Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (2024)

Mario Cotza


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Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne erlebt, bedingt durch mehrere kumulative Faktoren. Der unaufhaltsame Anstieg der Inflation hat die Kaufkraft untergraben, während politische Entscheidungen im Zusammenhang mit der Klimapolitik zusätzliche wirtschaftliche Belastungen verursacht haben. Der Übergang weg von fossilen Brennstoffen und die Abschaltung von Kernkraftwerken haben die Energiekrise verschärft und zu höheren Kosten für Verbraucher und Unternehmen gleichermaßen geführt. Zudem hat die aggressive Außenpolitik der aktuellen Regierung die wirtschaftliche Lage weiter destabilisiert.Dieses wirtschaftliche Chaos ist besonders schmerzhaft für die breite Bevölkerung und verheerend für jene, die bereits mit niedrigen Einkommen zu kämpfen hatten. Infolgedessen spüren viele Deutsche den akuten Druck einer verringerten finanziellen Stabilität und gestiegener Lebenshaltungskosten.Bei den jüngsten Wahlen gaben 33% der Deutschen mit niedrigem Lebensstandard ihre Stimme der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Dieser Anstieg der Unterstützung ist bemerkenswert, da die AfD eine der wenigen politischen Parteien ist, die für sofortigen Frieden und Verhandlungen eintritt, eine Haltung, die bei Wählern Anklang findet, die von den aktuellen Regierungsmaßnahmen enttäuscht sind. Die Anziehungskraft des Programms der AfD unterstreicht eine wachsende Unzufriedenheit unter den Wählern, insbesondere bei denen, die am stärksten von der wirtschaftlichen Abwärtsentwicklung betroffen sind.

  • Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (2)
  • Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (3)


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    When the government says they have lowered inflation to 2% that’s what they mean.



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  • Mario Cotza


    **Have We Become Too Misinformed and Influenced for Effective Democracy?**- When the US Congress approved the invasion of Iraq, a significant portion of the American public was operating under a critical misperception. According to Pew Research, 66% of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein had contributed to the 9/11 attacks, while only 21% correctly understood that he was not involved (source: Pew Research).- In Britain, historical awareness appears to be similarly skewed. A survey revealed that a majority of Britons believe that the UK (42%) and the US (12%) did the most to defeat Nazi Germany during World War II. Astonishingly, only 6% acknowledged the Soviet Union's paramount role in the conflict, despite the fact that approximately 85% of German military casualties occurred on the Eastern Front, highlighting the pivotal role the Soviet Union played in the Allied victory (source: Redfield & Wilton Strategies).- The current reporting on the war in Ukraine demonstrates a significant gap in the dissemination of key information. - For a democracy to function effectively, it requires an informed and educated public capable of making well-considered decisions. Prominent scholars like Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays have long argued that democracies, perhaps paradoxically, are more reliant on propaganda. When sovereignty rests with the people, it becomes crucial to shape public opinion to guide the collective will in a specific direction.These examples underscore a troubling trend: significant segments of the public are making decisions based on incomplete or misleading information. This phenomenon raises concerns about the capacity of democratic societies to function optimally when their citizens are not adequately informed. It highlights the urgent need for a more robust and critical media landscape that prioritizes comprehensive and accurate reporting.

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    #SOLAREXPLOSION**In the early hours of this morning, around 3 a.m., (CET , Central European Time )the active region AR3697 (visible on the right in the sequence below) unleashed a massive coronal mass ejection (CME) on the Sun's western side. This prolonged solar eruption propelled a substantial amount of solar particles into interplanetary space.Current models predict that this stream of solar particles could reach Earth's vicinity by Monday, June 10th, or Tuesday, June 11th. If Earth's magnetic field is aligned correctly, these particles could interact with our atmosphere to produce stunning auroras, particularly at high latitudes.The phenomena we're discussing stem from the Sun's dynamic activity. Coronal mass ejections like this one involve the release of billions of tons of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun's corona into space. When these particles encounter Earth's magnetic field, they can cause geomagnetic storms, which are responsible for the spectacular auroral displays in polar regions.Auroras, commonly known as the Northern and Southern Lights, occur when charged particles from the Sun collide with gases in Earth's atmosphere, causing them to emit light. These interactions typically produce green and pink hues, but under more intense conditions, shades of red, yellow, blue, and violet can also be seen.The potential for auroras depends on several factors, including the strength and orientation of Earth's magnetic field and the intensity of the solar particles. While the highest probability of observing these lights is in regions closer to the poles, strong solar events can sometimes make auroras visible at lower latitudes.This solar event is a reminder of the Sun's powerful influence on our planet. Besides creating beautiful light displays, solar storms can have more practical impacts, such as disrupting satellite communications, climate modifications and storms disrupt navigation systems, and even power grids. As our technological infrastructure becomes more sophisticated, understanding and monitoring solar activity is increasingly crucial.For now, stargazers and aurora enthusiasts in high-latitude regions should keep an eye on the skies on Monday and Tuesday nights. If conditions align, they might witness one of nature's most breathtaking light shows.



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  • Mario Cotza


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    #WhoPaysandwhor*ceives?#CANADA The latest data on federal revenue and spending disparities reveal that in 2019, only three provinces—Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia—were "net contributors." This means that taxpayers in these provinces sent more money to Ottawa than their provinces received in program spending and transfers. Conversely, the other provinces experienced federal per capita spending levels that exceeded the per capita federal revenues raised from their taxpayers, classifying them as "net recipients." This is illustrated in #Figure1.Before delving into the reasons behind these revenue and spending differences across provinces, it is crucial to understand that redistribution patterns are not static over time. Some provinces have historically been net contributors only to later become recipients, and vice versa. #Figure 2 Shows a complete series of these trends since 1961, with estimates adjusted for aggregate imbalances. The scale of overall redistribution across provinces fluctuates over time. In 2019, approximately 2% of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) was redistributed across provinces through the federal budget. This is a significant decrease from the early 1980s, when redistribution neared 4% of GDP.The fluctuations for specific provinces can be considerable. For instance, Ontario has historically been a large net contributor. However, the financial crisis of 2008-09 severely impacted the province and its substantial manufacturing sector. Federal revenues from Ontarians dropped significantly while federal spending there increased. Consequently, Ontario qualified for equalization payments for a decade starting in 2009-10. In recent years, Ontario’s relative contributions have risen as its economy has recovered.Alberta's patterns also vary with economic conditions. High oil prices in the 1970s and early 1980s, and later during the boom years after 2000, significantly boosted labor income and corporate profits, leading to higher federal revenues from the province. Conversely, during the economic hardships of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as in recent years, Alberta's contributions diminished.In summary, the dynamics of federal revenue contributions and spending across Canadian provinces are influenced by various economic conditions and events. While Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia have recently been net contributors, their status and that of other provinces can shift over time. This underscores the fluid nature of fiscal federalism in Canada and the importance of understanding the economic factors that drive these changes.

    • Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (16)
    • Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (17)
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    #U.S. Federal Government Spending Overview#Purpose:This report presents a detailed breakdown of U.S. federal government #spending by function for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023. The data, sourced from the U.S. Bureau of the Fiscal Service, illustrates how each tax dollar is allocated by converting total spending amounts into percentages.#Major Areas of Government Spending:1. **Social Security**: - **Allocation**: 22% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: Social Security is the largest single expense of the federal government. It provides income for retirees, people with disabilities, and survivors of deceased workers. Benefits can start as early as age 62.2. #HealthandMedicare**: - **Allocation**: Combined, these programs constitute 28% of government spending. - **Health**: This includes grants to states for Medicaid, a program that assists with medical costs for individuals with low incomes. - **Medicare**: A federal health insurance program primarily for people aged 65 and older.3. #NationalDefense**: - **Allocation**: 13% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: This covers expenses such as military personnel salaries, operational and maintenance costs, procurement of military assets (e.g., aircraft and ships), and research and development.4. **Income Security**: - **Allocation**: 13% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: This category includes various forms of financial assistance, such as unemployment benefits, housing assistance, and other welfare programs.5. #NetInterest**: - **Allocation**: 11% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: This represents the interest payments on the national debt.6. #Veterans' Benefits and Services**: - **Allocation**: 5% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: This includes pensions, medical care, and other benefits for military veterans.7. **Transportation**: - **Allocation**: 2% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: Funding for infrastructure projects such as highways, airports, and public transit systems.8. **Commerce**: - **Allocation**: 2% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: This includes spending on economic development, trade, and regulatory agencies.9. **Other**: - **Allocation**: 4% of each tax dollar - **Purpose**: This category encompasses a variety of government functions not covered by the major categories listed above, including education, science, and environmental protection.#SummaryofSpending by Function (per $1 of tax revenue):- **Social Security**: $0.22- **Health**: $0.14- **Medicare**: $0.14- **National Defense**: $0.13- **Income Security**: $0.13- **Net Interest**: $0.11- **Veterans' Benefits & Services**: $0.05- **Transportation**: $0.02- **Commerce**: $0.02- **Other**: $0.04This breakdown provides a clear view of where federal tax dollars allocated priorities and responsibilities of the U.S. NB: Health & Medicare 28%, higher than any state with Free Health system 11% on DEBT INTEREST ?

    • Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (19)



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    We must carefully reflect on the profound insights shared by intellectual giants like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and contemporary thinkers such as Noam Chomsky. These great minds emphasize the urgent need to return to core family values, dismantle the war-driven economy, and rekindle our faith in humanity.Though it may seem that time is running out, it is still worth making the effort to change. We have held the reins of power for far too long, much like the Roman Empire, and have developed a misplaced sense of ownership over the world. This has led us to believe that our perspective is the only valid one and that our democratic ideals are universally correct. However, we must question whether this is the objective truth or merely a comforting illusion we tell ourselves. In our quest to impose our version of civilization, we often disregard the inherent rights and values of other cultures. It is imperative to reassess our actions and attitudes to foster a more inclusive and compassionate global society.


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    Distribution of seats in the European Parliament . Seats per country for the 2024 elections.Please remember that these MEPS can only say YES or NO, can’t propose nor amend.#SeatsperCountry for the 2024 European Elections#CurrentNumber of MEPs vs. Number of MEPs in 2024**Germany (DE)**- Current number of MEPs: 96- Number of MEPs in 2024: 96**France (FR)**- Current number of MEPs: 79- Number of MEPs in 2024: 81 - Increase: +2**Italy (IT)**- Current number of MEPs: 76- Number of MEPs in 2024: 76**Spain (ES)**- Current number of MEPs: 59- Number of MEPs in 2024: 61 - Increase: +2**Poland (PL)**- Current number of MEPs: 52- Number of MEPs in 2024: 53 - Increase: +1**Romania (RO)**- Current number of MEPs: 33- Number of MEPs in 2024: 33**Netherlands (NL)**- Current number of MEPs: 29- Number of MEPs in 2024: 31 - Increase: +2**Belgium (BE)**- Current number of MEPs: 21- Number of MEPs in 2024: 22 - Increase: +1**Greece (EL)**- Current number of MEPs: 21- Number of MEPs in 2024: 21**Czech Republic (CZ)**- Current number of MEPs: 21- Number of MEPs in 2024: 21**Sweden (SE)**- Current number of MEPs: 21- Number of MEPs in 2024: 21**Portugal (PT)**- Current number of MEPs: 21- Number of MEPs in 2024: 21**Hungary (HU)**- Current number of MEPs: 21- Number of MEPs in 2024: 21**Austria (AT)**- Current number of MEPs: 19- Number of MEPs in 2024: 20 - Increase: +1**Bulgaria (BG)**- Current number of MEPs: 17- Number of MEPs in 2024: 17**Denmark (DK)**- Current number of MEPs: 14- Number of MEPs in 2024: 15 - Increase: +1**Finland (FI)**- Current number of MEPs: 14- Number of MEPs in 2024: 15 - Increase: +1**Slovakia (SK)**- Current number of MEPs: 14- Number of MEPs in 2024: 15 - Increase: +1**Ireland (IE)**- Current number of MEPs: 13- Number of MEPs in 2024: 14 - Increase: +1**Croatia (HR)**- Current number of MEPs: 12- Number of MEPs in 2024: 12**Lithuania (LT)**- Current number of MEPs: 11- Number of MEPs in 2024: 11**Slovenia (SI)**- Current number of MEPs: 8- Number of MEPs in 2024: 9 - Increase: +1**Latvia (LV)**- Current number of MEPs: 8- Number of MEPs in 2024: 9 - Increase: +1**Estonia (EE)**- Current number of MEPs: 7- Number of MEPs in 2024: 7**Cyprus (CY)**- Current number of MEPs: 6- Number of MEPs in 2024: 6**Luxembourg (LU)**- Current number of MEPs: 6- Number of MEPs in 2024: 6**Malta (MT)**- Current number of MEPs: 6- Number of MEPs in 2024: 6**Total**- Current number of MEPs: 705- Number of MEPs in 2024: 720

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  • Mario Cotza


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    WE CAN ALWAYS PRINT MONEY In an interview with Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, an exchange occurred that sheds light on the perceived safety of U.S. Treasury bonds. When asked if U.S. Treasury bonds were a safe investment, Greenspan responded, "Very much so." He elaborated by stating, "We can always pay any debt as we can always print money to do that."Greenspan’s assertion underscores a fundamental aspect of sovereign debt issued in a country’s own currency: the government’s ability to meet its obligations through the creation of additional money. This is a privilege unique to countries that control their own fiat currencies. The underlying principle is that a government like that of the United States, which issues debt in its own currency, can never truly default in the traditional sense because it can always create more money to service its debt.This concept, while seemingly straightforward, carries significant implications for both investors and policymakers. The ability to print money means the risk of default is virtually non-existent. However, this does not mean the bonds are free from other risks, such as inflation risk or currency depreciation or complete depolarization thus collapse.If we extend this reasoning to the recent introduction of European Bonds, the same principle applies. The European Central Bank (ECB) has the capability to create euros, and thus, theoretically, it can always meet the debt obligations of eurozone countries.The reluctance to openly acknowledge this capacity might stem from the different economic and political dynamics within the eurozone. Unlike the United States, the eurozone is a monetary union composed of multiple sovereign states. The ECB’s ability to print euros is constrained by treaties and political agreements among these states. Explicitly stating that the ECB can always print money to pay off debt could spark concerns about fiscal discipline and inflation, especially among more fiscally conservative member states.Nevertheless, the underlying reality remains similar. The ECB from 2019 has been issuing a lot of Bonds and much like the Federal Reserve, has the power to create money. This power theoretically ensures that euro-denominated debt, like U.S. Treasury bonds, can always be repaid. This does not eliminate risks but does provide a strong backstop against default.In conclusion, Alan Greenspan’s remarks highlight a critical aspect of sovereign debt in fiat currency economies: the ability to print money provides a robust safeguard against default. This principle is equally applicable to the U.S. with its Treasury bonds and the eurozone with its European Bonds, even if the latter's political structure makes it less straightforward to assert. …….More reasons why the EU want to be a Fiscal Union and Federal State ?Are we playing monopoly as all this debt need to be paid ?



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    Great to see Rober Fico speaking again after the assasination attempt .The message is recorded , let’s hope for a speedy recovery and him to come back stronger than before.……C'est génial de voir Rober Fico parler à nouveau après la tentative d'assassinat.Le message est enregistré, espérons un prompt rétablissem*nt et qu'il reviendra plus fort qu'auparavant.


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Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (36)

Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (37)


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Mario Cotza on LinkedIn: Seit 1950 haben die Deutschen den bedeutendsten Rückgang der Reallöhne… (2024)


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