (sometimes called temporary Internet files) to ensure that you're viewing a fresh version of the page. Be careful when selecting the options. Clear only the browser cache. If you clear all temporary Internet files, you could delete the cookies that contain login information and preferences.

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Your PDF reader or preferred program is out of date and needs an update. Your PDF application is potentially damaged or needs to be rebooted. The PDF is potentially damaged or tampered with. A potential virus or malicious attack is embedded into a PDF file.

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Anyone may create applications that can read and write PDF files without having to pay royalties to Adobe Systems; Adobe holds patents to PDF, but licenses them for royalty-free use in developing software complying with its PDF specification.

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Adobe Acrobat Standard is their basic PDF editor, while Acrobat Pro has more advanced features such as redaction, OCR, Bates numbering, etc. PDF Pro, one the other hand, is our no-nonsense PDF editor that was designed specifically to be an affordable Adobe Acrobat alternative.

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Conclusion: Which is the best format? The best strategy is one that incorporates the use of both of these formats. The Word format is clearly the best choice for editing and making changes to works-in-progress while the PDF format is the preferred option for viewing and sharing documents.

When was PDF discovered? ›

In 1896, Johnson & Johnson released Lister's Towels also known as 'Sanitary Napkins for Ladies' which were most likely the first disposable and commercially sold pads. They were manufactured out of cotton and gauze.

Who discovered PDF? ›

Adobe created the PDF.

In 1991, Adobe co-founder Dr John Warnock launched the paper-to-digital revolution with an idea he called, The Camelot Project. The goal was to enable anyone to capture documents from any application, send electronic versions of these documents anywhere and view and print them on any machine.

Who is the man who invented PDF? ›

John Warnock, a founder of Adobe Systems whose innovations in computer graphics, including the ubiquitous PDF, made possible today's visually rich digital experiences, died Saturday at his home in Los Altos, California.

When was this PDF created? ›

Right-click the identical PDF and choose Properties. In the Details tab you will see your old “Date created” information is now changed to the current time and date.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.